͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (123)(S)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-06-19 9:13:50 | ȸ : 837

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (123)(s)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (123)(s) (221-240)



221. spare/spɛər/[()]

[] ( ), ǰ[, ], (pl.) ( ) ǰ,

[] ϴ, Ƴ, ġ ʴ, (Ư ) Ƶδ, δ



the rod

and spoil the child.

/ (ݾ) Ÿ Ƴ ڽ , ڽ Ѷ.


[] , Ƶư, ,


i have

a spare/spɛər/[()] tire.

/ Ÿ̾ ִ.


* : ̱ spare extra .


222. spark/spɑ:rk/[()ũ]

[] Ҳ, Ҷ, , () ä, ( ) ,Ҳ


a shower of sparks/spɑ:rks/[ľ()ũ]

flew up

the chimney.

/ Ҳ ö󰬴.


[] Ҳ (Ǿ) Ƣ, ½̴, ̴ũϴ, ġ ̴


i tried

to spark up

a conversation with her.

/ ׳ ȭ ٿ ߴ.


@ 223. spar.row/sṕr.ou/[^ ́.()ο]



@ 224. speak/spi:k/[ǟ]

[] (spoke [spouk], () spake [speik]; spoken [spóukən], () spoke)

̾߱[]ϴ, ̴, ϴ




to me.

/ ״ Ѵ.


*speak.er/spí:.kər/ [] [̾߱]ϴ , ( s-) ( Ͽ) . Ŀ, Ȯ(loudspeaker).

*speak.ing/spí:.ki/ [] ϱ(talking), ȭ, , ġ ȸ

[] [̾߱]ϴ, ̾߱

*speak л,


225. spe.cial/spéʃ.əl/[о ́.]

[] Ư, Ư, Ư


we are

special friends.

/ 츰 ģ ̴.


*spe.cial.ist/spéʃ.əl.ist/ [] , (й ) ,

*spe.cial.ly/spéʃ.əl.i:/ [] Ư, Ϻη, ӽ÷ *[] es.pe.cial.ly(əs.péʃ.əl.i:)

*spe.cial.ize/spéʃ.əl.àiz/ [] ٷ[ϴ], ϴȭϴ


226. spe.cif.ic/spi.síf.ik/[. ́.]

[] Ư, Ư, Ư , ( pl.) ,

[] Ư, Ư, Ư *[] gen.er.al(ʤén.ə.rəl) *[] spe.cial(spéʃ.əl)



gave us

specific instructions.

/ ״ 츮鿡 ø ־.


*spe.cif.i.cal.ly/spi.síf.i.kəl.i:/ [] () , , Ȯϰ, Ư


227. speech/spi:tʃ/[]

[] , *[] lan.guage(ĺ.gwidʒ), , ̾߱,


speech is


but silence is golden.

/ (ݾ) ̿, ħ ̴.


@ 228. speed/spi:d/[ǟ]

[] , ӷ, ӵ, *[] haste(heist) , ż


*speed.y/spí:d.i:/ [] (quick); ޼, ż(prompt). [syn.] fast

[] (̱Ӿ) ޿, ޽


@ 229. spend/spend/[ҵ]

[] (p, pp. spent[spent]) () , Һϴ, (ð ) ̴



spend time!

/ ð Һ!


230. spice/spais/[̽]

[] ŷ(), (׾).

[] [] ġ, μ ̴


the dish is


with ginger.

/ 丮 ̵Ǿ ִ.


*spi.cy/spái.si:/ [] , ſ


231. spill/spil/[]

[] , (spilling), [] . (() ) . [] , . () (ŻͿ) , .

[] ( ) , μ ; ȭ ; , ; ҽð; () (stopper); .

[] (p., pp. ed [-t, -d], spilt [spilt]) (ü) , (Ǹ) , ( ) Ѹ, ġ, ߸(from).() ) ϴ,


dont shake

the table,

or the coffee will spill

/ å , Ŀǰ .


232. spir.it/spíər.it/[ ́.()]

[] , , , ȥ *[] bod.y(bɑ́d.i:)


blessed are

the poor

in spirit.

/ ڴ ֳ.


233. spite/spait/[ğ]

[] (malice), ɼ; (grudge), ӽ


he has

a spite against her.

/ ״ ׳࿡ ִ.


[] ɼθ, (annoy)


cut off

ones nose

to spite ones face

/ İ ٰ ڱⰡ ,

ġ ޴.


234. splash/splʃ/[^ƾ]

[] ( ) Ƣ(about; over), Ƣ [ô]


the car

splashed/splʃt/[^ƾƮ] me

with mud.

/ ڵ Ƣ.


235. split/split/[]

[] (p. pp. split; splitting) ɰ, , °, ()ϴ


the river

splits/splits/[] the city

in two.

/ ø 2ϰ ִ.


236. spoil/spɔil/[^]

[] ( pl.) ǰ, Żǰ, Ż (booty); () ߱ .

(pl.) ( ) . (pl.) ̱ (ſ ̱ ġ Ǹμ) , ̵, ̱.


[] (p., pp. spoilt [spɔilt], ed [-t, -d]) ij(destroy), , , ջϴ(damage), ġ(injure). () (ruin), (Ư) (̵ ) , ϴ, ޴. (ż ǰ) [ϰ]ϴ.


the news


my dinner.

/ ҽ ̴.


237. sponge/spʌndʒ/[^]

[]ظ (), ظ, , ȿ Ǯ ,


@ 238. spoon/spu:n/[Ǫ]

[] , Ǭ,

*table spoon : *tea spoon :


@ 239. sport/spɔ:rt/[^()Ʈ]

[] , , *[] game(geim) (pl.) ȸ, ȸ


i spend

he afternoon

in sports/spɔ:rts/[^()].

/ ĸ ϸ .


[] ( ) , 峭ġ, ϴ, , ()  ϴ


the children

sported/spɔ́r.tid/[^() ́.]

in the water.

/ ֵ ӿ  ߴ.


*(1) : [^ ́.()] ok

" + r + t + " t ϴ ִ.


*(2) : sports/spɔ:rts/[ ^()Ʈ ] Ǵ [ ^() ] .

/t/ ϵ 缱 /t/ Ǿִ. ̽() Ȱ.

[ ^() ] !


*sport.ing/spɔ́:rt.i/ [] [] ϴ, [], ٿ

*sports/spɔ:rts/ [] ( ) , ,

*sports.man/spɔ́:rts.mən/ [] (pl. -men [-́mən]) (ȣ),,

*sports.man.ship/spɔ́:rts.mən.ʃìp/ [] ǽ,  [µ],


240. spot/spɑt/[]

[] , , , (ֻ ) ,, , (ΰ) (flaw), , (on, upon).


the tablecloth has

many spots/spɑts/[Ͻ].

/ Ź ̴.


[] (on hand), , ,, ̿ ( ).


a spot announcement

/ .



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!