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Mr. Paks ü(008)

LV44alexҹ ȸ 1278 õ 0 2019-08-25 12:13:45
[ ]

Mr. Paks ü(008)


021. bed/bed/[b()]

[] ħ, ħ, () ڸ, , ¤

*Go to bed! / ڷ Ŷ!( !)


*Go to bed/bed/[b] !


022. bee/bi:/[]

[]Ϲϲ, ܹ

*He works like a bee. / ܹó ϴ.


*He works/wə:rks/[()ũ] like a bee/bi:/[].


@ : ־ (3)Ḭ̄, (ܼ)̸鼭, 簡 ()̸

翡 s ٿ д´. ̸ [ 3 S ] .


023. be.fore/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́]

[] (ݺ, ) , ( ð)

•I met [have met] him before. / ִ.


•I met [have met] him before/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́]


@ : ȣ ܾ ȣ ܾ ʴ´.

•I have met him before. / ִ.


•I met him before. / ִ.


[]Ϲ ǡ┅ տ, ┅ [] *[] be.hind(bi.háind)

*The bus left before 9 oclock. / 9 .


*The bus left before/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́] 9 oclock/ə.klɑ́:k/[.ũƝ ́].


024. be.gin/bi.gín[. ́]

[] (began [-ǵn]; begun [-gʌ́n]; beginning) (), () Ͼ

*Lets begin again! / 츮 ٽ !


*Lets/lets/[()M] begin/bi.gín[. ́] again/ə.géin/[. ́]!


025. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]

[]ҡڿ. [opp.] before. [̸], , ڿ , Ƽ

•There is something behind. / ڿ ΰ ִ.


•There/ɛə:r/[()] is

some.thing /sʌ́m.ɵi/[^ ́.] behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]


[]ҡ ┅ ڿ, ״ÿ, ʿ(beyond). ┅ Ŀ,ðʾ

•I am behind him in English. /  ׿ .


•I am behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́] him in English.


[] , () ; (ϰ) .

•He fell on his behind. / ״ Ƹ .


•He fell on his behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́].


@ : fell/fel/[] <== FALL .


026. bell/bel/[]

[] , , , ,

*Were all so hungry by the time the lunch bell rings. / 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.


*Were/wiər/[̾()] all/ɔ:l/[^]

so/sou/[ҿ] hun.gry/hʌ́.gri:/[^ ́.()] by the time

the lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^] bell/bel/[] rings/ris/[()].


* : cell dell fell hell jell Nell pell sell tell well

ܾ (-el)[] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


027. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]

[] Ʒ[, ] -, ġ[] *[] a.bove(ə.bʌ́v)

*Do not come in below 20. / 20 ̸(19 ) .


*Do not come in below/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́] 20.


028. belt/belt/[Ʈ]

[] , Ʈ, , , ,

*Fasten your seat belt! / ¼ Ʈ (ž)!


*Fast.en/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.] your seat/si:t/[ß] belt/belt/[Ʈ]!


[] ┅ 츦 Ŵ(on); 〖〗 ┅ Ǵ븦 , ƸŴ, () ġ, (Ӿ) ϰ ϴ, (ָ)

•I entered into the garden belted with trees. / ѷ .


•I en.ter.ed/én.tərd/[ ́.()] into the gar.den/gɑ́:r.dən/[() ́.]

belt.ed/bél.tid/[ ́.] with/wi/[礧] trees/tri:s/[Ʈ()̽].


029. bench/bentʃ/[]

[] ġ, ,〖߱〗ġ

*He sat on a park bench. / ״ ġ ɾҴ.


*He sat/st/[^] on a park/pɑ:rk/[ľ()ũ] bench/bentʃ/[].


030. Bi.ble/bái.bl/[ ́.]

[] (the )(),

*I read the Bible every day. / å д´.


*I read/ri:d/[()] the Bible/bái.bl/[ ́.] every day.


031. bi.cy.cle/bái.sìk.l/[ ́.̀ ̀.]


*He got on his bicycle and rode off. / ״ ڱ ſ Ÿ ޷ ȴ.


*He got on his bicycle/bái.sìk.l/[ ́.̀ ̀.]

and rode/rode/[()ΟL] off/ɔ:f/[^j].


032. big/big[()]

[] (-gg-) ū, Ŀ, , (Ҹ) ū

*It is bigger than mine. / װ ()ũ.


*It is bigger/bíg.ər/[ ́.()] than/n/[^] mine/main/[].


033. bird/bə:rd/[()]

[] , (), *() (shuttlecock).

*B~s fly! / .


*Birds/bə:rds/[()彺] fly/flai/[]!


034. birth.day/bə́:rɵ.dèi/[() ́. ̀]

[] (ź), â()

*Happy birthday to you! / մϴ!

*Hap.py/h́p.i:/[^ ́.] birthday/bə́:rɵ.dèi/[() ́. ̀] to you!


035. black/blk/[^()]

[] , , Ź

•Things look black. / ´ ϴ.


•Things/ɵis/[] look/luk/[()] black/blk/[^()].


[] (), , ().

•He is in black. / ״ ԰ ִ.


•He is in black/blk/[^].


* : back clack flack hack lack pack rack track wack

(-lk)[-^()] д´, տ ̸ ȴ.


036. blank/blk/[^ũ]

[] , ,

•The cassette tape is blank. / īƮ ִ.


•The cas.sette/kə.sét/[Ŀ. ́] tape is blank/blk/[^ũ].


[] , ; 〖ǻ〗 ڸ. ;

*Fill out(in) the blanks ! / ä!


*Fill out(in) the blanks/blks/[^ũ] !


037. blood/blʌd/[^()]

[] ,Ϲ, (ϵ ) ü

•Blood is thicker than water. / (Ӵ) Ǵ ϴ.


•Blood/blʌd/[^] is thick.er/ɵík.ər/[I ́.()]

than water/wɑ́:t.ər/[ƾ ́.()]


038. blow/blou/[]

[] (blew [blu]; blown [bloun]) (ٶ) Ҵ, Ա մ, ()

, 涱̴. () ڶϴ; dz.

*Blow out the lights. / !


*Blow/blou/[] out the lights/laits/[()潺].


[] ұ, ; () dz[ٶ]; dz, ڸ Ǯ, (̱Ӿ) ռ; () ձ. () ڸ, dz

•He went for a blow. / ״ ٶ .


•He went/went/[Ʈ] for a blow/blou/[].


[] Ÿ(hit), Ÿ; ޽. () Ÿ, , 糭(calamity)

•The first blow is half the battle. / (Ӵ) () ϰ ( ʽ).

•The first/fə:rst/[()Ʈ] blow/blou/[]


is half/hf/[^ۤ] the bat.tle/b́t.l/[^ ́.].


[] ȭ().

*The cherry trees in the park are now in full blow. / Ͽ.


*The cher.ry/tʃér.i:/[ä ́.()] trees in the park/[pɑ:rk/[ľ()ũ]

are now/nau/[] in full blow/blou/[].


039. blue/blu:/[]

[] Ǫ, ϴú, ( ) ķ,

*The sky is blue. / ϴ Ǫ.


*The sky/skai/[ī] is blue/blu:/[].


040. board/bɔ:rd/[^()]

[] ,

*Write your name on the board! / ̸ ĥǿ !


*Write/rait/[()] your name on the board/bɔ:rd/[^()]!


LV44alexҹ ٸ [ ]
Joke մ Ȱ!(Step 035)
== 4 ü( 02 ) ==[1]
޴ 5õ (114)
å 5õ (114)

غ! (Ŭ!)
Ʈ Ŀȳ
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