͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (078)(L)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-09-24 1:02:30 | ȸ : 801

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (078)(l)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (078)(l) 081~095

l ===


@ 081. long/lɔ:/[()^]

[] (er [lɔ́gər / lɔ́g-]; est [-gist]) () , ̰ ; *[] short. ̰ , (ð) , , ӵǴ, ٶ


how long/lɔ:/[()^]



/ ̰ 󸶳 dz?


[] ; ξ( Ǵ ). , , , .


he has been



/ װ .


[] , ð.,


did you stay

in seoul

for long/lɔ:/[()^]?

/ £ ӹ?


[] ٶ, ϴ(for; to do); ϴ, ׸ϴ, ϴ.


i long/lɔ:/[()^]

to go


/ ʹ.



@ 082. look/luk/[()()]

[] , ٶ󺸴, ϰ ̴, [] ó ̴



look/luk/[()] up here!

/ ΰ !


he looks/luks/[()]


/ ״ â[۾]ϴ(ϰ δ.)


*look.ing/lúk.i/ [] ( ), Ž(ϴ) *look л,


@ 083. loose/lu:s/[()]

[] , Ʈ, *[] fast(fst) , [ٹ] , , (Ǻ ) ſ, ߹


i have

a loose/lu:s/[()] tooth.

/ ġ ϳ 鸰.


[] վ ϰ(loosely): loose-fitting.


he played fast

and loose/lu:s/[()]

with her affections.

/ ״ ߴ.


[] ع, ߻(ۡ)


he is

on the loose/lu:s/[()].

/ ״ Ӵ(Ǯ.)


[] Ǯ, [Ǯ] ִ, (Ȱ) , ſ, ϴ


you shouldnt

let your dog

loose/lu:s/[()]. / Ǯ ʾƾ մϴ.


*loose.ly/lú:s.li:/ [] ϰ, , ϰ, ġ ϰ


084. lose/lu:z/[()]

[] (p., pp. lost) Ҿ, , ʴ, ٴ


my watch

loses/lú:z.is/[() ́.]

two minutes a day.

/ ð Ϸ翡 2 .


085. loss/lɔ:s/[()^]

[] , ս(), Ҹ,


@ 086. lot/lɑt / lɔt/[()()]

[] , ̾ [÷] , (share).̱ ȹ


it will be


by lot/lɑt/[()].

/ װ ÷ ̴.


[] (ǰ ) , зϴ(out). Ҵ[]ϴ. ̱⸦ ϴ



lotted/lɑ́t.id/[() ́.] out apples

by the basketful.

/ ׵ ٱϾ .


[] , ũ. , .



a lot/lɑt/[()]!

/ մϴ.


@ 087. loud/laud/[()L()]

[] (ҸҸ) ò, ū, Ҹ ū,


he was


in prais.es/préi.zis/[() ́.].

/ ״ ũ ĪϿ.


[] ū Ҹ. (Ǻµ ) ϰ, õϰ. () ϰ, .


dont talk

so loud/laud/[()L]!

/ ׷ ʹ ū Ҹ () .


@ 088. love/lʌv/[()^()]

[] , , ȣ,

[] (p., pp. loved[lʌvd]) ϴ, ȣϴ *[] like(laik)




my mom.

/ Ѵ.


*love.ly/lʌ́v.li:/ [] , Ϳ

*lov.er/lʌ́v.ər/ [] , ( ʿ ) , ȣ, , ȣ().

*lov.ing/lʌ́v.i/ [] ǰ ִ, Ÿ, , .

*loved/lʌvd/ love źл


@ 089. low/lou/[()ο]

[] (۵, ź ). *[] high(hai)


i got

low/lou/[()ο] marks.

/ ޾Ҵ.


*low.er/lóu.ər/ [] ߴ, , ϴ, *[] height.en(háit.ən)

[]low 񱳱


090. loy.al/lɔ́i.əl/[()^ ́.]

[] ( pl.) , ֱ,

[] () , (ǹ )


she is

loyal/lɔ́i.əl/[()^ ́.]

to her family.

/ ׳ Դϴ.


*loy.al.ty/lɔ́i.əl.ti:/ [] , . , , .


@ 091. luck/lʌk/[()^()]

[] (chance), . [syn.] fortune. , .

*good luck/lʌk/[()^] ! / ֱ ٶϴ!


*luck.y/lʌ́k.i:/ [] (luckier; -iest) , , ,


092. lug.gage/lʌ́g.idʒ/[()^ ́.]

[] ޴ǰ, , ȭ


@ 093. lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^ġ]

[] , ֽ(), ()Ļ


i am


my lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^ġ].

/ ϰ ִ.


* : i am eating lunch. (x)

i am eating a hamburger.(o)

breakfast/ħ, supper, dinner/,

brunch/brʌntʃ/[()^]ħ Ļ


094. lung/lʌ/[()^]

[] ,


095. lux.ur.y/lʌ́k.ʃə.ri:/[()^ ́..()]

[] ġ, ȣ ( pl.) ġǰ, ǰ

[] ġ[ȣȭ],



had to trade up

before he could buy the luxury house.

/ ״ ְ ־.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!