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, , ȸȭ (016)

LV42alexҹ ȸ 819 õ 0 2019-05-19 2:50:43
[ ]

, , ȸȭ (016)!


Lesson 016 : B / 162 ~ 191


162. @ bright(brait)[()()]

[] (¦¦) , , Ӹ ,

*He is so ~./ ״ .


163. bril.liance(bríl.jəns)[() ́.̾]

[] , Ǹ, ,〖̼〗() (٥), ֵ()


164. bril.liant(bríl.jənt)[() ́.̾Ʈ]

[] ϰ , γ īο, ִ, Ǹ

•I only want to hear its ~. / Ǹϴ ͽϴ.


165. @ bring(bri)[()]

[] (p., pp. brought[brɔ:t]) (, ), ()

*B~ your book! / å !


* : bring , ١ . * ȭ ϵ, ٸ ҷ Ok.

fetch (װ) , (װ) ١ .

take , ١ .


166. brisk(brisk)[()ũ]

[] , Ȱ, , ( ) Ȱ ִ

*Business is always ~ before Christmas. / ũ յΰ Ⱑ ׻ ȰȲ̴.


167. Brit.ish(brít.iʃ)[() ́.̾]

[] ,

*Comparison of American and ~ English. / ̱

[], ()


168. broad(brɔ:d)[()^()]

[] , (衤İ ) , 밭, , , ɼ

•a mind / •a fact / •a smile / ľȴ.

*That situation is common in a ~ way. / Ȳ ü ϸ ϴ.


* : broad, wide ̰ ,

wide ̸ δ١ .

wide 쿡 : a wide tape


169. broad.cast(brɔ́:d.k̀st)[()^ ́.ij^ƽƮ ̀]

[] , 濵

[] (p., pp. -cast) [濵]ϴ.

* šźл翡 -casted [-id] .

*The concert will be ~ live tomorrow evening. / ܼƮ ῡ ۵ȴ.


*broad.cast.ing(brɔ:d.k̀st.i) [/] (), 濵(): a ing station ۱.


broad.ly /brɔ́:d.li:/[()^ ́.()]

ad. а, θ, , , õϰ, ü, ,

* speaking / ü ϸ.

*Broadly speaking, I agree with you.

뷫 ϸ ǰ߿ մϴ.

He was smiling broadly because he was so happy. ó:ɷ

״ Ϳ ɸ ⻵ߴ


bro.chure /brou.ʃúər/[()ο.() ́]

n. F.(ʣ)å, å, ø


170. brok.en(bróu.kən)[()ο ́.]

[] break źл

[] μ, ׷, ̾, Ļ

*I had a ~ sleep. / .


171. bronze(brɑ:nz / brɔ:nz)[()Ȥ]

[] û, û ǰ

[] û, û

*an Olympic ~ medalist / ø ޴޸Ʈ


172. brook(bruk)[()()]

[] ó, ǰõ *[] stream(stri:m)

*A ~ streams by our house. / ó(õ) 츮 帥.

[] , ߵ, () ϴ

•I cannot his insults. / .

•It s no delay. / ̰ ü .


173. broom(bru:m)[()]

[] , ũ귯(ڷ ).〖Ĺ〗 ȭ. (̱Ӿ) .


174. @ broth.er(brʌ́.ər)[() ́.()]

[] , Ǵ ƿ, ģ,

*He is my ~. / ״ ̴.

*He is my little ~. / ״ ()̾.

*We are ~s. / 츰 ̾.


175. brought(brɔ:t)[()^i()]

[] BRING šźл.

*Did you bring it? / װ Դ?

*Yes, I did(brought). / , Ծ.


176. brow(brau)[()]

[] ̸, ( pl.) (eyebrows), []; []

•We live on the of a hill. / 츮 .


177. @ brown(braun)[()]

[/] ٰ()

*My bag is ~. / ̴ٰ.


178. browse(brauz)[()줵]

[] ()  Դ, (å) д, ( 鼭 ǰ) ̰ ϴ

[]  , ,  ( ); (å ) ; (ǰ

•I am just browsing. / ׳ () ϰ ־.


*brows.ing(brɑ́u.zi) brows л


179. bruise(bru:z)[()줵]

[] Ÿڻ, »

[] ~ Ÿڻ ִ, ۵ ϴ

*His feelings ~ easily. / ۵ ȴ.


180. @ brush(brʌʃ)[()^ƾ]

[] , , ,

*I need a new toothbrush. / ĩ ʿϴ.

[] ϴ, ϴ

*B~ teeth after meal ! / Ŀ ġ ϶! (meal(mi:l)/Ļ)


181. buck.et(bʌ́k.it)[^ ́.()]

[] Ŷ, 絿, η


182. buck.le(bʌ́k.l)[^ ́.]

[] μ, , Ŭ

[] (μ) (ä), з) , Ʋ(up). ϴ

• (up) your seat belt. / ¼ Ʈ ä!


183. Bud.dha(bú:d.ə)[ΟL ́.]

[] (the ) Ÿ, ó( Ī; ٸ 浵()Ե ). һ().


184. Bud.dhism(bú:d.izm)[ΟL ́.̤]

[] ұ, ҵ(Գ).


185. @ build(bild)[]

[] (p., pp. built [bilt], (þ) ed) , [, Ǽ]ϴ, (Ρö ) μϴ, ϴ, (ӿ) ڷ ()

* ~ a fire! / .

•The house is ing. / ̴.

•The house is built of wood. / ǹ̴.


186. build.ing(bíl.di)[ ́.]

[] (.), , Ǽ


187. built(bilt)[Ʈ]

[] build źл


built-in == ٹ, ()


*built-in cupboards / ٹ

*Were having new wardrobes built in. / 츮 ٹ ̰ ִ.


188. bulk(bʌlk)[^ũ]

[] ũ, , ( ) , ǰ


189. bump(bʌmp)[^]

[] (Ӹ ) εġ, ┅ ε

•I ~ed my head against the wall. / Ӹ ϰ εƴ.

[] 浹, Ȥ


* : dump hump jump lump rump sump

ܾ (-ʌmp)[^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

L () R () տ ִ´.


190. bunch(bʌntʃ)[^]

[] ٹ, ̡̱

•a of grapes / .

[] ٹ߷ [Ǵ], ( )

•They were ed together. / ׵ ־.


191. bun.dle(bʌ́n.dl)[[^ ́.]

[] , ٷ( )

•a of letters / .

[] ┅ ٹ , ٸ, () ĥ ,

•She d up her clothes. / ׳ ׳ ʵ ٷȴ.


LV42alexҹ ٸ [ ]
Joke մ Ȱ!(Step 028)
޴ 5õ (107)
å 5õ (107)
Joke մ Ȱ!(Step 027)

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