͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (105)(R)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-05-12 4:08:16 | ȸ : 938


< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (105)(r)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (105)(r) 021-040)




@ 021. reach/ri:tʃ/[()]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ̸, ( ) ̸


your letter has

reached/ri:tʃt/[()Ʈ] me


/ ߴ.


022. re.act/ri:.́kt/[().^Ʈ ́]

[] ۿϴ, Ƣ, ۿϴ, ݴϴ, ϴ, ϴ


the ear

reacts/ri:.́kts/[().^Ʈ ́]

to sound.

/ ʹ Ҹ Ÿ.


*re.act.ion/ri:.́k.ʃən/ [] , ۿ, ݵ. , (ġ) ݵ,


@ 023. read/ri:d/[()]

[] (p., pp. read [red]) (å) д (ǥ ) д


reading/rí:d.i/[() ́.] books is

my habit.

/ å д ̴.


*read.ing/rí:d.i/ [] б, *read л,


@ 024. read.y/réd.i:/[()A ́.]

[] (readier; -iest) غ , ( ) ä ,


are you


to run?

/ غ Ǿ?


*read.i.ly/réd.ə.li:/[()A ́..()] [] ,


@ 025. re.al/rí:.əl/[() ́.]

[] , ¥, , *[] i.de.al(ai.dí:.əl)


it was

a real story.

/ װ ⿴.


[] (̱) , ſ,


we had

a real good time.

/ 츰 ð .


[] , ǹ = real number(Ǽ/)


it is

the real.

/ ̰ .


*re.al.ly/rí:.əl.i:/ [] , , , Ȯ

*re.al.ize/rí:.ə.làiz/ [] (Ҹȹ ) ϴ, (ϰ) ݴ

*real es.tate/ə.stéit/ == ε(Ư )


026. reap/ri:p/[()]

[] (۹) ̴, ŵ̴ֵ, () ȹϴ, ( ) ޴


they are now

reaping/rí:p.i/[() ́.]

the rewards of all their hard work.

/ ׵ ׵ ŵΰ ִ.


@ 027. rea.son/rí:.zən/[() ́.]

[] , , , ΰ


what is

the reason

for your absence?

/ ?


*rea.son.a.ble/rí:.zən.ə.bl/ [] к ִ, 縮 ƴ, ġ ´, ´


028. re.call/ri.kɔ́:l/[().^ ́]

[] س, ϴ, ϴ, Ű, Ǻθ, ȯŰ


i dont

recall/ri.kɔ́:l/[().^ ́]

her name [meeting her, where i met her].

/ ׳ ̸[׳ฦ ,

] ʴ´.


[] Ǻθ, ȯ( )̱( ()) ( ǰ) ȸ, ȸ()


he has

amazing recall.

/ ״ ȸ() ִ.


@ 029. re.ceipt/ri.sí:t/[().ß ́]

[] (), , , μ, , ( pl.) []


* : ܾ


Ϲ̳ ʿ ´.

1) ϳ Ǵ 쵵 ְ

2) 찡 ִ. ̶ ´.


* : " p " ȴ.


@ 030. re.ceive/ri.sí:v/[().ß ́]

[] ޴, ϴ


did you


my letter?

/ ޾Ҵ°?


*re.ceived /ri.sí:vd/[().ß ́]

*re.ceiv.ing /ri.sí:v.i/[().ß.́]


031. re.cent/rí:.sənt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] ٷ, ο


in recent years

/ ٳ().


*re.cen.tly/rí:.sən.tli:/ [] ֱ, ٷ *[] late.ly(léit.li:)


032. re.cep.tion/ri.sép.ʃən/[(). ́.]

[] ޾Ƶ, , , (), , , ȯȸ,


*re.cep.tion.ist/ri.sép.ʃən.ist/ [] (ȸȣ ) [].


033. re.cite/ri.sáit/[(). ́]

[] ϼϴ. â()[]ϴ. ̾߱ϴ(narrate), ϴ


*re.cit.al/ri.sáit.əl/[] ϼ, (ȸ), â(ȸ). ۰ (ȸ)


034. reck.less/rék.lis/[()L ́.()]

[] к, , *[] wild(waild) ġ ʴ


reckless driving is

often the cause

of accidents.

/ ȴ.


035. reck.on/rék.ən/[()L ́.]

[] , ջϴ, () , ϴ, Ǵ[]ϴ, ϴ




50 of them.

/ 50̴.


he will

come soon,

i reckon.

/ ״ ž, ׷ ˾.


*rec.og.nit.ion/rèk.əg.níʃ.ən/ [] , , ߾ 㰡, () , ġ

*rec.og.nize/rék.əg.nàiz/ [] ˾ƺ, ˾[], ( ) ϴ,


036. rec.om.mend/rèk.ə.ménd/[()L ̀.. ́]

[] õõϴ, ϴ,


will you ~ me a good hotel?

=will you ~ a good hotel to me?

/ ȣ Ұ ֽðڽϱ.


*rec.om.men.da.tion/rèk.ə.men.déi.ʃən/ [] õ, ǰ, ,


037. rec.on.cile/rék.ǝn.sàil/[()L ́.. ̀]

[] ȭؽŰ, ȭ()Űto; with


we reconciled/rék.ǝn.sàild/[()L ́..ϵ ̀] him

to withmr. a

/ 츮 ׸ a ȭؽ״.


@ 038(1). rec.ord/rék.ərd/[()L ́.()]

[] ,


your record/rék.ərd/[()L ́.()] is

too old.

/ ʹ Ǿ.


@ 038(2). re.cord/ri.kɔ́:rd/[().^() ́]

[] ϴ, δ, []ϴ, ϴ



your voice!

/ ϶!


*re.cord.er/ri.kɔ́:r.dər/ [] , , [ġ]


039. re.cov.er/ri.kʌ́v.ər/[().Ŀ^ ́.()]

[] ȸϴ, (ѱ ) ã



recovered/ri.kʌ́v.ərd/[().Ŀ^ ́.()]

his stolen watch.

/ ״ ϸ ð踦 ãҴ.


040(1) re.cre.ate/rì:.kri.éit/[() ̀.ũ().֟ ́]

[] ϴ, ٽ; ϴ.

*r~ the lifestyle of bygone era. / ô Ȱ ϶.

[] â, ()



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!