͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (030)(C)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-01-21 1:33:06 | ȸ : 962

 < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (030)(c)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (030)(c) 221~240


c ===


221. cork/kɔ:rk/[^()ũ]

[] ڸũ; Ĺڸũ[](phellem)( ). ڸũ;



a cork/kɔ:rk/[^()ũ]

from that bot.tle/bɑ́t.l/[ ́.].

/ ڸũ ̾ƶ.


222. corn/kɔ:rn/[^()]

[] ,, , (can.austral.̱)



the best way

to cook/kuk/[k] corn/kɔ:rn/[^()]?

/ 丮ϴ ?


@ 223. cor.ner/kɔ́:r.nər/[^() ́.()]

[] , ( )


the store/stɔ:r/[^()] is

at the corner/kɔ́:r.nər/[^() ́.()].

/ Դ ̿ ִ.


224. cor.rect/kə.rékt/[Ŀ.()́]

[] , Ȯ [] ϴ


that is


/ ¾. Ǿ.


*cor.rec.tion/kə.rék.ʃən/ [] ,

*cor.rect.ly/kə.rékt.li:/ [] ٸ


225. cor.res.pond/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́nd/[^ ̀.().ǵ ́]

[] ( ) , ϴ, ϴ


the broad lines

on the map

correspond/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́nd/[^ ̀.().ǵ ́] to roads.

/ ο شѴ.


*cor.res.pon.dence/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.dəns/ [] , ش, ġ, , շ,

*cor.res.pond.ent/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.dənt/ [] , (Ź ) ƯĿ, ſ

*cor.res.pond.ing /kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.di/ []. ϴ, , ȭϴ(to; with)

*cor.res.pond.ing.ly/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.di.li:/ [] ϰ, ϰ


226. cost/kɔ:st/[^Ʈ]

[] ,


the cost/kɔ:st/[^Ʈ] is

so high!

/ ʹ ()!


[] (p., pp. cost; costing) , (ð ) ɸ, []ϴ



cost/kɔ:st/[^Ʈ] us

much time.

/ 츮 ð ɷȴ.


* : coast/koust/[ڿ콺Ʈ] [] , ؾ


*cost.ly/kɔ́:st.li:/ [] (-lier; -liest) , , ū


227. cot.tage/kɑ́t.idʒ/[ ́.]

[] ð , ƴ ,


228. cough/kɔ:f/[^j()]

[] ħ, ħ


i have

a heavy cough/kɔ:f/[^j].

/ ɷȾ.


[] ()ħ ϴ, (Ӿ) ڹϴ, ħ Ͽ (up; out)


she was

coughing/kɔ́:f.i/[^j ́.]

bad.ly/b́d.li:/[^ ́.())].

/ ׳ ϰ ħ ϰ ־.


* : gh, ph /f/ .

*laugh/lf/[()^()] e.nough/i.nʌ́f/[.^() ́]


229. could/kud/[Y()] [ϰ kəd]

[] (could not couldnt [kúdnt]) can ־, [̰] ־, ־ ( ). ִ,


230. coun.cil/káun.səl/[ī ́.]

[] ȸ, ȸ, ȸ(ȸ )


00 coun.cil.or/káun.səl.ər/[ī ́..()]

[] (ȸȸ ) ǿ, ǿ,


@ 231. count/kaunt/[īƮ]

[] , ϴ, ̶ ϴ




1 to 10!

/ 츮 ϳ !


*count.a.ble/káunt.ə.bl/ [] ִ 

  *[] un.coun.ta.ble/ʌn.káun.tə.bl/


232. coun.ter.feit/káunt.ər.fìt/[īƮ ́.().() ̀]

[] , ¥, ġ


the bill

you gave me was

a counterfeit/káunt.ər.fìt/[īƮ ́.(). ̀] note.

/ װ () 󿴾.


[] , ¥


the bill

you gave me was

a counterfeit/káunt.ər.fìt/[īƮ ́.(). ̀].

/ װ () .


@ 233. coun.try/kʌ́n.tri:/[Ŀ^ ́.Ʈ()]

[] (pl. -.tries) , , (the ) ð,


what country/kʌ́n.tri:/[Ŀ^ ́.Ʈ()]

are you


/ ΰ?


234. coup.le/kʌ́p.l/[Ŀ^ ́.]

[] , κ


a couple/kʌ́p.l/[Ŀ^ ́.]

sat on the seat

at the corner.

/ κΰ ڳ ڿ ɾҴ.


235. cou.pon/kjú:.pɑn/[Ű ́.]

[] ȸ (ǰ  ÷ε) , ǰ


this coupon/kjú:.pɑn/[Ű ́.] is

a gift.

/ ǰ ̾.


236. cour.age/kə́:r.idʒ/[Ŀ ́.()]

[] , , ¯


@ 237. course/kɔ:rs/[^()]

[] ,


i have

to take

the summer course/kɔ:rs/[^()]!

/ ¸ ؾ !


* : cause/kɔ:z/[^]


238. court/kɔ:rt/[^()Ʈ]

[] ȶ,


239. cour.te.sy/kə́:r.tə.si:/[Ŀ() ́..]

[] ǹٸ, []., [ģ] [ൿ]


@ 240. cous.in/kʌ́z.ən/[Ŀ^ ́.]

[] , ()[ڸ]


he is

my cousin/kʌ́z.ən/[Ŀ^ ́.]


/ ״ , tom ̾.




[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!