͵Ȧ ΰ

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[л] Խ > Խ

Grow wisdom to win!(035)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-11-27 3:33:53 | ȸ : 845

grow wisdom to win!(035)


< 035 ȸ> ڵ ϴ°?

           / where should the survivors be buried?


* () 3 ; Ѵ.


[q] :

under international law,


밡 Ѱ ߱ ߶Ѵٸ,

if a plane crashes on the border of north korea and china,


ڵ ϴ°?

where should the survivors be buried?



) ) ߱ ) Ѱ ߱ 

) . ) .


one! two! three!

[] ( ) ) Ѵٸ ? __________________

----------------------------------------* ȸ .


<035. ܾб> :

bor.der /bɔ́:r.dər/[^() ́.()]

chi.na /tʃái.nə/[ ́.] [̳](x)

crash.es /kŕʃ.is/[ũ()^ƾ ́.̽]

in.ter.na.tion.al /ìn.tər.ńʃ.ə.nəl/[ ̀.().^ƾ ́..]

law /lɔ:/[()^] *raw /rɔ:/[()^] еǰ .

sur.vi.vors /sər.vái.vərs/[(). ́.()]

add.ing /́d.i/[^ ́.]

in.sult /ín.sʌlt/[ ́.^Ʈ]

in.ju.ry /ín.dʒə.ri:/[ ́..()]


<ȣ ؼ> 25. l /l/[()//] :


l ܾ() ù :

õ忡 [] ̶

Ҹ Ը ׷ ( ) ־. Ҹ .

*light/lait/[()()] o.lym.pic/ou.lím.pik/[.() ́.()]



l ڿ õ ʿ ̸鼭 ϰ д´.


[] [] õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.

*please/pli:z/[](x) [](x) [ø](x)



l ħ ٿ д´. *bolt/boult/[Ʈ] ==> [] õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.


* õ ϴ° 鸮 [] []

[־]. [] . ׷ ٿ Ѵ.


* l ܾ nail/neil/[] ô

[̾] ϸ . [-] ְ [-]

Ҹ ϰ ϸ鼭 õ忡 Ѵ.


[ 034 ȸ ؼ]

: ) 85%

ؼ :

50 coin $1.00 ִ ̴.


45 pennies(45), 2 nickels(10), 2 dimes(20), and i quarter(25).


40 pennies(40), 8 nickels(40), and 2 dimes(20).

׷ װ penny ɼ 85%̴. , 45+40=85 ̴.


< >

adding insult to injury.


--> ģ ģ


󰡻(߾ʥ) :

< , ߾ , ʥ , >

̶ / Ǫ Ͼ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!