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Mr. Paks ü(012)

LV44 alexҹ

2019-09-06 6:54:32 | ȸ : 823

Mr. Paks ü(012)


101. both/bouɵ/[()]

[] , ֹ[], , ٴ ┅(ƴϴ).

•I dont want both/bouɵ/[] tickets.

/ ǥ [ǥ δ] ʿ ( 常 ϴ).


[] (), , ֹ.

•Both/bouɵ/[] are good.

/ .


[] ┅ -, , ┅ ƴ϶ -.

•This bag is both/bouɵ/[] good and cheap.

/ ⵵ ϰ α⵵ ϴ.


102. both.er/bɑ́:.ər/[ٝۤ ́.()]

[] , , ҵ, ,

[] , ϴ, ð ϴ.

*Dont bother/bɑ́:.ər/[ٝۤ ́.()] me!

/ ! ( ֿ!)


103. bot.tle/bɑ́:t.l/[پ ́.]

[] , .

*a bottle/bɑ́:t.l/[پ ́.] of milk.



104. bot.tom/bɑ́:t.əm / bɔ́:t.-)[پ ́.]

[] عٴ, , , ٺ *[] top(tap) () õ( Ϻ),

*Bottoms/bɑ́:t.əmz/[پ ́.] up!

/ ǹ սô!


@ : [پ ́.] [^] ==> [پ ́.] [^] 鸰.

׷ 鸮 ϴ ƴϰ ׷ 鸮 ϴ ̴.


105. bound/baund/[ٿ]

[] ( pl.) (ʿ ) () *[] bor.der(bɔ́:r.dər) ,

[] ݵ, Ʀ, ; (þ) ൿ

[] 谡 Ǵ, ϴ.

•The United States is bounded/bɑ́un.did/[ٿ ́.]

on the north by Canada.

/ ̱ ijٿ ϰ ִ.


[] BIND šźл

[] (罿 ) پ, () ٴ, Ƣ, () Ƣ.

•He bounded/bɑ́un.did/[ٿ ́.] into fame.

/ ״ Ͼ .

[] ,〖ȭ〗 յ, ӹ[](by), ┅ .

•He is bound/baund/[ٿ] to go.

/ ״ ̴.


[] ┅; (ƹ) ┅ (for; to)..

•Where are you bound/baund/[ٿ]?

/ () ʴϱ( ΰ)?


106(1). bow/bau/[ٿ]

[] , .

*He made a bow/bau/[ٿ] to me.

/ ״ [] ߴ.


[] (λ硤 ) Ӹ ̴, 㸮 , ϴ; (ڰ) ڸ λϴ(to).

•He bowed/baud/[ٿ] to me.

/ ״ ߴ.


106(2) bow/bou/[]

[] Ȱ, Ȱ , (DZ) Ȱ, Ȱ [], Ÿ

[] Ȱ (), (DZ⸦) Ȱ Ѵ


107. bowl/boul/[]

[] , (), , ()

•She gave me a bowl/boul/[] of rice/rais/[()̽].

/ ׳ ׸ ־.


[] ( ) ; ( ) Ų ̰ ϴ

*We went to a mov.ie/mú:v.i:/[Y ́.]

and then we went bowl/boul/[].

/ ȭ ٰ, ġ .


108. box/bɑ:ks/[ٝڽ]

[] 〖߱〗Ÿ[ġ], Ȱ ĭ,〖Ĺ〗 ȸ

*We are in the same box/bɑ:ks/[ٝڽ].

/ 츰 [] ־.


[] ڿ (ä) ִ(up); ( ) δ(in; up). ϴ

•Shall/ʃl/[^] I box/bɑ:ks/[ٝڽ] it for you?

/ װ ڿ ־ 帱.


[] չٴ[ָ] ħ;

*She gave him a box/bɑ:ks/[ٝڽ] on his ears/iərs/[̾()].

/ ׳ ͸ ȴ.


[] ָ[] ; ϴ.

*They are boxing/bɑ́:k.si/[ٝ ́.].

/ ׵ ϰ ִ.


109. boy/bɔi/[^]

[] ҳ, (17, 18)

*I am a boy/bɔi/[^].

/ ̴.


110. brain/brein/[()]

[] , (pl.) , ( pl.) γ, , () , ,̱ ; () Ӹ ༮.


@ : chain drain fain gain lain main pain plain rain train vain

/-ein/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


111. brake/breik/[()()]

[] 극ũ, , ߰, ,

•We need a brake/breik/[()] on change.

/ 츮 ȭ ʿ.


[] (┅) 극ũ ɴ.

•You have to brake/breik/[()] a stop.

/ ߷ 극ũ ɾ ؿ.


112. branch/brntʃ/[()^]

[] , (罿 ), ,

*Our branch/brntʃ/[()^] manager will meet you.

/ Դϴ.


[] [](forth; out), (桤ö ) (away; off; out); (┅) бϴ(into, to), ( ) Ȯϴ.

*Just after the lake,

the path branches/brntʃz/[()^뤵] off to the right.

/ ȣ ٷ ֱ .


@ : branch . bough limb ū .

twig . sprig ,  .

spray ð ɡ١ ޸ Ƹٿ ().

shoot  .


113. brand/brnd/[()^ȵ]

[] ǥ, ǰ ̸

[] , ǥ ̴, , (┅̶) .

•He was branded/bŕn.did/[()^ ́.] as a thief.

/ ״ .


114. brave/breiv/[()()]

[] , (Ư) Ƹ޸ī ε , ()

[] 밨, () Ǹ,

*His brave/breiv/[()礲] actions will become history.

/ 밨 ൿ 翡 ̴.


[] ( ) , ϴ, ┅ 밨ϰ ¼.

•He braved/breivd/[()礲] it out.

/ ״ ¿[밨ϰ] а .


115. bread/bred/[()A()]

[] , , ķ, (Ӿ)

*I bought a loaf/louf/[()ΟY] of bread/bred/[()A]

at the ba.ker.y/béi.kər.i:/[ ́.Ŀ.()].

/ Կ Ļ () .


116. break/breik/[()()]

[] (broke[brouk]/bro.ken[bróu.kən]) ߸, μ

*He broke/brouk/[()ΟV] a win.dow/wín.dou/[ ́.].

/ ״ â .


[] ƴ, ( of day), ߴ, (ɽ) , () å〖ǻ〗 (Ͻ) , , ()

*Give him a break/breik/[()]!

/ ׿ ȸ !


117. break.fast/brék.fəst/[()L ́.۽Ʈ]

[] .

•I had my break.fast/brék.fəst/[()L ́.۽Ʈ] at 6 a.m.

/ 6ÿ .


[] Դ(on).

*I am having my breakfast/brék.fəst/[()L ́.۽Ʈ].

/ ħ ԰ ִ.


@ : I am eating breakfast. (x) I am eating a hamburger. (o)


118. breast/brest/[()Ʈ]

[] , ʰ, , ,


119. breath/breɵ/[()()]

[] , ȣ, (Ѩ), , (), ޽Ľð

•Take a deep breath/breɵ/[()]!

/ ȣ ϶!


120. breathe/bri:/[()()]

[] ȣϴ, ִ, (ٶ) Ҵ

•Let me breathe/bri:/[()礧].

/ ޶, ׸ ֶ.

@ breath.ing/brí:.i/ [] ȣ, , [] ȣϴ[]



[ LV44 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!