͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (004)(A)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-05-28 1:21:30 | ȸ : 822

 < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (004)(a)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. ⳪ smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .

å <> (1) ~ (4) ð .

5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (004)(a) 061~080


a ===


061. af.firm/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́]

[] Ȯϴ, [syn.] ⇨ assert. 〖〗(ҿ Ͽ ǰ) Ȯϴ



affirmed/ə.fə́:rmd/[.() ́]

that the news was true.

/ ״ ҽ ̶ ܾߴ.


[/] (̱) [] ().


•do you read me? /

affirm/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́].

/ () ? , 鸳ϴ.


*af.firm.a.tion/̀f.ər.méi.ʃən/ [] ܾ, ,〖〗() .

*af.firm.a.tive/ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv/ [] Ȯ[ܾ], , ³,

[opp.] negative.


062. af.fix/ə.fíks/[. ́]

[] ÷ι;〖〗 ()(λ硤̻).

[] ÷ϴ, ̴(to; on), , () , (å )


*affix/ə.fíks/[. ́]

the blue airmail label

and leave the rest to us.

/ Ķ װ ̺ ̽ð 񿡰 ñ⼼.


063. af.ford/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́]

[] ┅ ִ, ┅ ִ, (+to do) ┅ ִ



cannot afford/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́]

the expense.

/ .


*af.ford.a.ble/ə.fɔ́:r.də.bl/ [] ִ; Լ , () ˸

[] (pl.) ִ ǰ .


@ 064. a.fraid/ə.fréid/[.()() ́]

[] ηϴ, (ϱ⸦) ϴ. []ϴ, ┅ ϰ ϴ


*do not/nɑt/[]

be afraid/ə.fréid/[.()]!

/ ̳ !


@ 065. af.ter/́f.tər/[^ۤ ́.()]

[] () [], , ߿


*see you

two/tu:/[] days/deiz/[̤]

after/́f.tər/[^ۤ ́.()].

/ Ʋ Ŀ .


[]ð ┅Ŀ, ┅ ұϰ, ┅ ڸ [Ѿ]



after/́f.tər/[^ۤ ́.()] me.

/ ÿ( .)


@ 066. af.ter.noon/̀f.tər.nú:n/[̀.(). ́]

[] ( ϸ)


•see you

in the afternoon/̀f.tər.nú:n/[̀.(). ́].

/ Ŀ !


[] [ ].


*see you

in the afternoon class/kls/[ũ^ƽ].

/ .


* : Ŀ ġ in,

Ư Ÿ () ġ on Ϲ.

• in the / Ŀ. • on the of 8th, / 8 Ŀ


@ 067. a.gain/ə.gén, ə.géin/[. ́]

[] ٽ, [ִ ] (ǵƿ), Ͽ, (), ׹ۿ.



again/ə.gén/[. ́]!

/ ٽ !


* : /ə.géin/[. ́] ص .


068. a.gainst/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́]

[] - ݴϿ, ┅ Ͽ, ┅ εġ. ┅ Ͽ. ┅ ()Ͽ. ┅ . ┅ Ͽ; ┅ Ͽ. ┅ ȯ.


•are you

against/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́] the plan

or for it?

/ ȹ ݴ ϴ° ϴ°?


@ 069. age/eidʒ/[]

[] , ô( )


*he is

my age/eidʒ/[].

/ ״ ̴.


[] (p., pp. aged [eidʒd]; ag(e)ing) Ĵ, ϴ, ȭϴ


grief/gri:f/[()礽] ages/eidʒs/[㽺]


/ İ .


*a.ging/éi.dʒi/ [] ̸ , ȭ, ( ) ()


070. a.gen.cy/éi.dʒən.si:/[ ́..]

[] , ۿ, 븮(), Ű, ּ, 븮

•a general agency / Ѵ븮. •agency marketing / Ǹ 븮.


071. a.gent/éi.dʒənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] 븮, , , ȸ Ǹſ


•he is

an agent for sam sung.

/ ״ Z븮̾.


072. ag.i.tate/́dʒ.ə.tèit/[^ ́..Ÿ() ̀]

[] ϰ ̴, , () Ű, нŰ


•she was

agitated/́dʒ.ə.tèit.id/[^ ́..Ÿ ̀.]

by grief.

/ ׳ Ҿ.


*ag.i.ta.tion/̀dʒ.ə.téi.ʃən/ [] (νɡ) , , ,


@ 073. a.go/ə.góu/[. ́]

[/] (ݺ) ┅ *[] be.fore(bi.fɔ́:r)



met him

two days ago/ə.góu/[. ́].

/ Ʋ ׸ .


074. a.gree/ə.grí:/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ̴, ´, ̰ (with), ġϴ



agree/ə.grí:/[.() ́]

with you.

/ ǰ߰ .


*a.gree.ment/ə.grí:.mənt/ [] ġ, , , , ³


075. ah/ɑ:/[ƾ]

[] ƾơ ϴ ߼(ۡ).

[]. ƾ!(롤򡤿Ρź Ÿ).


*ah/ɑ:/[ƾ], but/bʌt/[^] --

/ ׷ ̾┅ .


076. a.head/ə.héd/[.P() ́]

[] ʿ, ռ



ahead/ə.héd/[.P ́] !

/ ().


[] [] ִ, [] ִ


•we are

five points

ahead/ə.héd/[.P ́].

/ 츰 5 ϰ ־.


077. aid/eid/[֟()]

[] ϴ, , ┅ ŵ *[] help(help) ϴ



aided/éid.id//[֟ ́.]

his poor friends.

/ ״ ģ Դ.


078. aim/eim/[]

[] ܳ ϴ, ܴ ┅ , ǥ


•what do you



/  ̳?


[] ܳ, , , ǥ, , ȹ. *[] pur.pose(pə́:r.pəs)


•what is

your aim/eim/[]

in life?

/ ڳ λ ǥ ΰ.


*aim.less/éim.lis/ [] [ǥ]; ó .


079. aint/eint/[Ʈ]

am not, are not, is not, have not, has not



aint/eint/[Ʈ] here.

/ ״ .


@ 080. air/ɛər/[()]

[] , ϴ, ,


*a bird/bə:rd/[()] is

flying/flái.i/[ ́.]

in the air/ɛər/[()].

/ ߿ ִ.


*air.mail/ɛ́ər.mèil/ [] װ. [opp.] surface mail.

*air.plane/ɛ́ər.plèin/ []̱


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!