͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (047)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-11-21 4:46:51 | ȸ : 914

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (047)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > e (061~080)


e ==


061. ep.i.sode/ép.ə.sòud/[ ́..ҟL ̀]

[] (Ҽ ) ȭ(ߺ), Ǽҵ, ( ) Ϸ ȭ


i have

a lot of english ~/ép.ə.sòud/[ ́..ҟL ̀]

since i came here.

/ ̷ .

* : [Ǽҵ] ˰ Ϳ ʴ´.

 ̵ (pulse) Ǿ 鸮 ʴ´.

[ ́..ҟL ̀] [Ǽҵ] pulse ٸ ȴ.


062. ep.och/ép.ək/[ ́.]

[] (߿ Ͼ) ô; (ġ ) ű, ô.


*ep.och.al/ép.ək.əl/ [] ű; ȹ; ̹.

*ep.och-mak.ing / -.mèi.ki/ [] ȹ, ű ̷(epochal).


@ 063. e.qual/í:.kwəl/[ ́.ũ]

[] (to); (with), () ȣ. [syn.] same. (ӹ ) , ִ, () ִ. () (to). [յ, ], Ѱᰰ


twice 2 is ~/í:.kwəl/[ ́.ũ] to 4.

/ 2 2 4̴. 22=4.


[] , , (). , ϴ , .


she has no ~/í:.kwəl/[ ́.ũ] in cooking.

/ 丮 ־ ڸ .


[] (-l-, -ll-) ; ϴ, յϰ ϴ, ϴ.


four times six ~s/í:.kwəls/[ ́.ũ] twenty-four.

/ 46 = 24.


*e.qual.ly/í:.kwəl.i:/ [] , ϰ. ϰ.

*e.quate/i.kwéit/ [] ϴ, ؿ µ []ϴ, ٰ

ǥ()ϴ, ȭϴ, Ÿ

*e.qua.tion/i:.kwéi.ʃən/ [] , յȭ, , պ


064. e.qua.tor/i.kwéit.ər/[.ũ֟ ́.()]

[] (the ) , ־ м().


000. e.qui.dis.tant/ì:.kwi.dís.tənt/[ ̀.ũ. ́.Ʈ]

[] ()Ÿfrom; ()(), ()()


all points on a circle

 are ~/ì:.kwi.dís.tənt/[ ̀.ũ. ́.Ʈ] from the center. 

/ ߽ɿ ()Ÿ ִ.


065. e.qui.lat.er.al/ì:.kwə.ĺt.ər.əl/[ ̀.ũ.()^ ́..()]

[] .


an ~/ì:.kwə.ĺt.ər.əl/ triangle [polygon]

/  ﰢ[ٰ]


066. e.quip/i.kwíp/[.ũ ́]

[] (-pp-) ( ʿ买) ߴ, ϴ(with); () ()ϴ.


a building ~.ped/i.kwípt/[.ũƮ ́] as a hospital

/ μ ǹ

*e.quip.ment/i.kwíp.mənt/ [] ( pl.) , , ǰ;

()(ǰ); ǻ غ, ä; , (Ͽ ʿ) ɷ, ,


000. e.ra/íər.ǝ/[ ́.()]

[] (ȣ) ; , ( ߿) ô, ñ(epoch)

the christian ~ ±

 ( Žô븦 ȹϴ) ߿ ¥, ; ߴ

 the year 1492 marks an ~/íər.ǝ/[ ́.()in world history.

/ 1492 ȹ ̴.(ݷҹ Ŵ ߰)


@ 067. e.rase/i:.réiz/[.() ́]

[] , [, ]ϴ, (Ӿ) ̴, йŰ


she tried to ~/i:.réiz/[.() ́]

the memory of that evening.

/ ׳ ׳ ֽ.


*e.ra.ser/i:.réi.zər/[.().́()] [] ,


*̱ : e.ra.ser/i:.réi.zər/[.().́()]

  how many syllables in eraser? 3 syllables ( )

  divide eraser into syllables: e-ras-er ( )

  stressed syllable in eraser: e-ras-er ( )

  how to pronounce eraser: ih-rey-ser ( )


068. err/ɛər/[()]

[] (Գ), Ŵ, ߸[Ǽ]ϴ


to ~/ɛər/[()] is human,

to forgive divine.

/ (ݾ) ߸ , 뼭 ̴

( a. pope ).


069. er.ror/ér.ər/[ ́.()()]

[] ߸, Ʋ, ߸


no payments were made last week

because of a computer ~/ér.ər/[ ́.()()].

/ ֿ ǻ ޿ ޵ ߴ.


* : [ַ](x)

error ù r Ȯϰ 鸮 ϰ( ̸ ȴ.).

r ( ġ ),

r ϰ() .


070. es.ca.late/és.kə.lèit/[ֽ ́.Ŀ.() ̀]

[] ÷͸ Ÿ ( ); (ӱ) ޵ϴ;

   (ӱ ) ÷ ڵ [ϰ]ϴ


    prices ~/és.kə.lèit/[ֽ ́.Ŀ.() ̀]./ Ѵ..

*es.ca.lat.or/és.kə.lèit.ər/[ֽ ́.Ŀ.() ̀.()]

[] ÷, ڵ


071. es.cape/e.skéip/[.ij ́]

[] ޾Ƴ, Ż[]ϴ,


two were ed,

but he ~d/e.skéipt/[.ijƮ ́].

/ ׾ ׷ ״ Żߴ.


072. es.pe.cial/e.spéʃ.əl/[.о ́.]

[] Ư, , * special .


theyre planning

an ~/e.spéʃ.əl/[.о ́.] birthday party

for david.

/ ׵ david Ư Ƽ ȹϰ ִ.


*es.pe.cial.ly/e.spéʃ.əl.i:/ [] Ư, , Ư


073(1). es.say/és.ei/[ֽ ́.]

[] , () ҷ(), ÷(), (at; in),


your ~/és.ei/[ֽ ́.] needs (a) structure.

/ ڳ ̿ ü谡 ʿ.


073(2). es.say/e.séi/[. ́]

[] õ()ϴ; غ; [syn.] try.


he ~.ed/e.séid/[.̵ ́] escape.

/ ״ ָ õߴ.


074. es.sen.tial/ə.sén.ʃəl/[. ́.]

[] ٺ, ʼ, Ұ, ,


oxygen is ~/ə.sén.ʃəl/[. ́.]

to life [for the maintenance of life].

/ Ҵ [ ] Ұ ̴.


*es.sen.tial.ly/ə.sén.ʃəl.i:/ [] , (in essence); .


075. es.tate/ə.stéit/[.Ÿ ́]

[] , ( ִ) , , , (ȸ)


he has an ~/ə.stéit/[.Ÿ ́] in the country.

/ ״ ð ִ.


* : es ϴ ܾ ܾ ȣ ٸ ִ.

̱ ʰ ٸ ̽ .


076. es.teem/ə.stí:m/[.Ƽ ́]

[] ,

[] ϴ, ϴ *[] re.spect(ri.spékt), - ϴ


he does not ~/ə.stí:m/[.Ƽ ́] women highly.

/ ״ ڸ ״ ʴ´.


*es.ti.ma.ble/és.tə.mə.bl/ [] , , ִ


077. es.ti.mate/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀]

[] , ,

[] , ϴ, ϴ


we ~/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀] that

it would take three months

to finish the work.

/ 츰 ϼ 3  ִ.


078. etc. = et cet.er.a /et sét.ər.ə/[. ́..()]

[l.] Ÿ, , (: etc., &c.; ڸ ).

[] ( ) []; (pl.) ⵿, ǰ.


079. eth.i.cal/éɵ.i.kəl/[ ́..]

[] ,

[] , , (), Ÿ *eth.ics(éɵ.iks)


on occasion

employees receive training

on ~/éɵ.i.kəl/[ ́..] behavior.

/ ޽ϴ.


080. et.i.quette/ét.i.kət/[ ́..]

[] Ƽ, , , ( ) ҹ


it is very important

to learn ~/ét.i.kət/[ ́..].

/ ſ ߿ϴ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!