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Mr. Paks ü(028)

LV45 alexҹ

2019-10-19 10:57:24 | ȸ : 844

Mr. Paks ü(028)


041. bed/bed/[b()]

[] ħ, ħ, () ڸ, , ¤

*Go to bed/bed/[b] ! / ڷ Ŷ!( !)


@ bed.room/béd.rù:m/ [] ħ


042. beef/bi:f/[礽()]

[] ,


@ beef.steak/bí:f.stèik/ [] β , 〖丮〗 ũ.


043. beer/biər/[()]

[] , (ڿú )


044. be.fore/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́]

[] (ݺ, ) , ( ð)

•I have met him before/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́]. / ִ.

[]Ϲ ǡ┅ տ, ┅ [] *[] be.hind(bi.háind)

*The bus left before/bi.fɔ́:r/[.^() ́] 9 oclock/ə.klɑ́:k/[.ũƝ ́]. / 9 .


045. beg/beg/[()]

[] (-gg-) (԰ ͡㰡 ) , ûϴ, ϴ

•I beg of you not to say it again. / ٽ ֽÿ.


046. be.gin/bi.gín/[. ́]

[] (began [-ǵn]; begun [-gʌ́n]; beginning) (), () Ͼ

*Lets begin/bi.gín[. ́] a.gain/ə.géin/[. ́]! / 츮 ٽ !


047. be.have/bi.héiv/[.؟礲() ́]

[] (Ư) ٸ ൿϴ

•She behaved/bi.héivd/[.؟礲 ́] well towards me. / ׳ ٸ Ͽ.


@ be.ha.vior,iour /bi.héi.vjər/ [] ൿ, ,


048. be.hind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]

[]ҡڿ. [opp.] before. [̸], , ڿ , Ƽ

•There/ɛər/[()] is some.thing /sʌ́m.ɵi/[^ ́.] behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]. / ڿ ΰ ִ.

[]ҡ ┅ ڿ, ״ÿ, ʿ(beyond). ┅ Ŀ,ðʾ

•I am behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́] him in English. /  ׿


[] , () ; (ϰ) .

•He fell on his behind/bi.háind/[.ε ́]. / ״ Ƹ .


049. be.lief/bi.líf/[.()() ́]

[] Ȯ, ų, ҽ


050. be.lieve/bi.lí:v/[.()() ́]

[] ϴ, ┅ ϴ,

•She has, I believe/bi.lí:v/[.() ́], no children. / ׳, Ͼ, ְ . (׳࿡ Ȯ ְ .)


051. bell/bel/[]

[] , , , ,

*Were/wiər/[()] all/ɔ:l/[^] so/sou/[ҿ]

hun.gry/hʌ́.gri:/[^ ́.()] by the time the lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^] bell/bel/[] rings/ris/[()]. / 츮 ɽð ︱ ʹ 谡 Ŵϴ.


@ : cell dell fell hell jell Nell pell sell tell well

ܾ /-el/[] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


052. be.long/bi.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́]

[] (┅) ϴ, (┅) ̴

•That belongs/bi.lɔ́:s/[.()^ ́] to me./ װ ̴.


@ be.long.ing(s)/bi.lɔ́:.i(s)/ [] (pl.) (possessions), (property), ǰ, 


053. be.low/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́]

[] Ʒ[, ] -, ġ[] *[] a.bove(ə.bʌ́v)

*Do not come in below/bi.lóu/[.()ο ́] 20. / 20 ̸(19 ) .


054. belt/belt/[Ʈ]

[] , Ʈ, , , ,

*Fast.en/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.] your seat/si:t/[ß] belt/belt/[Ʈ]! / ¼ Ʈ (ž)!

[] ┅ 츦 Ŵ(on); 〖〗 ┅ Ǵ븦 , ƸŴ, () ġ, (Ӿ) ϰ ϴ, (ָ)

•I en.ter.ed/én.tərd/[ ́.()] into the gar.den/gɑ́:rd.ən/[() ́.belt.ed/bél.tid/[ ́.] with/wi/[礧] trees/tri:s/[Ʈ()̽]. / ѷ .


@ : ܾ ȣ ٸ ִ.

: gar.den/gɑ́:rd.ən/[() ́.], belt.ed/bél.tid/[ ́.]


055. bench/bentʃ/[]

[] ġ, ,〖߱〗ġ

*He sat/st/[^] on a park/pɑ:rk/[ľ()ũ] bench/bentʃ/[]. / ״ ġ ɾҴ.


056. bend/bend/[]

[] (p., pp. bent[bent]) θ, (Ӹ) ̴, () , (Ȱ) , (ö) , ( )

•Every eye was bent/bent/[Ʈ] on him. / ü ׿() ȴ.


057. be.neath/bi.ní:ɵ/[() ́]

[] (ٷ) Ʒ[], Ʒʿ, Ͽ

•I live in the town beneath/bi.ní:ɵ/[.դ ́]. / Ʒ .

[] (ġҰ) ┅ Ʒ[](), (ԡ衤й ) [], ┅ ޾Ƽ *[] be.low(bi.lóu) ┅ , ┅ Ϸ, ┅ ġ

•It is beneath/bi.ní:ɵ/[.դ ́] him to complain. / Ǫ ϴ ʴ.


058. ben.e.fit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..()]

[] , ̵ *[] prof.it(prɑ́:f.it)

[] ┅ () Ǵ; ┅ ̷Ӵ. (by; from).

•You will benefit/bén.ə.fit/[ ́..] by a holiday. / ް ̴.


059. be.side/bi:.sáid/[.() ́]

[] ┅ [], ┅ , ┅ Ͽ, -(apart from).

•He sat beside/bi:.sáid/[. ́] me. / ״ 翡 ɾҴ.


@ be.sides/bi.sáidz/ [] ۿ, , Դٰ, ܿ


060. best/best/[轺Ʈ]

[]good ֻޡ. , ּ, ֻ, ְ. [opp.] worst. ִ; κ. , ö.

•He is the best/best/[轺Ʈ] liar. / ״ ̾.

[] (the , ones ) ּ, ֻ, ; ּ . (the ) ּ [κ] (the ) Ϸ (). ( ones ) .

•We are the best/best/[轺Ʈ] of friends. / 츮 ģ ģ.


@ : chest fest jest lest nest pest quest rest test vest west

/-est/[-Ʈ] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


[ LV45 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!