Ʈ 6õ (110)
== r (101-120) ==
(17) r ==
101. re.sign/ri.záin/[(). ́]
[] ( ) ϴ, δ (Ǹ ) ϴ, 絵ϴ
i ~/ri.záin/ my children to your care.
/ ̵ ˿ ñϴ.
he ~.ed/ri.záind/[().ε ́] as president. / ״ ߴ.
102. re.sist/ri.zíst/[().Ʈ ́]
[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, (ȭ ۿ ) ߵ,
i know you cant ~/ri.zíst/ chocolates.
/ װ ڷ̶ ˾.
*re.sist.ance/ri.zís.təns/ [] (), ()〖〗; ױ
103. re.solve/ri.zɑ́:lv/[().ھ ́]
[] ϴ, ̴, ϴ, ( ) Ǯ, ذϴ
water may be ~d/ri.zɑ́:l,vd/[().ھ ́]
into oxygen and hydrogen.
/ ҿ ҷ ִ.
*re.solv.ed/ri.zɑ́:lvd/[().ھ ́] źл
104. re.source/rí:.sɔrs/[() ́.^()]
[] ڿ, , , ڷ, , (ϴ) , å, ѷ(shift)
, ϴ , (wit), ⷫ(Ѧ) â,
she finds an unfailing ~ in music.
/ ׳ Ǯ ش.
105. re.spect/ri.spékt/[().sƮ ́]
[] , (), (pl.) λ, , ߽,
he has no ~/ri.spékt/ for his promises.
/ ״ ڱ ߽ ʴ´.
[] ϴ, ϴ, []ϴ, ִ.
i ~/ri.spékt/ him as my senior.
/ μ ϰ ִ.
*re.spec.ta.ble/ri.spék.tə.bl/ [] , Ǹ, ,
106 re.spond/ri.spɑ́:nd/[().ľȵ ́]
[] ϴ, ϴ, ()ϴ, []ϴ
i asked him his name, but he didnt ~/ri.spɑ́nd/.
/ ̸ , ״ ʾҴ.
107. re.sponse/ri.spɑ́:ns/[().ľȽ ́]
[] , , 〖ɸ〗〖ǻ〗
my letter of in.quir.y/in.kwái.ər.i:/ brought no ~/ri.spɑ́ns/.
/ ƹ ȸ䵵 ʾҴ.
108. re.spon.si.bil.i.ty/ri.spὰ:n.sǝ.bíl.ǝ.ti:/[().ľ ̀.. ́..Ƽ]
n. å, å, ǹof; for⟨syn⟩ ⇨duty.
i will take assume the ~ of for doing it.
/ å װ ϰڴ.
å Ǵ , δ, ſ ŷڼ; ǹ ɷ, ɷ.
be relieved of ones ~ responsibilities å ϰ Ǵ ذϴ ϰ ǥ .
on ones own ~ ڱ å, .
take the ~ upon oneself å Ѹ ô.
# re.spon.si.ble/ri.spɑ́:n.sə.bl/[().ľ ́..]
a. å ִ, Ǵ, ŷ ִ, å ſ
the weather is ~/ri.spɑ́n.sə.bl/ for the delay.
/ ̴.
*re.spon.si.bil.i.ty/ri.spɑ̀:n.sə.bíl.ə.ti:/ [] å, [syn.] ⇨ duty. δ, ŷڼ
@ 109. rest/rest/[()Ʈ]
[] , ް,
i had a good nights ~/rest/. / 㿡 ǫ .
[] ϴ,
i ~.ed/rés.tid/[() ́.] (for) an hour after lunch.
/ 1ð .
*rest.room /rést.rù:m/ [] ްԽ
@ 110. res.tau.rant/rés.tə.rənt/[() ́..()Ʈ]
[]f.丮, , ; (ȣ ) Ĵ.
there is a ~/rés.tə.rənt/ near the company.
the ~/rés.tə.rənt/ serves good food.
/ ȸ ó Ĵ ִ. Ĵ Ѵ.
* : res.tau.rant /rés.trὰ:nt/[(). ́Ʈ()Ʈ ̀]
ܾ france Ե ܾ ڱ ϴ ͵ .
111. re.store/ri.stɔ́:r/[().^() ́]
[] ҿ ǵ, ȯ[ݼ]ϴ, ã, ٽ տ ִ, ()ϴ
he ~d/ri.stɔ́:rd/[().^() ́] the flower pot to the balcony.
/ ״ ڴϿ ȭ Ҵ.
112. re.strict/ri.stríkt/[().Ʈ()Ʈ ́]
[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, ϴ
having small children tends to ~t/ri.stríkt/ your freedom.
/ ڳడ ѹް Ǵ ִ.
113. rest.room/rést.rù:m/[()Ʈ ́.() ̀]
[] ( ) ްԽ, ȭ, .
* : ȭ/ mens room ȭ/ ladies room
114. re.sult/ri.zʌ́lt/[().^Ʈ ́]
[] , ḻ, , () ,
[rizʌ́lt] n.
, ḻ, ,
┈┈• the ~s of an election
┈┈• obtain good ~s from a new method ο ø.
() , .
̱ (ȸ ) , .
(pl.) ( ) , ; Ӿ (౸ ) ¸
┈┈• the baseball ~s.
~/++ μ Ͼ, , ϴfrom
┈┈• the damage which ~ed from the fire ȭ .
++ ϴ, in
┈┈• ~ in heavy loss failure ū ս .
as a 幰 the ~ of μ.
in ~ ̱ .
in the ~ ᱹ.
the ~ was that .... ̾.
without ~ ǰ, ; .
with the ~ that ... (ϰ Ǵ)
┈┈∘ i am very busy, with the ~ thɑt i cant
decades ago, it was unusual for earth scientists to have results that were of interest to the media, and consequently few media contacts were expected or encouraged. (2024 ) (42)
ڵ ̷̾ ǰų ʾҽϴ.
115(1). re.sume/ri.zú:m/[().ֿ ́]
[] (ڸ ) ٽ ϴ[ϴ], ã, (ǰ) ȸϴ, ϴ
let us ~/ri.zú:m/ reading where we left off last month.
/ ξ ٽ о ô.
115(2). res.u.me/rèz.u.méi/[() ̀.. ́]
[]f., ,̷̱¼
submit your ~/rèz.u.méi/ by tomorrow.
/ ϱ ̷¼ ϶.
116. re.tail/rí:.teil/[() ́.]
[/] Ҹ()() *[] whole.sale(hóul.sèil)
a retail/rí:.teil/ dealer(store, shop) / ҸŻ()
[] Ҹϴ ( , ҹ ) ״ ű
it ~s/rí:.teils/[() ́.Ͻ] at [for] $60.
/ װ Ҹŷ 60̴.
*re.tail.er/rí:.tei.lə:r/ [] ҸŻ.
[ritéin] vt.
ϴ, ϴ
┈┈• this vessel wont ~ water. ƹ
┈┈• ~ ones control over ϴ.
⟨syn⟩ ⇨keep.
(ȣȯ) ϴ.
( ʰ) ӽŰ; ϴ.
ʰ ִ
┈┈• ~ the insult in ones memory ʰ ִ.
⟨þ⟩ retention n.
#(1). re.take/ri:.téik/[(). ́]
[] vt. (-took; -taken) ; ã, Żȯϴ; (ȭ ) ٽ .
#(2). re.take/rí:.tèik/[() ́.]
[] 〖ȭ〗 Կ( ).
117. retch/retʃ/[()]
[] , Ϸ ϴ, ϴ.
[] (Ҹ).
118. re.tire/ri.táiər/[().Ÿ() ́]
[] , Ĩϴ, ڴ, ϴ
the teachers ~/ri.táiər/ at 65. / 65 Ѵ.
*re.tire.ment/ri.táiər.mənt/ [] , , , ,
@ 119. re.turn/ri.tə́rn/[().() ́]
[] ǵƿ, ٽ (ã)
i want to ~/ri.tə́rn/ this item. / ǰ ȯϰ ʹ.
120. re.veal/ri.ví:l/[(). ́]
[] ( ) 巯, ˸, ϴ, ̴, Ÿ
research ~.ed/ri.ví:ld/[().ϵ ́] him (to be) a bad man.
/ ״ 巯.