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<<, ȣ & Ҹ() !(19)>>

LV47 alexҹ

2022-09-21 11:59:41 | ȸ : 893

<<, ȣ & Ҹ() !(19)>>


27 : < öǾ >


36. moderate :


(1) mod.er.ate/mάd.ǝ.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]

[] ˸µ ϴ, ȭ()ϴ, ϴ; (߼ڸ) ϴ

he ~s/mάd.ǝ.rèits/ the sharpness of his words.

/ ״ ε巴 ϴ.

(2) mod.er.ate/mάd.ə.rǝt/[ ́..()]

[] , ϴ(temperate), ִ, °

he is ~/mάd.ə.rǝt/ in drinking.

/ ״ ô.


37. object :


(1) ob.ject/ɑ́b.dʒikt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] , ( ) ,

o~s/ɑ́b.dʒikts/ in mirror are closer than they appear.

/ ſ ü װ͵ .

(2) ob.ject/əb.dʒékt/[.́]

[] ݴϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ϴ, ǰ

if you dont ~/əb.dʒékt/...

/ () ٸ


38. overthrow :


(1) o.ver.throw/òu.vǝr.róu/[.̀().()ο ́]

[] (-threw [-]; -thrown [-róun]) , , ( ) Ű,߱(̽) ()ϴ.

they were plotting to ~/òu.vǝr.róu/ the government.

/ ׵ ϰ ־.

(2) o.ver.throw/óu.vǝr.ròu/[.́().()ο ̀]

[] Ÿ, (upset). ; .߱, ̴, .

the ~/óu.vǝr.ròu/ of the military regime was followed

by a period of anarchy.

/ ǰ ̾ ѵ ° ̾.


39. perfect :


(1) per.fect/pə́:r.fikt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[]Ϸ *the tenses Ϸ .

[] , ̻ *[] com.plete(kəm.plí:t)

your answer was ~/pə́:r.fikt/.

/ ߴ.

(2). per.fect/pər.fékt/[().́]

[] ϼϴ. ϴ, ϴ, []ϴ, ޽Ű

hes busy ~.ing/pər.fék.ti/ his bowling technique.

/ ״ ϼŰ ٻڴ.


40. permit :


(1) per.mit/pər.mít/[(). ́]

[] (-tt-) ϴ, 㰡ϴ, ΰϴ

smoking is no ~.ted/pər.mít.id/ in the room.

/ 濡 ݿ̴.

(2) per.mit/pə́:r.mit/[() ́.]

[] [],

i have a parking ~/pə́:r.mit/.

/ 㰡 ־.


41. prayer :


(1) prayer/prɛər/[()()]


they knelt in ~/prɛər/.

/ ׵ ݰ ⵵ ϰ ־.

(2) pray.er/préi.ər/[() ́.()]

[] ⵵ϴ

who is that ~/préi.ər/ on the floor?

/ 翡 ⵵ϴ Ű?


42. present :


(1) pres.ent/préz.ənt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] ( the) , ó,, (pl.),

[] ⼮ϰ ִ, *[] ab.sent(́b.sənt), ,()

i was ~/préz.ənt/ at the meeting.

/ ȸ ߴ.

[] . present ģ ; gift [ü] .

this pen is my ~/préz.ənt/ for you.

/ ſ ִ ̾.

(2) pre.sent/pri.zént/[().Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ġ; ִ, (,)ϴ, ̴.

i ~/pri.zént/ this pen to you.

/ ſ Ѵ.


43. produce :


(1) pro.duce/prə.djú:s/[().́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, Ű, ϴ ( ) ϴ (Ÿ) δ

p~/prə.djú:s/ your proof.

/ Ÿ ̰.

(2) prod.uce/prɑ́d.ju:s/[() ́.̿콺]

[][] ,

where can i get the lettuce?

/ ߸ ֳ? .

go to the ~/prɑ́d.ju:s/ section!

/ 깰 μ !


44. prog.ress :


(1) prog.ress /prάg.res/[() ́.()]

[] , (ô), *[] ret.ro.gress(rét.rə.grès)

the ~/prάg.res/ of a student

in his studies depends on his teacher.

/ л ޷ȴ.

(2) prog.ress/prou.grés/[()ο.() ́]

[] ϴ, ôǴ, ϴ, opp.retrogress.syn⟩ ⇨advance.

he ~.ed/prou.grést/[()ο.()Ʈ ́] in knowledge

from his schooling.

/ ״ б þ.


45. project :


(1) proj.ect/prɑ́dʒ.ekt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] (), ȹ,

im working night and day

to finish the ~/prɑ́dʒ.ekt/ on time.

/ ð ȿ Ʈ 㳷 ϰ ִ.

(2) pro.ject/prə.dʒékt/[().́]

[] ȹϴ, Ծϴ, ϴ, ϴ

sea level is ~.ed/prə.dʒék.tid/[().H ́.] to rise

by around 25 cm by 2050.

/ ؼ 205025 ġ ȴ.


46. prospect :


(1) pros.pect/prɑ́s.pekt/[() ́.]

[] (), , ġ, ( ) () ,

the church has a western ~/prɑ́s.pekt/.

/ ȸ ̴..

he has good ~s/prɑ́s.pekts/.

/ ״ ϴ.

(2) pros.pect/prə.spékt/[().́́]

[] (ݱ ã) ϴ, ñϴ(for), () ϴ.

the company is also ~.ing/prə.spék.ti/ for gold.

/ ȸ ã ִ.


47. protest :


(1) pro.test/próu.test/[()ο ́.½Ʈ]

[] , ׺, (û), , . .

the ~/próu.test/ thɑt he had an alibi was rejected.

/ ׿ ˸̰ ִٴ û ⰢǾ.

(2) pro.test/prə.tést/[().½Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, Ǹ ϴ, [ܾ, Ȯ]ϴ

what were the students ~.ing/prə.tés.ti/ against?

/ л ϰ ־°.


48. record :


(1) rec.ord/rék.ərd/[()L ́.()]

[] ,

your ~/rék.ərd/ is too old.

/ ʹ Ǿ.

(2) re.cord/ri.kɔ́:rd/[().^() ́]

[] ϴ, δ, []ϴ, ϴ

r~/ri.kɔ́:rd/ your voice!

/ ϶!


49. re :


(1) re.cre.ate/rì:.kri.éit/[() ̀.ũ().֟ ́]

[] â, ()

[] ϴ, ٽ; ϴ..

r~ /rì:.kri.éit/ the lifestyle of bygone era.

/ ô Ȱ ϶.

(2) rec.re.ate/rék.ri.èit/[()L ́.().֟ ̀]

[] ޾, ȯ, ũ̼

[] ޾Űϴ, ɽ ϽŽŰϴ], ȯ Űϴ

i often ~/rék.ri.èit/ myself with gardening.

/ ϸ ȯ Ѵ.


50. refund :


(1) re.fund/ri.fʌ́nd/[().^ȵ ́]

[] ȯϴ, ȯϴ, ( ) ǰϴ, ȯϴ, ϴ.

i am going to ~/ri.fʌ́nd/ this toy.

/ 峭 ȯϷ մϴ.

(2) re.fund/rí:.fʌnd/[() ́.^ȵ]

[] ȯ(), ȯ(), ȯ

you can not get a ~/rí:.fʌnd/ without a receipt.

/ ȯ ϴ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!