Ȱ for.ty days o.k!(step 09)
eat ~ e.val.u.ate
== e ==
078. eat/i:t/[̟]
[] (ate [eit / et], ~́en [í:tn])
() Դ, () ϰ ϴ, Դ, ҸŰ
rust ~s/i:ts/ i.ron/ái.ərn/.
/ 踦 Դ´( 谡 ´).
i hate to eat and run but ... / ڸ
078. eat/i:t/[̟]
[] (ate [eit / et], ~́en [í:tn])
() Դ, () ϰ ϴ, Դ, ҸŰ
rust ~s/i:ts/ i.r( )/ái.ərn/. / 踦 Դ´( 谡 ´).
i hate to eat and r( ) but ... / ڸ
@ earn/ərn/[()]
[] (Ȱ) , (, ) ȹϴ
i had to ~/ərn/ money for my family. / Ѵ.
@ earn/ərn/[()]
[] (Ȱ) , (, ) ȹϴ
i had to ~/ərn/ money ( )r my family.
/ Ѵ.
079. ech.o/ék.ou/[ ́.]
[] (pl. es ) Ƹ, ; (̴ ) ݻ().
i heard the ~/ék.ou/ of my voice/vɔis/.
/ Ҹ Ƹ .
[] Ƹġ ϴ, Ű.
( ) ״ 䳻 [Ǯϴ]
the class ~.ed/ék.oud/ with laughter/ĺf.tər/.
/ Ҹ .(!!)
079. ech.o/ék.ou/[ ́.]
[] (pl. es ) Ƹ, ; (̴ ) ݻ().
i heard the ~/ék.ou/ of my ( )e.
/ Ҹ Ƹ .
[] Ƹġ ϴ, Ű. ( )
״ 䳻 [Ǯϴ]
the class ~.ed/ék.oud/ with ( )/ĺf.tər/.
/ Ҹ .(!!)
@ ed.u.cate/édʒ.u:.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]
[] ϴ, ϴ, б
he is ~d/édʒ.u:.kèit.id/ in law. / ״ Ҵ.
@ ed.u.cate/édʒ.u:.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]
[] ϴ, ϴ, б
he is ~d/édʒ.u:.kèit.id/ in l( ). / ״ Ҵ.
@ ef.fect/i.fékt/[.sƮ ́]
[] ȿ, , , ܰ, , ǹ
the big, expensive car was only for ~.
/ ũ, ġ ̾.
@ ef.fect/i.fékt/[.sƮ ́]
[] ȿ, , , ܰ, , ǹ
the big, ex( )ive car was only for ~.
/ ũ, ġ ̾.
@ em.ploy/im.plɔ́i/[.^ ́]
[] ϴ, () , ┅ ϴ
this work will ~/em.plɔ́i/ 60 men.
/ Ͽ 60 ʿϴ( ̴).
@ em.ploy/im.plɔ́i/[.^ ́]
[] ϴ, () , ┅ ϴ
this ( )k will ~/em.plɔ́i/ 60 men.
/ Ͽ 60 ʿϴ( ̴).
@ en.a.ble/in.éi.bl/[. ́.]
[] [ɷ] ִ, [ڰ] ִ, []ϰ ϴ
a new program to en.able/in.éi.bl/ older people to study at college.
/ ̵ 鿡 θ ְ ִ α.
@ en.a.ble/in.éi.bl/[. ́.]
[] [ɷ] ִ, [ڰ] ִ, []ϰ ϴ
a new pro( ) to en.able/in.éi.bl/ older people to study at college.
/ ̵ 鿡 θ ְ ִ α.
@ en.cour.age/in.kə́r.idʒ/[.Ŀ ́.()]
[] ⸦ , ݷϴ, ϴ ϴ,
ϴ⟨opp.⟩ discourɑge.
your success ~d me very much. / ڳ ũ ׳.
@ en.cour.age/in.kə́r.idʒ/[.Ŀ ́.()]
[] ⸦ , ݷϴ, ϴ ϴ,
ϴ⟨opp.⟩ discourɑge.
your s( ) ~d me very much. / ڳ ũ ׳.
080. end/end/[ص]
[] , (̾߱ ) ḻ, , ,
and/nd/ there is the ~/end/. / װ ̴.
[] ,
this is ~/end/. / ̰ ̾.
[] , ġ, κ ̷, Ű
the story ~.ed/én.did/. / .
080. end/end/[ص]
[] , (̾߱ ) ḻ, , ,
and/nd/ there is ( ) ~/end/. / װ ̴.
[] ,
this is ~/end/. / ̰ ̾.
[] , ġ, κ ̷, Ű
the ( )y ~.ed/én.did/. / .
@ en.dure/in.djúǝr/[.() ́]
[] () ߵ, γϴ; ⦗ַ ⦘
i cannot ~/in.djúǝr/ the sight. / .
@ en.dure/in.djúǝr/[.() ́]
[] () ߵ, γϴ; ⦗ַ ⦘
i cannot ~/in.djúǝr/ the si( ). / .
@ en.gage/in.géidʒ/[. ́]
[] ϴ, (ͼ ) ӹϴ, ϴ,
ȥŰ, ϴ
i am ~d/in.géidʒd/ to nancy. / ÿ ȥ ̴.
@ en.gage/in.géidʒ/[. ́]
[] ϴ, (ͼ ) ӹϴ, ϴ,
ȥŰ, ϴ
i ( ) ~d/in.géidʒd/ to nancy. / ÿ ȥ ̴.
@ en.joy/in.dʒɔ́i/[.^ ́]
[] , (̰) , ϴ, ̰ , ,
( )
e~/in.dʒɔ́i/ yourself! / ڽ
@ en.joy/in.dʒɔ́i/[.^ ́]
[] , (̰) , ϴ, ̰ , ,
( )
e~/in.dʒɔ́i/ y( )! / ڽ
@ en.sure/in.ʃú:ǝr/[.() ́]
[] å, ( ) Ȯϰ ϴ; ( ) Ȯϴ
it will ~ you success. / װ Ȯϴ.
i can not ~ thɑt he will keep his word.
/ װ ų .
@ en.sure/in.ʃú:ǝr/[.() ́]
[] å, ( ) Ȯϰ ϴ; ( ) Ȯϴ
it will ~ you success. / װ Ȯϴ.
i can not ~ thɑt he will keep his word.
/ װ ų .
@ en.ter/én.tər/[ ́.()]
[] , (ο Ȱ ) ϴ, ִ, []Ű,
ȸ[]Ű, (̸¥ ) []ϴ
knock on the door before you ~/én.tər/. / ũ Ͻÿ.
@ en.ter/én.tər/[ ́.()]
[] , (ο Ȱ ) ϴ, ִ, []Ű,
ȸ[]Ű, (̸¥ ) []ϴ
kn( ) on the door before you ~/én.tər/. / ũ Ͻÿ.
@ en.ter.tain/èn.tǝr.téin/[ ̀.(). ́.Ʈ]
[] ȯϴwith; Ư Ļ翡 ʴϴ
ɑt; to̰ ϴ,
the movie will entertain you very much.
/ ȭ ſ ̰ ̴.
@ en.ter.tain/èn.tǝr.téin/[ ̀.(). ́.Ʈ]
[] ȯϴwith; Ư Ļ翡 ʴϴ
ɑt; to̰ ϴ,
the m( ) will ~ you very much.
/ ȭ ſ ̰ ̴.
081. e.rase/i.réiz/[.() ́]
[] , [, ]ϴ, (Ӿ) ̴, йŰ
she tried to ~/i:.réiz/ the memory of that evening.
/ ׳ ׳ ֽ.
081. e.rase/i.réiz/[.() ́]
[] , [, ]ϴ, (Ӿ) ̴, йŰ
she t( ) to ~/i:.réiz/ the memory of that evening.
/ ׳ ׳ ֽ.
@ es.cape/i.skéip/[.ij ́]
[] Ƴ, Ż[]ϴ,
two were ed, but he ~d/i.skéipt/.
/ ״ Żߴ.
@ es.cape/i.skéip/[.ij ́]
[] Ƴ, Ż[]ϴ,
two w( ) ed, but he ~d/i.skéipt/.
/ ״ Żߴ.
@ es.tab.lish/i.stǽb.liʃ/[.^ ́.()]
[] (бȸ ) ϴ, âϴ; ( ) ϴ; () Ȯϴwith; between, ( ) ϴ
(̷ ) Ȯϴ
he ~ed his fame in business ɑs an actor.
/ ״ Ǿ迡μ Ȯߴ.
the police ~ed thɑt she was innocent.
/ ׳డ ߴ.
@ es.tab.lish/i.stǽb.liʃ/[.^ ́.()]
[] (бȸ ) ϴ, âϴ; ( ) ϴ; () Ȯϴwith; between, ( ) ϴ
(̷ ) Ȯϴ
he ~ed his ( )e in business ɑs an actor.
/ ״ Ǿ迡μ Ȯߴ.
the police ~ed thɑt she was in( ). / ׳డ ߴ.
@ es.ti.mate/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀]
[] , ,
[] , ϴ, ϴ
we ~/és.tə.mèit/ that it would take three months to finish the work.
/ 츰 ϼ 3 ִ.
@ es.ti.mate/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀]
[] , ,
[] , ϴ, ϴ
we ~/és.tə.mèit/ that it would ( )ke three months to finish the work.
/ 츰 ϼ 3 ִ.
@ e.val.u.ate /i.vǽl.ju.èit/[.^ ́.̿.֟]
[] ϴ, () ġ ϴ; 〖〗 ϴ
we need to ~/i.vǽl.ju.èit/ the cost of the damage.
/ 츮 ؾ ʿϴ.
@ e.val.u.ate /i.vǽl.ju.èit/[.^ ́.̿.֟]
[] ϴ, () ġ ϴ; 〖〗 ϴ
we need to ~/i.vǽl.ju.èit/ the c( )t of the damage.
/ 츮 ؾ ʿϴ.
<() ؼ(step 09)> : /ə/
17. /ə/[] :
/ə/[] ȴ.
(1) ´.
* a.go / ə. góu /[ . ́ ]
̴ Ȯ [] [] ƴ ̴.
Ʊ [] Ȯ [] []
ƴ (Ҹ) ٹ ̴.
* to.ma.to/tə.méit.ou/[.ş ́.](o) [Ʈ.ş ́.](o)
(2) ̻ ܾ ϳ (-ə-) ǥ
Ȱ ϴ ־ ص ٴ ǥô.
̷ ̶ Ѵ.
* fam.i.ly/f́m.ə.li:/[^ ́..()] =>[^ ́.()]
* cred.i.ble/kréd.ə.bl/[ũ()A ́.. ] =>[ũ()A ́.]
(3) r տ ִ :
flow.er /fláu.ǝr/ ϰ [ƿ ́.()]
r տ :
flour /flauǝr/ Ǵ /flaur/ ȴ.
(ou /au/ ǰ r ٸ )
/ə/ []
/ə/ 缱 Ը Ҹ ʴ´.
[] .
flour /flauǝr/(x) /fláur/(x) ̴ ̴.
(4) /ɛər/ ϳ Ǵ /ə/ [] Ѵ.
Ǵ 쵵 ִ.
* af.fair/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́]