Ȱ for.ty days o.k!(step 06)
con.sist ~ dan.ger
@ con.sist/kən.síst/[.ýƮ ́]
[] - ̷ ִ, ┅ ϴ, 縳Ѵ
water ~s/kən.sísts/ of hy.dro.gen/hái.drǝ.dʒən/ and ox.y.gen/άk.si.dʒən/.
/ ҿ ҷ Ǿ ִ.
@ con.sist/kən.síst/[.ýƮ ́]
[] - ̷ ִ, ┅ ϴ, 縳Ѵ
water ~s/kən.sísts/ of hy( ) and ox( )gen.
/ ҿ ҷ Ǿ ִ.
@ con.tain/kən.téin/[. ́]
[] (ӿ) ִ, ϴ, ( ) ﴩ
the rock ~s a high percentage of iron.
/ ö Ǿ ִ.
i cannot ~ my anger. / ȭ ߵ .
@ con.tain/kən.téin/[. ́]
[] (ӿ) ִ, ϴ, ( ) ﴩ
the rock con.tains a high ( )age of iron.
/ ö Ǿ ִ.
i cannot ~ my ( )er. / ȭ ߵ .
@ con.tin.ue/kən.tín.ju:/[.ƾ ́.̿]
[] ϴ, ϴ, ( ) ӹ ְ ϴ〖〗̿[̿]ϴ
(տ) ̾ ϴ, ϴ, ӵǴ; ( ) ӵǾ ִ
his speech ~d an hour. / ð ӵǾ.
@ con.tin.ue/kən.tín.ju:/[.ƾ ́.̿]
[] ϴ, ϴ, ( ) ӹ ְ ϴ〖〗̿[̿]ϴ
(տ) ̾ ϴ, ϴ, ӵǴ; ( ) ӵǾ ִ
his sp( ) ~d an hour. / ð ӵǾ.
@ con.tri.bute/kən.tríb.ju:t/[.Ʈ() ́.̿W]
[] (ǰ ) ϴ, ~ an article to a magazine
he ~ed an article to a magazine. / ״ Ͽ.
@ con.tri.bute/kən.tríb.ju:t/[.Ʈ() ́.̿W]
[] (ǰ ) ϴ, ~ an article to a magazine
he ~ed an ar( ) to a magazine. / ״ Ͽ.
@ con.trol/kən.tróul/[.Ʈ()ο ́]
[] , ,
[] (-ll-) ϴ; []ϴ, []ϴ. ˻ϴ,
he ~ed himself(oneself). / ״ Ͽ.
@ con.trol/kən.tróul/[.Ʈ()ο ́]
[] , ,
[] (-ll-) ϴ; []ϴ, []ϴ. ˻ϴ,
he ~ed ( ). / ״ Ͽ.
@ con.vince /kǝn.víns/[
[] Ű, ݰ ϴ, ȮŽŰ;
Ͽ ϰ ϴ; ϴ, еϴof; thɑt
he tried to ~ me of his innocence. =he tried to ~ me
thɑt he was innocent.
/ ״ ڱ ˸ Ű ߴ
we ~d her to go with us. / 츮 Բ ׳ฦ ߴ
@ con.vince /kǝn.víns/[
[] Ű, ݰ ϴ, ȮŽŰ;
Ͽ ϰ ϴ; ϴ, еϴof; thɑt
he tried to ~ me of his in( ). =he tried to ~ me thɑt he was in( ).
/ ״ ڱ ˸ Ű ߴ
we ~d her to g( ) with us. / 츮 Բ ׳ฦ ߴ
055. cook/kuk/[k]
[] 丮[]ϴ,
he ~ed her some sausages. =he ~ed some sausages for her.
/ ״ ׳ ҽ 丮 ־.
055. cook/kuk/[k]
[] 丮[]ϴ,
he ~ed her some sau( ). =he ~ed some sau( ) for her.
/ ״ ׳ ҽ 丮 ־.
056. cool/ku:l/[]
[] [ÿ], (Ǻ) ÿ *[] warm(wɔrm) *[] cold(kould)
it is cool today. / .
056. cool/ku:l/[]
[] [ÿ], (Ǻ) ÿ *[] warm(wɔrm) *[] cold(kould)
it is cool ( ). / .
057. cop.y/kɑ́p.i:/[ ́.]
[] 纻, κ(),
[] , ϴ, ϴ. [syn.] ⇨ imitate.
c~ into a notebook / Ʈ .
057. cop.y/kɑ́p.i:/[ ́.]
[] 纻, κ(),
[] , ϴ, ϴ. [syn.] ⇨ imitate.
c~ into a ( )book / Ʈ .
@ cor.rect/kə.rékt/[Ŀ.()LƮ ́]
[] , Ȯ [] ϴ
[] ٷ, ġ, ϴ; ÷ϴ; ϴ
correct errors, if any. / ߸ Ķ.
@ cor.rect/kə.rékt/[Ŀ.()LƮ ́]
[] , Ȯ [] ϴ
[] ٷ, ġ, ϴ; ÷ϴ; ϴ
correct er( ), if any. / ߸ Ķ.
@ cost/kɔst/[^Ʈ]
[] , , Һ,
[] (p., pp. cost; costing) ┅ , (ð ) ɸ,
it will ~ five dollars. / () 5 ̴.
@ cost/kɔst/[^Ʈ]
[] , , Һ,
[] (p., pp. cost; costing) ┅ , (ð ) ɸ,
it will ~ five ( )s. / () 5 ̴.
@ 238. count/kaunt/[īƮ]
[] , ϴ, ┅̶ ϴ
i ~ it an honor to serve you. / մϴ
@ 238. count/kaunt/[īƮ]
[] , ϴ, ┅̶ ϴ
i ~ it an honor to ( )ve you. / մϴ
058. cov.er/kʌ́v.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()]
[] ,
[] , .
snow ~ed the highway. / δ .
058. cov.er/kʌ́v.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()]
[] ,
[] , .
snow ~ed the high( ). / δ .
@ cre.ate/kri:.éit/[ũ().֟ ́]
[] âϴ; ââϴ; 〖ǻ〗 , ϴ
(ڸ) â ϴ; Ӿ ,
all men are ~d equal. / ΰ ϰ âǾ.
@ cre.ate/kri:.éit/[ũ().֟ ́]
[] âϴ; ââϴ; 〖ǻ〗 , ϴ
(ڸ) â ϴ; Ӿ ,
all ( )n are ~d eq( ). / ΰ ϰ âǾ.
059. cross/krɔs/[ũ()^]
[] , ȣ, , ,
[] , , , ݴ, ٷο,
a result ~ to a purpose /
[] Ű, ( ) ɴ,
• ~ ones arms / ¯
• ~ each other on the road / .
059. cross/krɔs/[ũ()^]
[] , ȣ, , ,
[] , , , ݴ, ٷο,
a result ~ to a pu( ) /
[] Ű, ( ) ɴ,
• ~ ones a( )s / ¯
• ~ each other on ( )e road / .
060. cry/krai/[ũ()]
[] Ҹġ, ġ
he cried to us for helpto help him.
/ ״ 츮 ʹ ƴ.
060. cry/krai/[ũ()]
[] Ҹġ, ġ
he cried to us for ( )pto help him.
/ ״ 츮 ʹ ƴ
061. cut/kʌt/[Ŀ^]
[] (p., pp. ; ́ting) , ϴ
cut me a slice of bread. =cut a slice of bread for me.
/ ߶
lets ~ (up) the profits. / й.
• ~ ɑwɑy the dead wood from a tree / ġ.
061. cut/kʌt/[Ŀ^]
[] (p., pp. ; ́ting) , ϴ
cut me a s( ) of bread. = cut a s( )e of bread for me.
/ ߶
lets ~ (up) the pr( )s. / й.
• ~ ɑwɑy the dead ( )d from a tree / ġ.
== d ==
@ dam.age/d́m.idʒ/[^ ́.]
[] , ջ [] () Դ
ex.ces.sive/ek.sés.iv/ drinking does ~/d́m.idʒ/ to health.
/ ִ ǰ ջŲ.
@ dam.age/d́m.idʒ/[^ ́.]
[] , ջ [] () Դ
ex.ces.sive/ek.sés.iv/ ( )ing does ~/d́m.idʒ/ to health.
/ ִ ǰ ջŲ.
062. dance/dns/[^Ƚ]
[] ߴ, پ ƴٴϴ
let us ~/dns/! / 츮 !
[] , , ; , Ƽ, ȸ.
shall we go to a ~/dns/? / 츮 (Ƽ) ?
062. dance/dns/[^Ƚ]
[] ߴ, پ ƴٴϴ
let ( ) ~/dns/! / 츮 !
[] , , ; , Ƽ, ȸ.
shall w( ) go to a ~/dns/? / 츮 (Ƽ) ?
063. dan.ger/déin.dʒər/[ ́.()]
[] ( , , )
you are in ~/déin.dʒər/ of cold. / ʴ ɸ 迡 ־.
063. dan.ger/déin.dʒər/[ ́.()]
[] ( , , )
you are in ~/déin.dʒər/ of ( )d. / ʴ ɸ 迡 ־.
<() ؼ(step 06)> : Ī/ai/ Ō/ou/ Ū/ju:/
08. Ī/ai/[] :
/ai/[] ѱ [] ״ ȴ.
* : [+i] Ǵ [+i++e] ̷ .
*hi/hai/[] fri/frai/[()] my/mai/[]
like/laik/[()] mike/maik/[] shine/fain/[]
* : [+ild] [+ind] [+ight] ̷ .
*wild/waild/[ϵ] wind/waind/[ε] v. light/lait/[()]
: gild/gild/[] wind/wind/[ε] n.
09. Ō/ou/[] :
/ou/[] ѱ [] ״ ȴ.
[] ϴ 찡 ̴ ݹ! []θ ȣ .
*no/nou/[](o) [](x) go/gou/[](o) [](x)
* : [+o] Ǵ [+o++e] ̷ .
*go/gou/[] no/nou/[] so/sou/[ҿ]
home/houm/[ȣ] lone/loun/[()ο] mole/moul/[]
10. Ū/ju:/[̿] :
/ju:/[̿] ѱ [̿] ״ ȴ.
[̿] ٿ [] [] д ̴.
Լ и鼭 [--], ٽ Լ ణ 鼭[--]ϰ
ٽ 鼭 [--]Ѵ.
* : [+ew] Ǵ [+u++e] ̷ .
*few/fju:/[ǿ] knew/nju:/[Ͽ] news/nju:z/[Ͽ]
cute/kju:t/[ŰW] mute/mju:t/[̿W] mule/mju:l/[̿]