͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (129)(S)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-11-17 12:38:22 | ȸ : 612

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (129)(s)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (129)(s) 301~320

s ===


@ 301. strong/strɔ:/[Ʈ()^]

[] , , () ưư


he is

a strong[Ʈ()^] young man.

/ ״ ǰ ̾.


302. struc.ture/strʌ́k.tʃər/[Ʈ()^ ́.ó()]

[] , ,ȭȭ . , . ǻ.


at the same time

the family structure/strʌ́k.tʃər/[Ʈ()^ ́.ó()]

is changing.

/ ÿ ϰ ֽϴ.


the economic structure of korea

/ ѱ .


00 stub.born (stʌ́b.ərn)[^ ́.()]

[] ϰ, ұ ٷ , , ( ) ġ

stub.born problems


@ 303. stu.dent/stjú:.dənt/[Ƽ ́.Ʈ]

[] л(̱ л ̻,


@ 304. stud.y/stʌ́d.i:/[^ ́.]

[] , [] ϴ, ϴ

*study/stʌ́d.i:/[^ ́.] hard! / !


@ 305. stu.pid/stjú:.pid/[Ƽ ́.()]

[] û, ٺ


it was stupid/stjú:.pid/[Ƽ ́.()]

of me

to behave like that.

/ ׷ ൿϴٴ ٺ.


*stu.pid.i.ty/stju:.píd.ə.ti:/ [] , , .


306. sty.le/stái.l/[Ÿ ́.]

[] ü, ü, , , ǥ, ( ) ,


* : [Ÿ](x)


307(1). sub.ject/səb.dʒékt/[.́]

[] []Ű, ( ) ϰ ϴ



subjected/səb.dʒék.tid/[.H ́.] her

to a terrifying ordeal.

/ ״ ׳ฦ ô޸ ߴ.


*sub.jec.tive/səb.dʒék.tiv/ []öְ, [opp.] objective.ְ

the ~ complement /ְݺ



307(2) sub.ject/sʌ́b.dʒikt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

[] , , , , , ȭ(), а,־

[] 踦 ޴, ϴ, ϴ(to), ޱ , () Ա[ɸ] (to)


we are

subject/sʌ́b.dʒikt/[^ ́.Ʈ]

to our countrys laws.

/ 츮 ؾ Ѵ.


308. sub.junc.tive/səb.dʒʌ́k.tiv/[.^ũ ́.M()]

[] (), ()(), ӹ(); . [cf.] indicative,


309. sub.ma.rine/sʌ́b.mə.rì:n/[^ ́..() ̀]

[] Կ Ÿ(ϴ)

[] (sub), [] []

[] ٴ , , ٴ ӿ ; ٴ ӿ .

submarine/sʌ́b.mə.rì:n/[^ ́..() ̀] warfare / .


310. sub.mit/səb.mít/[.() ́]

[] (-tt-) Ű, ϴ, ϴ, ǰμ ϴ



submitted/səb.mít.id/[. ́.]

a report.

/ Ͽ.


311. sub.scribe/səb.skráib/[.ũ()() ́

  [] ϴ, ( ) (٣) ³ϴ, û[]ϴ

president sub.scribed/səb.skráibd/[.ũ()Ե ́]

 his name

to the document.

/ Ͽ.


*sub.scri.ber/səb.skrái.bər/ [] (to). , , û;  

*sub.scrip.tion/səb.skríp.ʃən/ [] û, , Ա, ()


312. sub.tle/sʌ́t.l/[^ .́]

[] (subtler; -tlest) ̹, . , Ȱ, ؾ ִ,


a subtle/sʌ́t.l/[^ .́] intelligence 


her subtle/sʌ́t.l/[^ .́] brain 

/ ׳ γ.


@ 313. sub.way/sʌ́b.wèi/[^ ́. ̀]



314. suc.ceed/sək.sí:d/[C.ß() ́]

[] ϴ, ⼼ϴ, ϴ



suc.ceed.ed/sək.sí:.did/[C. ́.]

in business.

/ ״ ߴ.


*suc.cess/sək.sés/[] ,

*suc.cess.ful/sək.sés.fə/ [] , () հ, (ȸ )


315. such/sʌtʃ/[^]

[] ׷, , ϸŭ


such is

life [the world]!

/ λ[] ̷ ̴(ü ).


she is

not kind,

only she seems such/sʌtʃ/[^].

/ ׳ ģ ʴ, ٸ ׷ ̴.


[] ׿ []. (Ӿ) ; (߾)


such/sʌtʃ/[^] were

the results.

/ ׿ Ҵ.


316. sud.den/sʌ́d.ən/[^ ́.]

[] ۽, , Ȱ


a sudden/sʌ́d.ən/[^ ́.] noise

caused me

to jump to my feet.

/ ۽ ½ پ.


*sud.den.ly/sʌ́d.ən.li:/ [] ڱ, ҽÿ, , ,


317. suf.fer/sʌ́f.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ޴, ϴ, Դ, , ϴ



cannot suffer/sʌ́f.ər/[^ ́.()]


/ ڿ ̻ .


318. suf.fi.cient/sə.fíʃ.ənt/[.Ǿ ́.Ʈ]

[] ( )

[] , , () [ڰ] ִ


the child

has sufficient/sə.fíʃ.ənt/[.Ǿ ́.Ʈ] courage

for it [to do it].

/ ̴ װ Ⱑ ִ.


@ 319. sug.ar/ʃúg.ər/[ ́.()]

[] , ()




a bag of sugar/ʃúg.ər/[ ́.()] yesterday.

/ .


* : (ʃ) (u) (g) ==> [ ́.()] д . <== д .

ܾ ѱ  д ƴϰ ĺ θ

ʷ д´. ѱ 츰 װ ״ ϱ .

̷ ص ۸ ǰ ׷

н ǻ ̷ Ѵ.


320. sug.gest/səg.dʒést/[.罺Ʈ ́]

[] Ͻϴ, ߴ, ûϴ, ϴ


i didnt tell him

to leave.

i only suggested/səg.dʒés.tid/[.́.] it.

/ ׿ ߴ. Ͻø ־ ̴.


*sug.ges.tion/səg.dʒés.tʃən/ [] Ͻ, , (,)


* : [.罺Ʈ ́] ==> [().罺Ʈ ́] . () ϰ .



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!