͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (022)(C)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-06-28 2:02:35 | ȸ : 763

 < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (022)(C)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. ⳪ SmartPhone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


Mr. Paks < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (022)(C) 061~080


C ===


061. cer.tain/sə́:r.tən/[() ́.]

[] Ȯ, ݵ ┅ϴ, ┅ϰ ִ(to do), ()


•I am

not certain/sə́:r.tən/[() ́.]

whether it will succeed.

/ װ ο ؼ ڽ .


* : cer.tain/sə́:r.tən/[() ́.] ==> [ ́.()] Ok!

[ + r t +] /t/ ص .

: part.y/pɑ́:r.ti:/[() ́. Ƽ] ==> [ ́. ()] Ok! ]

dirt.y/də́:r.ti:/[() ́. Ƽ] ==> [ ́. ()] Ok!


*cer.tain.ly/sə́:r.tən.li:/ [] Ȯ, ǽ


062. cer.ti.fy/sə́:r.tə.fài/[() ́.. ̀]

[] []ϴ, ϴ, ϴ



certified/sə́:r.tə.fàid/[() ́..̵ ̀]

the truth of his claim.

/ ״ ڱ Ͽ.


*cer.ti.fied/sə́:r.tə.fàid/ [] (testified), ; ̱; ()

*cer.ti.fi.a.ble/sə́:r.tə.fài.ə.bl/ [] [] ִ, ִ

*cer.tif.i.cate/sər.tíf.ə.kit/ [] , ( (Τ)) [̼]

*cer.ti.fi.ca.tion/sə̀:r.tə.fə.kéi.ʃən/ [] , ,


063. chain/tʃein/[ä]

[] 罽, , Ϸ(֧) [] 罽 Ŵ


@ 064. chair/tʃɛər/[ü()]

[] (1ο) , (the ) ִ ; 弮[],



on the chair/tʃɛər/[ü()].

/ ڿ ɾƶ!


* : tch ch /tʃ/ ȴ.

: watch/wɑt/[] catch/ktʃ/[ij^]


@ 065. chalk/tʃɔ:k/[^()]

[] , (ũ ׸)


Write down

on the black.board/bĺk.bɔ̀:rd/[^ ́.^() ̀]

in yel.low/jél.ou/[̾ ́.] chalk/tʃɔ:k/[^].

/ ĥǿ ʷ !


066. chal.lenge/tʃ́l.indʒ/[ä^ ́.]

[] , û, [] 䱸

[] ┅ ϴ, ( ) ûϴ



challenged/tʃ́l.indʒd/[ä^ ́.] me

to fight.

/ ׵ ο ɾԴ.


@ 067. chance/tʃns/[ä^Ƚ]

[] ȸ, 쿬,



miss/mis/[̽] out

the chance/tʃns/[ä^Ƚ]!

/ ȸ ġ !


@ 068. change/tʃeindʒ/[ä]

[] ȭ, , ȯ, Ž





/ ܵ ֳ?


[] ϴ, ȯϴ




his mind/maind/[ε].

/ ״ ٲ.


069. char.ac.ter/ḱr.ək.tər/[ij^ ́.().()]

[] Ư, Ư, , ΰ


*char.ac.te.ris.tic/k̀r.ək.tə.rís.tik/ [] Ư ̷, Ư,


070. charge/tʃɑ:rdʒ/[()]

[] ƴ, ϴ, (ǹå) , ϴ, (ݡ Ǵ ) δŰ, ûϴ, (for).


•They charged/tʃɑ:rdʒd/[()] me

five dollars

for the book.

/ ׵ å 5 Ű.


071. charm/tʃɑ:rm/[()]

[] ŷ, ( pl.) Ƹٿ ,


*charm.ing/tʃɑ́:r.mi/ [] ŷ, ȣ


072. chart/tʃɑ:rt/[()Ʈ]

[] ص, ε, ǥ, ׸ (̱Ӿ) ()


073. chase/tʃeis/[ä̽]

[] , ߰, (the ) , ư

[] Ѵ, ߰ϴ


•The police

chased/tʃeist/[ä̽Ʈ] after

the murderer.

/ ι ߴ.


* : ed <(2)> .


074. chat/tʃt/[ä^()]

[] (-tted[-tid]) äϴ, ϴ


•Lets chat/tʃt/[ä^]

over a cup of a tea.

/ 츮 ø ̾߱ϼ.


[] , Ѵ, .


We had

a chat/tʃt/[ä^]

with her.

/ 츰 ׳ Ͽ.


* : 忡 (intonation) ߿ϴ.

忣 ģ κп .

ܶ ù ڰ [ġ ӻ] ܾ .


@ 075. cheap/tʃi:p/[ġ()]

[] *[] dear(diər), ex.pen.sive(iks.pén.siv)


*It is


/ װ () δ.


076. check/tʃek/[i()]

[] , , Ȯ


•The/i:/[] en.emy/én.ə.mi:/[ ́..]


with a check/tʃek/[i].

/ ߴ.


[] ϴ, ϴ, Ȯϴ


•Did you

check/tʃek/[i] them/em/[]


/ װ͵ ߽ϱ?


@ 077. cheek/tʃi:k/[ġ()]

[] , (pl.) 纼. (pl.) ⱸ . () , ǹ [, µ].


*Tears/tiə:rs/[Ƽ()] are

fall.ing/fɔ́:l.i/[^ ́.]

on both cheeks/tʃi:ks/[ġ彺].

/ 纼 帣


078. cheer/tʃiər/[ġ()]

[] ȯȣ, ä, ݷ,


•Be of

good cheer/tʃiər/[ġ()]!

/ () , .


[] ä , ϴ, ݷϴ, ڰ ϴ, ϴ(comfort)(up).


•A walk will

cheer/tʃiər/[ġ()] you


/ 꺸 ϸ Ǯ ̴.


*cheer.ful/tʃíər.fəl/ [] , , ϴ


@ 079. cheese/tʃi:z/[ġ̤]

[] ġ, ġ


*Let me


a cheese/tʃi:z/[ġ̤] bur.ger/bə́:r.gər/[() ́.()].

/ ġ ϳ ּ.


080. chem.i.cal/kém.i.kəl/[ķ ́..]

[] ȭ, ȭл, ȭп


*People use

chemical/kém.i.kəl/[ķ ́..] agents

to clean things.

/ ûϴ ȭоǰ Ѵ.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!