͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Grow wisdom to win!(033)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-11-25 7:09:55 | ȸ : 790

grow wisdom to win!(033)


< 033 ȸ> ״ ΰ?

             / whos he?


[q] :
ٸ ׸ .

you cannot see him in the same way as you see others.


Ҹ Ͱ ٸ.

his voice is different than what you hear.


״ ȥ ֵ ֵ Ű Ѵ.

he is always with you when you are alone or in a crowd.


״ Ѹ Ѹ ,

׸ ״ ģ̳,

׷ ſ ó ʴ´.

he listens every word you utter

and he is your best friend

but speaks to you once in a blue moon.


״ ΰ?

whos he?


* hint : 

  ̴ ̴ ϱ ƴ.

  Ȧ .

  ص ذ ִ.

  ̰ ã Ѵ.


[] ( )

----------------------------------------* ȸ .


<033. ܾб> :

crowd /kraud/[ũ()L()]

dif.fer.ent /díf.ər.ənt/[L ́..()Ʈ]

hear /hiər/[()]

lis.ten /lís.ən/[() ́.]

lis.tens /lís.əns/[() ́.]

*once in a blue moon / ſ 幰 Ǵ -- ʴ´.

*he visits his mom once in a blue moon.

/ ״ Ӵϸ 湮 ʴ´.


voice /vɔis/[^̽]

*boys /bɔis/[^̽] ǰ . v Լ ణ Ѵ.


ut.ter /ʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()]

turn.ed /tǝ:rnd/[()]

wrath /rɵ/[()^()]

*th ܾ տ ġƿ ȴ 鼭 ϰ

ܾ ġƿ ü ܾ Ѵ.


<ȣ ؼ> 23. j /dʒ/[/] :

(1) /dʒ/

1) j /dʒ/

2) g ڿ e i y /dʒ/ ȴ.

*gen.tle/ʤén.tl/[ ́.Ʈ] gin.ger/ʤín.dʒər/[ ́.()] gym/ʤim/[]

*(get ) .

3) dge /dʒ/ ȴ.


(2) []

1) ڿ տ δ.

*job/dʒɑb/[()] jack.et/dʒ́k.it/[^ ́.()]


2) ڿ ħ δ.

*judg.er/dʒʌ́dʒ.ər/[^ ́.()]


(3) [()]

1) ڿ

*judg.ment/dʒʌ́dʒ.mənt/[^ ́́.Ʈ]


2) ܾ ̸

*dodge/dɑdʒ/[] * [] [] ص .


* no 41 /ʒ/=/dʒ/ ó. = su, si ´.

*meas.ure/méʒ.ər/[ ́.()]


[ 032 ȸ ؼ]

: son/37, dad/73

ؼ :

1) Ųٷ / reverse ... dad/37

2) 1 / one year ago ... son 36, dad/72


< >

a soft answer turned away wrath.

ε巯 亯 () ȭ() Ѿƹ.

--> ħ .


ҾŸ() :

< , , , ħ Ÿ, , >

Ͽ װ Ӵ

ٴ ǹ̴. () ϴ ¦̶ ǹ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!