͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Gag Ȱ(028)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-07-30 11:50:00 | ȸ : 949

gag Ȱ(028)


part one < step 028 > ************************************


q :

professor :

how many balls of string

would it take

to reach the sun?


( )()( ) ( )( ) ( ) ?


freshman :

only one -

if it were long enough.

ʳ :

( ) ϳ -

( ) װ ( )( ) ( )( )ٸ.



fresh /freʃ/[()]

a. ο, , ̽. [syn.] new. () , (ÿϰ)

, () . () . , ұݱ . ,

air .

paint ĥ ƮԽ, Ʈĥ (wet paint!).

a girl from the country ð񿡼 ö ҳ.

a young man from [out of] college û.

(̱) Ի(freshman 1, 1).


en.ough /i.nʌ́f/[.^ ́] [.^ ́](x) [. ́](x)

ɑ. , ϱ⿡ , ŭ

n. ( ()), (too much)

ɑd. λ ڿ , (ϱ⿡) ŭ

int. ׸(no more!).


== part two step 028 ==



󸶳 Dzٸ ¾翡 ?

professor :

how many b___ls of str___g

would it take

to ___ch the s____?


ʳ :

ϳ - װ ̰ ϴٸ.

freshman :

o___ one - if it w__re long e_____h.



׷ ?

¾ Ű

¾翭 ̳ ̽Ű?


(Ҵ) ? light.year /láit.jìə:r/

n.õ ( 1Ⱓ ư Ÿ; 9.46 1015 m.)


ġ ִ ޺ ¾翡 ɱ? -- (ٻġ?)

1) 10 2) 1ð 3) Ϸ 4) 5) 1

# step 036 .



< >

until the day of his death,

no man can be sure of his courage/kə́:r.idʒ/.



ڱ ⸦ Ȯ ִ ƹ .

- jean anouilh( ۰)



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!