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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (014)(B)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 776 õ 0 2021-09-11 12:51:19
[ ]

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (014)(b)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (014)(b)(041~060)


b ==


041. beef/bi:f/[]

[] ,


*beef.steak/bí:f.stèik/ [] β , ũ.


000. been /bi:n/[]

be źл.


042. beer/biər/[()]

[] , (ڿú )


@ 043. be.fore/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́]

[] (ݺ, ) , ( ð)


i have met him before.

/ ִ.


[]Ϲ տ, [] *[] be.hind(bi.háind)


the bus left before/bi.fɔ́:r/ 9 oclock/ə.klɑ́k/[.ũ ́].

/ 9 .


* : oclock/ə.klɑ́k/[.ũ ́] ѱ [Ŭ́] д´. ̴.


@ 044. be.gin/bi.gín/[. ́]

[] (began [-ǵn]; begun [-gʌ́n]; beginning) (), () Ͼ


lets begin/bi.gín[. ́] a.gain/ə.géin/[. ́]!

/ 츮 ٽ !


045. be.have/bi.héiv/[.؟ ́]

[] (Ư) ٸ ൿϴ


she behaved/bi.héivd/[.؟ ́] well towards me.

/ ׳ ٸ Ͽ.


*be.ha.vior,iour /bi.héi.vjər/ [] ൿ, ,


@ 046. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]

[]ڿ. [opp.] before. [̸], , ڿ , Ƽ


leave all doubt behind!

/ ǽ !

(̱ gym, 24 fitness پ .)


[] ڿ, ״ÿ, ʿ(beyond). Ŀ,ðʾ


i am behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́] him in english.

/  ׿ .


[] , () ; (ϰ) .


he fell on his behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́].

/ ״ Ƹ .


*be.ing /bí:.i/[ ́.] [](x)


047. be.lief/bi.líf/[.() ́]

[] Ȯ, ų, ҽ


048. be.lieve/bi.lí:v/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ,


she has, i believe/bi.lí:v/[.() ́], no children.

/ ׳, Ͼ, ְ .(׳࿡ Ȯ ְ .)


@ 049. bell/bel/[]

[] , , , ,


were/wiər/[()] all/ɔ:l/[^] so hun.gry/hʌ́.gri:/[^ ́.()]

by the time the lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^] bell/bel/[] rings/ris/[()].

/ 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.


* : cell dell fell hell jell nell pell sell tell well

ܾ /-el/[] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


050. be.long/bi.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́]

[] () ϴ, () ̴


that belongs/bi.lɔ́:s/[.()^ ́] to me.

/ װ ̴.


*be.long.ing(s)/bi.lɔ́:.i(s)/ [] (pl.) (possessions), (property), ǰ,


@ 051. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]

[] Ʒ[, ] -, ġ[] *[] a.bove(ə.bʌ́v)


do not come in below/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́] 20.

/ 20 ̸(19 ) .


*(1) : ̻, , ̸ Ѱ?

̻ ϴ ڸ ,

̸ .

: 20̻(20 ), 20(20 Ʒ )

20̸(19 Ʒ )


*(2) : below, under, over

ڴ .

below, under 20(19 Ʒ )

over 20(21 )


@ 052. belt/belt/[Ʈ]

[] , Ʈ, , , ,


fast.en/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.] your seat/si:t/[ß] belt !

/ ¼ Ʈ (ž)!


[] 츦 Ŵ(on); 〗 ┅ Ǵ븦 , ƸŴ, () ġ, (Ӿ) ϰ ϴ, (ָ)


i en.ter.ed/én.tərd/[ ́.()] into the gar.den/gɑ́:rd.ən/[() ́.]

belt.ed/bél.tid/[ ́.] with/wi/[] trees/tri:s/[Ʈ()̽].

/ ѷ .


* : ܾ ȣ ٸ 찡 ִ.

̷ ⸸ ؼ ùٸ ϱ ƴ.

: gar.den/gɑ́:rd.ən/[() ́.], belt.ed/bél.tid/[ ́.]


@ 053. bench/bentʃ/[]

[] ġ, ,߱ġ


he sat/st/[^] on a park/pɑ:rk/[()ũ] bench/bentʃ/[].

/ ״ ġ ɾҴ.


054. bend/bend/[]

[] (p., pp. bent[bent]) θ, (Ӹ) ̴, () , (Ȱ) , (ö) , ( )


every eye was bent/bent/[Ʈ] on him.

/ ü ׿() ȴ.


055. be.neath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́]

[] (ٷ) Ʒ[], Ʒʿ, Ͽ


i live in the town beneath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́].

/ Ʒ .


[] (ġҰ) Ʒ[](), (й ) [], ޾Ƽ *[] be.low(bi.lóu) , Ϸ, ġ


it is beneath/bi.ní:ɵ/[. ́] him to complain.

/ Ǫ ϴ ʴ.


056. ben.e.fit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..]

[] , ̵ *[] prof.it(prɑ́:f.it)

[] () Ǵ; ̷Ӵ. (by; from).


you will benefit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..] by a holiday.

/ ް ̴.


000. ber.ry/bér.i:/[ ́.()]

n. () Ŀ Ұַ ; Ĺ() ٳ . Ŀ ; () ; (hip).


057. be.side/bi:.sáid/[. ́]

[] [], , Ͽ, -(apart from).


he sat beside/bi:.sáid/[. ́] me.

/ ״ 翡 ɾҴ.


*be.sides/bi.sáidz/ [] ׹ۿ, , Դٰ, ܿ


058. best/best/[轺Ʈ]

[]good ֻ , [opp.] worst. κ. , ö.


he is the best/best/[轺Ʈ] liar.

/ ״ ̾.


[] (the , ones ) ּ, ֻ, ; ּ . (the ) ּ [κ] (the ) Ϸ (). ( ones ) .


we are the best/best/[轺Ʈ] of friends.

/ 츮 ģ ģ.


* : chest fest jest lest nest pest quest rest test vest west

/-est/[-Ʈ] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


059. bet/bet/[]

[] , [], ( )

[] (p., pp. , ted [bétid]; ting) ( ) ɴ, ϴ


what will you bet/bet/[]?

/ ڳ ɰڳ.


* : get het jet let met net pet set vet wet yet

/-et/[-()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


*bet.ted /bét.id/[ ́.]


060. bet.ter/bét.ər/[ ́.()]

[]good 񱳱 , ~ ( ߿),well 񱳱 ִ,


he is getting better/bét.ər/[ ́.()].

/ ״ () ִ.



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< Episode : Excuse me>
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