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Mr. Paks ü(040)

LV46 alexҹ

2019-12-05 1:10:48 | ȸ : 1008

Mr. Paks ü(040)


121. clouds/klaudz/[ũƟL]

[] cloud (pl) ϴ, (ڿ) [ ]; (). ټ, ( ) . (ſ ) 帲, .

*a clouds/klaudz/[ũƟL] of flies / ϴ ĸ .


122 cloud.y/kláud.i:/[ũƟL ́.]

[] (cloudier; -iest) 帰,

*It is cloudy/kláud.i:/[ũƟL ́.] today. / ̴.


123. clo.ver/klóu.vər/[ũ ́.()]



@ 124. club/klʌb/[ũ^()]

[] , Ÿ(Ű ), (米 ) Ŭ

*Are you in any clubs/klʌbs/[ũ^н] in your school? / ʴ б Ƹ Ȱ ϰ ִ?


125. clue/klu:/[ũ]

[] ( Ǫ) Ǹ, (硤) ܼ. ̾߱ ٰŸ, Ǹ [] Ͻ÷ ִ, () ┅ ܼ ִ


126. clutch/klʌtʃ/[ũ^]

[] , (̱Ӿ) Ǽ, ,〖〗Ŭġ

[] () , ܴ , (Ӿ) ()

•She clutched/klʌtʃt/[ũ^Ʈ] her daughter to her breast. / ׳ ǰ ȿ εѾȾҴ.


127. coast/koust/[ڿ콺Ʈ]

[] , [SYN.] ⇨ BEACH. (the C-) (̱) [뼭] .

•on the coast/koust/[ڿ콺Ʈ] / ؾȿ, ȿ.

[] ┅ []ϴ. () (α) Ű.


@ 128. coat/kout/[ڟW()]

[] (纹) , , Ʈ.

*Take off your coat/kout/[ڟW]! / () !


@ 129. cock/kɑ:k/[ī()]

[] ż *[] hen(hen) * ̱ rooster , ()

*That cock/kɑ:k/[ī] wont/wount/[Ʈ] fight. / ׷Դ ɰ.


130. code/koud/[ڟL()]

[] . ( ޡȸ ) Ծ, Ģ. ȣ; ȣ,〖ǻ〗ڵ [] ۼϴ. (()) ȣ ϴ. [ǻ] ڵ[ȣ]ȭ ϴ.


@ 131. cof.fee/kɔ́:f.i:/[^j ́.]

[] Ŀ(š), Ŀǻ

*I take three cups of coffee/kɔ́:f.i:/[^j ́.] every day. / ĿǸ Ŵ.


132. coil/kɔil/[^]

[] 縮, (١ö ) ,〖〗

[] 縮 Ʋ, Զ ְ

•He coiled/kɔild/[^ϵ] a wire around [round] a stick. / ״ ⿡ ö縦 Զ Ҵ.


@ 133. coin/kɔin/[^]

[] , ȭ, ȭ

*Do you have any coins/kɔinz/[^Τ] s on you? / ߿ ܵ(ȭ) ִ?


@ 134. cold/kould/[ڿ]

[/] ߿, *[] hot(ha:t), , ( )

*It is very cold/kould/[ڿ] out.side/áut.sáid/[ƟW ́. ̀]. / () ߿.


@ cold.er/kóul.dər/ [/] cold 񱳱; ߿

@ cold.est/kóul.dist/ [/] cold ֻ; ߿


135. col.lar/kɑ́:l.ər/[ī ́.()]

[] Į, ,

*Why do people pop/pa:p/[ľ] their collar/kɑ́:l.ər/[ī ́.()]? / Į ٴϴ ž?


136. col.lect/kə.lékt/[Ŀ.()LƮ ́]

[] ϴ,

•We collect/kə.lékt/[Ŀ.()LƮ ́] used cans and papers for recycling. / 츮 ĵ ̸ Ȱϱ .


137. col.lec.tive/kə.lék.tiv/[Ŀ.()L ́.M()]

[]〖〗 , , .

[] , ü,〖〗 ո( noun)


138. col.lege/kɑ́:l.idʒ/[ī ́.]

[] ܰ


@ 139. col.or,-our /kʌ́l.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()]

[] , , ä

*I like this color/kʌ́l.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()]. / Ѵ.

[] ┅ [ä]ϴ(dye), () (up), , ()

*Everyone stared/stɛərd/[׾()] at him,

and he colored/kʌ́l.ərd/[Ŀ^ ́.()]

slight.ly/sláit.li:/[Ɵ ́.()]. / ΰ ׸ ĴٺҰ, ׷ ״ ణ .


@ 140. comb/koum/[ڿ]

[] , ϴ ⱸ,

*Pass me/mi:/[] that comb/koum/[ڿ] ! / Է .

[] ϴ, (ĵ) Ű ġڴ, ö[] ã

•She combs/koums/[ڿ] her fin.ger/fí.gər/[ ́.()]

through/ɵru:/[()] her hair. / ׳ ׳ Ӹ .


@ : b m ִ ܾ b ϴ 찡 .

۸ ƾ ϰų, ؾ ؼ .


[ LV46 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
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