Ʈ 6õ (109)
== r (061-080) ==
(17) r ==
061. reg.is.ter/rédʒ.is.tər/[()J ́.̽.()]
[] Ϻ, ( ) (=~́ bòok); ǥ, ; ; =parish register
a ~ of voters / .
, , . (ӵ ⳳ ) ڵ ϱ, ; ǥñ.
[] a) ϴ; ϴ
i was ~ed ɑs a voter. / μ ϵǾ ־.
b) ⦗~ oneself⦘ ( ) ο ϴ, (ȣڿ) ںο ϴ.
() ġ; () ñ ǥ
get have a letter ~ed / ϴ
his face was ~ed in my memory.
/ .
[] ο ϴ, ; ںο ϴ
a person must ~ before he can vote.
/ ο ġ ǥ
*reg.is.ter.ed/rédʒ.is.tərd/ a. (), , ִ( )
*reg.is.tra.tion/rèdʒ.is.tréi.ʃən/ n. (), (), , ()
062. re.gret/ri.grét/[().()M ́]
[] ( ) ; ȸfor; ɑbout
i have no ~s feel no ~ɑbout what ive done.
/ ȸ ʴ´.
ֵ, , • a letter of ~ ǹ.
( pl.) (ʴ忡 ) ()
please accept my ~s. / ϰ 뼭Ͽ ֽʽÿ
[] (-tt-) ( ߸ ) ġ, ȸϴ
i ~ not having worked harder. =i ~ thɑt i did not work harder.
/ ȸȴ.
ϴ, ϴ
• ~ his death / ֵϴ
we ~ thɑt you should have been caused inconvenience.
/ в ް ص帰 մϴ
߳ ϴ .
• ~ ones happy youth / ſ û ƽϴ.
*re.gret.ful/ri.grét.fəl/ [] ϴ, ȸϴ,
063. re.gret.ta.ble/ri.grét.ə.bl/[().()M ́..]
[] , ȸǴ,
it was most ~/ri.grét.ə.bl/ that he said that.
/ װ ϴٴ ̴.
064. reg.u.lar/rég.jə.lər/[() ́.̾.()()]
[] ( pl.) [], () [], () () , () ܰմ,〖̱ġ〗 ö ڱ , () ǥ (⼺)
[] Ģ, ,
let me get one ~/rég.jə.lər/ coffee. / Ŀ ϳ ּ.
*reg.u.late/rég.jə.lèit/ [] ϴ, [ܼ]ϴ, ϴ, ϴ
*reg.u.la.tion/règ.jə.léi.ʃən/ [] ( pl.) Ģ, , , ܼ,〖〗
[] , ǥ, ,
065. re.hearse/ri.hə́:rs/[().() ́]
[] ϴ, ÿϴ, Ͽ δ, ϴ
you do not wish to ~/ri.hə́:rs/? / ϰ ʴ?
*re.hears.al/ri.hə́:r.səl/ [] , 뺻б, ÿ(), (ǽ )
066. reign/rein/[()]
[] ġ, , ġ, ; ġ, , , Ǽ
[] ϴ, ϴover; ġ, ϴ
the king ~s/reinz/[()] but he does not rule.
/ ϳ ġ ʴ´.
067. rein/rein/[()]
[] ( pl.) , ϴ ; (). (pl.) , ֱ.
[] ( ) ߷ ϴ; ߰ ϴ
he ~.ed/reind/[()ε] his horse well.
/ ״ Ͽ.
reinforce[rìinfɔ́rs] vt.
~+/+++ ( ) ϴ
┈┈• ~ a wall with mud ϴ.
~+/+++ ⦗Ϲ⦘ ȭϴ, ϴ, ϰȿ ϴ(strengthen)
┈┈• ~ ones argument with facts ȭϴ
┈┈• the enemy ~d with three other ships ô 踦 ߰ .
(ÿ ) ִ.
, õ; ѻ().
068(1). re.ject/ri.dʒékt/[().HƮ ́]
v. (䱸 ) ϴ, (ȿҷǰμ) ġ,
i couldnt ~/ri.dʒékt/ that call near home.
/ 䱸 .
068(2). re.ject/rí:.dʒekt/[() ́.HƮ]
n. źε [], հǰ[], ġ
all ~s/rí:.dʒekts/[() ́.HƮ] should be thrown away.
/ հǰ Ѵ.
069. re.la.bel/ri:.léi.bəl/[().() ́.]
[] (-l-, -ll-) ǥ. ̸ ̴, Ī .
r~/ri:.léi.bəl/ the cans with a marker.
/ Ŀ 뿡 ٽ .
070. re.late/ri.léit/[().() ́]
[] Ű, ýѼ ϴ, ȸ 踦 , ̾߱ϴ
he is distantly ~d/ri.léit.id/[().() ́.] to my father.
/ ״ ƹ ģô̴.
*re.la.tion/ri.léi.ʃən/ [] , , (pl.) , , () ذ
*re.la.tion.ship/ri.léi.ʃən.ʃìp/ [] , ģ
* : 069. re.la.bel/ri:.léi.bəl/[().() ́.]
re /ri:/ /i:/ label ̶ 翡 ξ .
070. re.late/ri.léit/[().() ́] Ϻκ ̴.
ص .
071. rel.a.tive/rél.ə.tiv/[() ́..M]
[] ģô(), ô. [cf.] kinsman. 蹰[];〖〗 ().
[] , . [cf.] absolute, positive. ȣ, [] ִ
they are living in ~/rél.ə.tiv/ comfort.
/ ϰ ִ.
*relative pro.noun/próu.nàun/ == () , * what that
sometimes they may not strike the guilty person himself, but rather one of his relatives or tribesmen, to whom responsibility is extended.
(2018 ) (37)
˸ ڽ ϴ ƴ϶ å ִ ģô̳ ֽϴ.
072. re.lax/ri.ĺks/[().()^ڽ ́]
[]. a) ߴ, ȭϴ b) (ܥ) ϴ
a) ( ) ϴ, ߴ. b) Ǯ, ϴ
( ) ϰ ϴ, 氨ȭϴ(mitigate).
his hands ~ed. / .
, ; ϰ Ǵ
• ~ into a smile / .
() Ǯ, Ƿθ Ǯ
sit down and ~. / ɾƼ ÿ
*re.lax.a.tion/rì:.lk.séi.ʃən/ n. , Ǯ, (ǹδ ) 氨, ȭ
*re.laxed/ri.ĺkst/ [] , , Ǭ, .
073. re.lease/ri.lí:s/[().()̽ ́]
[] ع, , , , (ź) , ǥ[, ߸]
[] Ǯ , ( ), () , (ź) ϴ, [, 絵]ϴ
ill ~/ri.lí:s/ you from your ob.li.ga.tion/ὰb.lǝ.géi.ʃən/.
/ ǹ ְڴ.
074. re.lief/ri.lí:f/[().() ́]
[] (pl. s) ( ) 氨, , Ƚ, , , ,
*re.lieve/ri.lí:v/ [] (δ ) 氨ϴ, *[]com.fort(kʌ́m.fərt), *re.lieved/ri.lí:vd/ re.lieve , źл (ȵϴ)
075. re.lig.ion/ri.lídʒ.ən/[().() ́.]
[] , ž(Ȱ)
what is your ~/ri.lídʒ.ən/? / ΰ?
*re.li.gious/ri.lídʒ.əs/ [] (), ž
076. re.ly/ri.lái/[().() ́]
[] (p., pp. -lied [-láid]; -lying [-láii]) ϴ, ŷϴ
he can be ~ied/ri.láid/[().()̵ ́] upon.
/ ״ ŷ ִ.
077. re.main/ri.méin/[(). ́]
[] ( pl.) , ܾ,
[] , ִ, Ƴ
if you take 3 from 8, 5 ~s/ri.méins/[().ν ́]. / 8-3=5
*re.main.ed /ri.méind/
*re.main.ing /ri.méi.ni/
078. re.mark/ri.mɑ́:rk/[().()ũ ́]
[] , ָ, , Ұ, , ,〖ǻ〗
[] ┅ ָ[]ϴ, ┅ ˾, ϴ, (Ұμ) ϴ
i ~.ed/ri.mɑ́:rkt/[().()ũƮ ́] on his hair style.
/ Ӹ 翡 ؼ ߴ.
*re.mark.a.ble/ri.mɑ́:r.kə.bl/ [] ָ , ,
[syn.] ⇨ extraordinary.
@ 079. re.mem.ber/ri.mém.bər/[(). ́.()]
[] س, صδ, ϰ ִ
do you ~/ri.mém.bər/ me? / ?
080. re.mind/ri.máind/[().ε ́]
[] ϴ, ݰ ϴ, Ͽ ϴof
she ~s me of my mother. / ׳ฦ Ӵ ϴ
please ~ her to call me. / ȭϵ ׳ Ϸֽÿ
i want to ~ you why i said that. / ߴ ˷ְ ʹ.
that ~s me. ϱ .