͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (019)(B)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-09-24 12:15:34 | ȸ : 935

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (019)(b)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (019)(b)(141~155)


b ==


141. bunch/bʌntʃ/[^]

[] ٹ, ̱


a ~/bʌntʃ/[^] of grapes

/ .


[] ٹ߷ [Ǵ], ( )


they were ~.ed/bʌntʃt/[^Ʈ] together.

/ ׵ ־.


142. bun.dle/bʌ́n.dl/[^ ́.]

[] , ٷ( )

a bundle of letters / .


[] ٹ , ٸ, () ĥ ,


she ~d/bʌ́n.dld/[^ ́.] up her clothes.

/ ׳ ׳ ʵ ٷȴ.


@ 143. burn/bə:rn/[()]

[] (p., pp. burned, burnt) ¿, ҿ


do not ~/bə:rn/[()]!

/ ¿ !


*burn.er/bə́:r.nər/ [] ( ) Һ̴

*burn.ing/bə́:r.ni/ [] Ÿ(),


144. bur.y/bér.i:/[ ́.()]

[] (p., pp. buried; ing ) , ϴ


she has ~ied/bér.i:d/[ ́.()̵] her husband.

/ ׳ Ǿ.


*bur.ied /bér.i:d/[ ́.()] [](x)


@ 145. bus/bʌs/[^ƽ]

[] (pl. bus(s)es[bʌ́s.iz]) , ڵ


h~/hap/[J] on the bus/bʌs/[^ƽ]!

/ öŸ!


146. bush/buʃ/[ξ()]

[] (shrub), Ǯ,


147. bus.i.ness/bíz.ə.nis/[ ́..Ͻ]

[] , , ŷ


* : [ ́.Ͻ] ok!


@ 148. bus stop/stap/[z]



the ~/bʌs/[^ƽ] ~/stap/[z] is

one/wʌn/[^] block/blak/[] a.way/ə.wéi/[. ́].

/ ִ.


* : [^ƽ] [z] ==> [^ z] д´.

ܾ ܾ ù .


@ 149. bus.y/bíz.i:/[ ́.]

[] (bus.i.er[bíz.i.ər]/-.i.est[bíz.i.ist]) ٻ, (), ƴ


i was ~/bíz.i:/[ ́.] yes.ter.day/jés.tə:r.dèi/[ֽ̾ ́.. ̀].

/ ٻ.


@ 150. but/bʌt/[^]

[] ׷, , ׷


b~/bʌt/[^] you are ok/òu.kéi/[ ̀.ij ́].

/ ׷ .


* : cut gut hut mutt nut rut tut

ܾ /-ʌt/[^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

r տ () ִ´.


000. but.ler /bʌ́t.lər/[^ ́.()()]

[] , ǿ() θӸı(׾)â ;

[] ~ 븩 ϴ.


000. butt/bʌt/[^]

[] ( ) ; () Ӹ; ص, ׷ͱ; ڷ Ʒ κ.̱ Ǵ , (cigar cigarette ~).


@ 151. but.ter/bʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ,


b~/bʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()] and bread/bred/[()A].

/ Ϳ


@ 152. but.ton/bʌ́t.ən/[^ ́.]

[] ,̱Ŀ ư


b~s/bʌ́t.əns/[^ ́.] up/ʌp/[^]!

/ ߸ ׶!


@ 153. buy/bai/[]

[] (p., pp. bought [bɔt]) , ϴ


i have to ~/bai/[] some/sʌm/[^] books.

/ å .


154. by/bai/[]

[] , ̿, , (), , ()


man.y/mén.i;/[ ́.] were stand.ing/st́n.di/[^ ́.] ~/bai/[]

at the time.

/ 翡 ־.


@ 155. bye/bai/[]

[] () ȳ(good-bye)


b~/bai/[] ! b~/bai/[] !

/ ȳ! ȳ!


* : ̷ д´.

/b a i/[ ] [].


000. by.gone / bái. gɔ̀:n /[ ́. ^ ̀]

[] , .

[] ()

let ~s be ~s. Ӵ Ŵ ؾ.



========== the end



< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (019)(b)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (019)(b)(141~155)


b ==


141. bunch/bʌntʃ/[^]

[] ٹ, ̱


a ~/bʌntʃ/[^] of grapes

/ .


[] ٹ߷ [Ǵ], ( )


they were ~.ed/bʌntʃt/[^Ʈ] together.

/ ׵ ־.


142. bun.dle/bʌ́n.dl/[^ ́.]

[] , ٷ( )

a bundle of letters / .


[] ٹ , ٸ, () ĥ ,


she ~d/bʌ́n.dld/[^ ́.] up her clothes.

/ ׳ ׳ ʵ ٷȴ.


@ 143. burn/bə:rn/[()]

[] (p., pp. burned, burnt) ¿, ҿ


do not ~/bə:rn/[()]!

/ ¿ !


*burn.er/bə́:r.nər/ [] ( ) Һ̴

*burn.ing/bə́:r.ni/ [] Ÿ(),


144. bur.y/bér.i:/[ ́.()]

[] (p., pp. buried; ing ) , ϴ


she has ~ied/bér.i:d/[ ́.()̵] her husband.

/ ׳ Ǿ.


*bur.ied /bér.i:d/[ ́.()] [](x)


@ 145. bus/bʌs/[^ƽ]

[] (pl. bus(s)es[bʌ́s.iz]) , ڵ


h~/hap/[J] on the bus/bʌs/[^ƽ]!

/ öŸ!


146. bush/buʃ/[ξ()]

[] (shrub), Ǯ,


147. bus.i.ness/bíz.ə.nis/[ ́..Ͻ]

[] , , ŷ


* : [ ́.Ͻ] ok!


@ 148. bus stop/stap/[z]



the ~/bʌs/[^ƽ] ~/stap/[z] is

one/wʌn/[^] block/blak/[] a.way/ə.wéi/[. ́].

/ ִ.


* : [^ƽ] [z] ==> [^ z] д´.

ܾ ܾ ù .


@ 149. bus.y/bíz.i:/[ ́.]

[] (bus.i.er[bíz.i.ər]/-.i.est[bíz.i.ist]) ٻ, (), ƴ


i was ~/bíz.i:/[ ́.] yes.ter.day/jés.tə:r.dèi/[ֽ̾ ́.. ̀].

/ ٻ.


@ 150. but/bʌt/[^]

[] ׷, , ׷


b~/bʌt/[^] you are ok/òu.kéi/[ ̀.ij ́].

/ ׷ .


* : cut gut hut mutt nut rut tut

ܾ /-ʌt/[^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

r տ () ִ´.


000. but.ler /bʌ́t.lər/[^ ́.()()]

[] , ǿ() θӸı(׾)â ;

[] ~ 븩 ϴ.


000. butt/bʌt/[^]

[] ( ) ; () Ӹ; ص, ׷ͱ; ڷ Ʒ κ.̱ Ǵ , (cigar cigarette ~).


@ 151. but.ter/bʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ,


b~/bʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()] and bread/bred/[()A].

/ Ϳ


@ 152. but.ton/bʌ́t.ən/[^ ́.]

[] ,̱Ŀ ư


b~s/bʌ́t.əns/[^ ́.] up/ʌp/[^]!

/ ߸ ׶!


@ 153. buy/bai/[]

[] (p., pp. bought [bɔt]) , ϴ


i have to ~/bai/[] some/sʌm/[^] books.

/ å .


154. by/bai/[]

[] , ̿, , (), , ()


man.y/mén.i;/[ ́.] were stand.ing/st́n.di/[^ ́.] ~/bai/[]

at the time.

/ 翡 ־.


@ 155. bye/bai/[]

[] () ȳ(good-bye)


b~/bai/[] ! b~/bai/[] !

/ ȳ! ȳ!


* : ̷ д´.

/b a i/[ ] [].


000. by.gone / bái. gɔ̀:n /[ ́. ^ ̀]

[] , .

[] ()

let ~s be ~s. Ӵ Ŵ ؾ.



========== the end


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!