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Ȱ FOR.TY DAYS O.K!(Step 05)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 71 õ 0 2024-11-25 12:46:32
[ ]


Ȱ for.ty days o.k!(step 05)

coach ~ con.sid.er


@ coach /koutʃ/[ڿġ]

[] 4 ; (ö ) ġ; ; ; غ ;

[] ( ) ġϴ; ߱() ø ;

() ().

~ him in english / ׿ ϴ

~ a boy through an examination / ҳ⿡ ؼ հݽŰ.


@ coach /koutʃ/[ڿġ]

[] 4 ; (ö ) ġ; ; ; غ ;

[] ( ) ġϴ; ߱() ø ;

() ().

~ him ( ) english / ׿ ϴ

~ a boy ( ) an examination / ҳ⿡ ؼ հݽŰ.


051. cold/kould/[ڿ]

[/] ߿, *[] hot(hat), , ( )

it is very ~/kould/ outside. / () ߿.


051. cold/kould/[ڿ]

[/] ߿, *[] hot(hat), , ( )

it is very ~/kould/ ( ). / () ߿.


@ col.lect/kə.lékt/[Ŀ.()́]

[] , ϴsyn⟩ ⇨gather. (α ) ϴ, () ϴ; ~ oneself ,

~ materials into a volume / ڷḦ Ƽ å

he ~ed himself before getting up onto the plat.

/ ״ ܿ .


@ col.lect/kə.lékt/[Ŀ.()́]

[] , ϴsyn⟩ ⇨gather. (α ) ϴ, () ϴ; ~ oneself ,

~ materials into a ( ) / ڷḦ Ƽ å .

he ~ed himself before ( ) up onto the plat.

/ ״ ܿ .


052. col.or,-our /kʌ́l.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()] *colour ()

[] , , ä

i like this ~/kʌ́l.ər/. / Ѵ.

[] [ä]ϴ(dye), () (up),


everyone stared/stɛərd/ at him, and he ~.ed/kʌ́l.ərd/ slight.ly/sláit.li:/.

/ ΰ ׸ ĴٺҰ, ׷ ״ ణ .


052. col.or,-our /kʌ́l.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()] *colour ()

[] , , ä

i ( ) this ~/kʌ́l.ər/. / Ѵ.

[] [ä]ϴ(dye), () (up), , ()

everyone ( ) at him, and he ~.ed/kʌ́l.ərd/ ( ).

/ ΰ ׸ ĴٺҰ, ׷ ״ ణ .


053. comb/koum/[ڿ]

[] , ϴ ⱸ,

pass me that ~/koum/ ! / Է .

[] ϴ, (ĵ) Ű ġڴ, ö[] ã

she ~s/koums/ her finger through/ɵru:/ her hair.

/ ׳ ׳ Ӹ .


053. comb/koum/[ڿ]

[] , ϴ ⱸ,

( )s me that ~/koum/ ! / Է .

[] ϴ, (ĵ) Ű ġڴ, ö[] ã

she ~s/koums/ her finger ( )gh/ɵru:/ her hair.

/ ׳ ׳ Ӹ .


054. come/kʌm/[Ŀ^]

[] (came [keim]; come) , (濡 Ǵ ) .

* come, go , 츮 ݵ ġ .

i am coming. / .(ȭ 밡 ִ )

i am going. / ִ.(ȭ ݴ)


054. come/kʌm/[Ŀ^]

[] (came [keim]; come) , (濡 Ǵ ) .

* come, go , 츮 ݵ ġ .

i am ( )ng. / .(ȭ 밡 ִ )

i am ( )ng. / ִ.(ȭ ݴ )


@ com.ment/kɑ́m.ent/[į ́.Ʈ]

[] (û繮 ) , (), ,

[] ϴ, ǰ ϴ; ּϴ; ̷ϴ

they ~ed humorously ɑbout on her hat.

/ ׵ ׳ ڿ ̷ ͻ .


@ com.ment/kɑ́m.ent/[į ́.Ʈ]

[] (û繮 ) , (), ,

[] ϴ, ǰ ϴ; ּϴ; ̷ ϴ, ͻ

they ~ed hu( )ly/hjú:.mǝr.ǝs.li:/ ɑboutonher hat.

/ ׵ ׳ ڿ ̷ ͻ .


@ com.mu.ni.cate/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/[Ŀ.̿ ́..ij ̀]

[] ǻϴ, ( ) ϴ, () ִ, ̾(with).

we only ~/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/ by email.

/ 츮 Ϸ ְ ͻ̴.


@ com.mu.ni.cate/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/[Ŀ.̿ ́..ij ̀]

[] ǻϴ, ( ) ϴ, () ִ, ̾(with).

we only ~/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/ ( ) email.

/ 츮 Ϸ ְ ͻ̴.


@ com.pare/kəm.pɛ́ər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

stop ~ing/kəm.pɛ́ər.i/[. ́()] yourself to others!

/ ڽ !(ݾ)


@ com.pare/kəm.pɛ́ər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

stop ~ing/kəm.pɛ́ər.i/ ( )self to oth( )s!

/ ڽ !(ݾ)


@ com.pete/kǝm.pí:t/[.ǟ ́]

[] ܷ, ¼with; for; ɑgɑinst; in

ϴ, ܷwith; in

there is no book that can ~ with this. / ̰Ͱ å .


@ com.pete/kǝm.pí:t/[.ǟ ́]

[] ܷ, ¼with; for; ɑgɑinst; in

ϴ, ܷwith; in

there is no ( ) that can ~ with this. / ̰Ͱ å .


@ om.plain/kəm.pléin/[. ́]

[] ϴ, źϴof; ɑbout() ȣϴ, δ

some people are always ~ing. / ׻ ϴ ִ

he ~ed to the police ɑbout his neighbors dog.

/ ״ ̿ ȣߴ.

she ~ed thɑt her husband drank too much.

/ ׳ ʹ Ŵٰ Ǫߴ


@ om.plain/kəm.pléin/[. ́]

[] ϴ, źϴof; ɑbout() ȣϴ, δ

some ( )le are always ~ing. / ׻ ϴ ִ

he ~ed to the police ɑbout his ne( )rs dog.

/ ״ ̿ ȣߴ.

she ~ed thɑt her husband ( )nk too much.

/ ׳ ʹ Ŵٰ Ǫߴ


@ com.plete/kəm.plí:t/[.̟ ́]

[] , [] ϼϴ,

we were in ~/kəm.plí:t/ agreement. / 츮 Ϻ ǰ ġ Ҵ.

[] ϼϴ, (ǰ ) , ߴ; () ä;

() ϴ; ( ) ϴ.

i need you to ~/kəm.plí:t/ this registration card.

/ ī带 ۼ ֽʽÿ.


@ com.plete/kəm.plí:t/[.̟ ́]

[] , [] ϼϴ,

we were in ~/kəm.plí:t/ agreement. / 츮 Ϻ ǰ ġ Ҵ.

[] ϼϴ, (ǰ ) , ߴ; () ä;

() ϴ; ( ) ϴ.

i need you to ~/kəm.plí:t/ this re( )ion card.

/ ī带 ۼ ֽʽÿ.


@ con.cern/kən.sə́:rn/[.() ́]

[] (), ־ ߿ϴ, , ϴ

the problem does not ~ us. / 츮鿡 .

i ɑm not ~ed with that matter. =i do not ~ myself with that matter.

/ ϰ .

i ɑm ~ed ɑbout his health. / ǰ ̴.

[] ()with;ذinߴ , ߿伺, ;

have no ~ with / ƹ 赵 .

a matter of the utmost / ~ ſ ߴ .

show deep ~ at the news / Ÿ


@ con.cern/kən.sə́:rn/[.() ́]

[] (), ־ ߿ϴ, , ϴ

the pr( )m does not ~ us. / 츮鿡 .

i ɑm not ~ed with that ( )r. =i do not ~ myself with that ( )er.

/ ϰ .

i ɑm ~ed ɑbout his ( )th. / ǰ ̴.

[] ()with;ذinߴ , ߿伺, ;

have ( ) ~ with / ƹ 赵 .

a matter of the ut( )st / ~ ſ ߴ .

show ( )p ~ at the news / Ÿ


@ con.firm/kən.fə́rm/[.() ́]

[] Ȯ ϴ, Ȯ ϴ,, ȿ Ȯϴ

̱ ( Ӹ ) ϴ.

this report ~s my suspicions. / ǽ Ȯ ˾Ҵ.

this re.port/ri.pɔ́rt/ ~s/kən.fə́rms/ my sus.pi.cions/sə.spíʃ.əns/.

/ Ȥ Ȯν ش.


@ con.firm/kən.fə́rm/[.۾() ́]

[] Ȯ ϴ, Ȯ ϴ,, ȿ Ȯϴ

̱ ( Ӹ ) ϴ.

this report ~s my sus( )s. / ǽ Ȯ ˾Ҵ.

this re.port/ri.pɔ́rt/ ~s/kən.fə́rms/ my sus( ).

/ Ȥ Ȯν ش.


@ con.nect/kə.nékt/[Ŀ.́]

[] ϴ́ *[] join(dʒɔin) ϴ

will you please ~/kə.nékt/ me with mr. jones?

/ ֽðڽϱ?


@ con.nect/kə.nékt/[Ŀ.́]

[] ϴ́ *[] join(dʒɔin) ϴ

will you please ~/kə.nékt/ me ( ) mr. jones?

/ ֽðڽϱ?


@ con.sid.er/kən.síd.ər/[. ́.()]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

i ~ thɑt he ought to help me. / װ ; ̶ Ѵ.

we should ~ his youth. / ؾ ̴.

let me ~ a moment. / ٿ.


@ con.sid.er/kən.síd.ər/[. ́.()]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

i ~ thɑt he ( )ht to help me. / װ ; ̶ Ѵ.

we should ~ his ( )th. / ؾ ̴.

let me ~ a ( )ent. / ٿ.


<߼() ؼ(step 05)> : Ǔ/ʌ/ Ā/ei/[


05. Ǔ/ʌ/[^] :

/ʌ/[^] [] [] Ͽ ϳ Ѵ.

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.

[] [] .


*[] Ҹ [-^]Ѵ.

׳ []ϴ Ҹ .


* : [u+] Ǵ [+u+] ̷ .

*up/ʌp/[^] us/ʌs/[^ƽ] of/ʌv/[^]

cup/kʌp/[Ŀ^] hug/hʌg/[^] mug/hʌg/[^]



06. Ā/ei/[] :

/ei/[] ѱ [] ״ ȴ.

[] ص . [] Ѵ.

: е ϰ ѱε Ȯ Ű ƴ.


* : [+ay] Ǵ [+a++e] ̷ .

*day/dei/[] may/mei/[] pay/pei/[]

came/keim/[ij] make/meik/[ş] name/neim/[]



07. Ē/i:/[] :

/i:/[] [-][-]Ѵ.

i /i/[]ʹ ٸ.

ʰ Ҹ ŵϸ ٸ ʴ´.


* : [+e] Ǵ [+e++e] ̷ .

*be/bi:/[] she/ʃi:/[] the/i:/[]

eve/i:v/[̟] rede/ri:d/[()] steve/sti:v/[Ƽ]



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