͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (115)(S)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-05-27 11:53:53 | ȸ : 934


< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (115)(s)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (115)(s) (061-080)



061. seek/si:k/[ß]

[] (p., pp. sought[sɔ:t]) ã, ߱[Ž]ϴ, ϴ, ϴ


he is

always seeking/sí:k.i/[ß ́.]

after fame.

/ ״ ׻ ߱ϰ ִ.


062. seem/si:m/[]

[] ̴, ( ) , ( ) Ǵ


she seems/si:ms/[ӽ]

(to be) shocked

at the news.

/ ׳ ҽĿ .


063. sel.dom/sél.dəm/[ ́.]

[] , ó ʴ(rarely).



seldom changed

the opinion he had ed.

/ ״ ǰ ó ٲ ʾҴ.


* : [ ́.] ̴.


064. se.lect/sə.lékt/[.()́]

[] ϴ, ϴ *[] choose(tʃu:z)



the book

you want.

/ å .


[] [߷], , ػ


she is

very /sə.lékt/[.()́]

in the people she invites.

/ û ׳ ſ ٷӴ.


*se.lec.tion/sə.lék.ʃən/ [] (,), ߵ [], ,


065. self/self/[]

[] (pl. selves[selvz]) ڱ, , ڽ, öھ, , (ڱ) ϸ


@ 066. sell/sel/[]

[] (p., pp. sold[sould]) ȴ, ŵ[Ű]ϴ, *[ buy(bai) ϴ



sold/sould/[ҿ] out!

/ װ ȷȾ.



067. sel.fish/sél.fiʃ/[ ́.Ǿ]

[] ̱, ڱ *[] willful.


068. se.mest.er/sə.més.tər/[.Ž ́.()]

[] (1 2б ) б, г


@ 069. send/send/[]

[] (p., pp. sent[sent]) , ߼ϴ, ۽[]ϴ, () İϴ



me a letter!

/ !


070. se.nior/sí:.njər/[ ́.Ͼ()]

[] ,


he is

two years senior

to me.

/ ״ .


= he is

senior to me

by two years.

/ ״ .


071. sense/sens/[]

[] , к, ν


*sen.si.tive/sén.sə.tiv/ [] ΰ, ,


072. sen.tence/sén.təns/[ ́.Ͻ]

[] , ǰ(), , Ǵ


my sentence is

for innovation.

/ ǰ ̴.


[] ǰ [ ϴ]


he was

sentenced/sén.tənst/[ ́.ϽƮ]

to death.

/ ״ ǰῡ ó.


073(1). sep.a.rate /sép.ə.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]

[] ߶ , иϴ, , ĺϴ, ϴ


the wall

separates/sép.ə.rèits/[ ́..()̀] the garden

into two parts.

/ ѷ ִ.


*sep.a.rate.ly/sép.ə.rèit.li:/ [] , ε, ܵ(from)


073(2). sep.a.rate/sép.ə.rit/[ ́..()]

[] , и, from ϴ, ε,


each of us sleeps in a ~/sép.ə.rit/[ ́..()] room.

/ 츮 濡 ܴ.


@ 074. sep.tem.ber/səp.tém.bər/[. ́.()]

[] 9(: sep., sept.)


075. se.quence /sí:.kwəns/[ ́.ũ]

[] ޾ Ͼ, ӹ. , , , ; ,


arrange the names

in alphabetical sequence.

/ ̸ ĺ 迭Ͻÿ.


076. se.ri.al/síər.i.əl/[ ́.().]

[] ӹ(Ź Ǵ ȭ), () 1ȸ,

[] ӵǴ, [Ϸ], ӹ, ()



the serial er

to death!

/ ι ó϶!


*se.ries/síər.i:z/[ ́.()] [] (pl.) Ϸ, , ø()


* : (-ə ) r Ű ܾ ĺ

ȣ ƴϴ.


077 se.ri.ous/síər.i:.əs/[ ́.().]

[] , ,



serious/síər.i:.əs/[ ́.().]?

/ ڳ ΰ.


*se.ri.ous.ly/síər.i:.əs.li:/ [] ϰ ϴ, ̰ ޾Ƶ̴


@ 078. ser.vice/sə́:r.vis/[() ́.]

[] ( pl.) , , , , , , ,


there is

no bus service/sə́:r.vis/[() ́.] available

in this part.

/ .


*ser.vice.a.ble/sə́:r.vis.ə.bl/ [] ִ, (to), ưư(durable), ǿ


@ 079. set/set/[]

[] [] ; ð. , , Ʈ, Ϸ(֤)

[] (p., pp. set; setting) , ġϴ, ϴ, , (, )


does the sun

always rise

and set/set/[] from east to west?

/ ¾ () ߰ °?


[] , ʴ, , ȣ, , , غ (ready).

get set/set/[]!


*set.ting/sét.i/ [] , ٹھ[ڸ] α, () , ȭ(),


080. set.tle/sét.l/[ ́.]

[] (  ġ) , , ڸ ϴ, [ŷ, ]Ű


their grandparents

settled/sét.ld/[ ́.] the land

in 1856.

/ ׵ 1856 Ͽ.


*set.tled/sét.ld/ [] , ; , ġ ʴ, ڸ

*set.tle.ment/sét.əl.mənt/ [] , ̹, Ĺ(colonization), (ժ), ζ,


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!