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å 5õ (064)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 216 õ 0 2024-02-22 4:44:48
[ ]

å 5õ (064)

== g (021) ~ (040) ==


(07) g ==


# gen.tle/ʤén.tl/[ ́.Ʈ]

a. (-tler; tlest) () ȭ, ¼,

he is a ~/ʤén.tl/ man. / ״ Ż.


022. ge.og.ra.phy/ʤi:.ɑ́:g.rə.fi:/[.ƾ ́.().]

[] , , ,


023. ge.om.e.try/ʤi:.ɑ́:m.ə.tri:/[.ƾ ́..Ʈ()]

[] .


024. ger.man/ʤə́:r.mən/[() ́.]

[] , dz[], , Ͼ

[] ϻ, Ͼ


*ger.ma.ny/ʤə́:r.mə.ni:/ []


025. ges.ture/ʤés.tʃər/[́.ó()]

[] , , ó

[] ϴ; ȣϴto; for

he ~d (to the waiter) for another drink.

/ (Ϳ) ޶ ˷ȴ.


@ 026. get/get/[a]

[] (got [gɑt/gɔt], () gat [gt]; got, gotten [gɑ́tn/gɔ́tn]; gétting)

, Լϴ, ȹϴ, ,

you will ~/get/ used to it by degrees.

/ ͼ ž

by degrees = gradually(, )


*̱ ü :

get in the line. / .

get lost! /

get off my back. / .

get real! / Ǽ. .

get the picture? / ذ Ǽ?

i dont get it. / ظ ϰڳ,

i get it. / ˾ .

i am getting hungry. / 谡 µ.

i got lost. / Ҿ.

i have got to go now. / ߰ڳ׿.

i havent got all day. / ѷ ּ. ð .

you are getting better. / ִ.

you got it. / ظ ϼ̱.


027. ghost/goust/[콺Ʈ]

[] , (), (), (),


028. gift/gift/[Ʈ]

[] , ǰ


* : /i/[] Լ ణ и鼭 .

gift[Ʈ] 鸱 ִ. Ȯ ѱ , [] ƴϴ.


*gift-wrap /gíft.r̀p/ [] (-pp-) () ڰ ϴ


029. gi.ant/ʤái.ənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[]ȭ, , Ŵ [Ĺ]. (Ƿ ) ,


*gi.gan.tic/ʤai.ǵn.tik/ [] , Ŵ, û ū


# gild/gild/[]

vt. (p., pp. ~ed [gíldid], gilt) ݹ , ݺ ĥϴ.

þ ݺ ϴ; Ѳٸ, ٹ̴, ġϴ;

gild the lily ̹ [Ƹٿ] ġ ٹ̷ ġ, ޴


030. gin.ger/ʤín.dʒər/[ ́.()]

[]Ĺ, Ѹ(̷ڿ ̴)


@ 031. girl/gə:rl/[ž()]

[] , ҳ

he is talking with a ~/gə:rl/ wearing glasses.

/ ״ Ȱ ھ̿ ̾߱⸦ ִ.

л(wearing) (girl) ϴ


* : [](x) ==>

[ž-]ϰ, ٽ õ 𿡵 ʰ Ͽ ణ

/:r/[()] Ͽ r 鸮 ϰ,

õ忡 ϸ鼭 []Ѵ.


@ 032. give/giv/[]

[] (gave [geiv]; given [gívən]) ִ, ִ,

g~/giv/ him a chance/tʃns/[ä^Ƚ]!

/ ׿ ȸ !


*giv.en/gív.ən/ == give źл, [] ־, , ();


== ( 4) ==

he gave me a book. / ״ å ־..

־(he) + (gave) + (me) + (a book)


*̱ ü : give it a rest. μ.

give it a try. .; Ȥ ѹ õ .

give me a call. ȭ ּ.


@ 033. glad/gld/[^]

[] , ݰ,

i am ~/gld/ to see(meet) you.

/ () Ǿ ݰϴ.


*̱ ü :

gladly. / .


034. glance/glns/[^Ƚ]

[] , ,

she took a ~/glns/ into the mirror.

/ ׳ ſ 鿩ٺҴ.

[] [] , , ݻϴ.

the moon ~d/glnst/[^ȽƮ] brightly on the lake.

/ ȣ 鿡 ־.


@ 035. glass/gls/[^ƽ]

[] , , , ۶

he has a ~/gls/ in his hand.

/ ״ տ ִ.


*a glass: ϳ

*glass(es) /gĺs.(iz)/[^ ́.()]


036. glide/glaid/[Ɵ]

[] Ȱ, ̲, ̲Ʋ

[] ̲, Ȱϴ, (ð )

the swan ~d/glɑ́i.did/[ ́.] across the lake.

/ ȣ ̲ .


037. glit.ter/glít.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ¦, ȭ, ä; ½̴ ǰ ̾Ƹ .

[] ½½ϴ, ( ) in; with () ϴ

all is not gold that ~s/glít.ərs/[ ́.()].

= all that ~s/glít.ərs/ is not gold.

/Ӵ ½̴ ƴϴ.


# glo.bal/glóu.bəl/[ ́.]

ɑ. , (Ϲ). , , (worldwide); ü, ü(entire); ǻ

a ~ flight / a ~ war /

take a ~ view of / ü ٶ󺸴ϴ.


the situation now is quite different, as many scientists feel a responsibility to speak out because of the importance of global warming and related issues, and many reporters share these feelings. (2024 ) (42)

Ȳ ޶ϴ. ڵ ³ȭ ߿伺 Ҹ Ѵٴ åӰ ְ, ڵ ̷ ϰ ֽϴ.


038. globe/gloub/[]

[] (Ϲ), , ü

he has travel.ed/tŕvld/ all around the ~/gloub/.

/ ״ ߴ.


*glo.bal/glóu.bəl/ [] , , , ü,


# gloom.y/glú:m.i:/[ ́.]

ɑ. (gloomier; -iest) Ͼ, ο, .syn⟩ ⇨dark.

ħ(), (dark) a ~ winter day Ǫ ܿﳯ.

, ħ(depressed); (melancholy) in a ~ mood .

(pessimistic); Ӱ ϴ; , ϴ

take a ~ view / .

it was a ~/glú:m.i:/ winter day yesterday.

/ Ǫ ܿﳯ̾.

*gloom.i.ly/glú:m.i.li::/ ɑd.

*gloom.i.ness/glú:m.i.nis/ n.


@ 040. glove/glʌv/[^]

[] ( pl.) , (߱) ۷

i have a baseball ~/glʌv/.

/ ߱ ۷긦 ִ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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