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Mr. Paks ü(007)

LV44 alexҹ

2019-08-24 6:22:54 | ȸ : 874

Mr. Paks ü(007)


007. ba.nan.a/bə.ńn.ə/[.^ ́.]

[] ٳ()

•She gave me a bunch of bananas. / ׳ ٳ ̸ ־.


•She gave/geiv/[礲] me

a bunch/bʌntʃ/[^] of ba.nan.as/bə.ńn.əs/[.^ ́.].


008 band/bnd/[^ȵ]

[] ϴ(), ׷, , , Ǵ, ,

*I need a rubber band. / ʿϴ.


*I need/ni:d/[ϟ] a rub.ber/rʌ́b.ər/[()^ ́.()] band/bnd/[^ȵ].


[] [] ̴, ٹ̸ ִ, ܰ(ӥ̿)Ű(together), ϴ

•They are banded together closely. / ׵ ܰ ִ.


•They are banded/b́n.did/[^ ́.]

to.geth.er/tə.gé.ər/[.c ́.()] close.ly/klóu.sli:/[ũ ́.].


* : and brand grand hand land mand rand sand

(-nd)[-^ȵ] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


009. band.age/b́n.didʒ/[^ ́.]

[] ش, ,

*Let me get a bandage. / ش븦 ϳ ʹ.


*Let/let/[()M] me get/get/[a] a bandage/b́n.didʒ/[^ ́.].


010. bank/bk/[^ũ]

[] , ,

*The bank will be opened the day after tomorrow. / ̴.


*The bank/bk/[^ũ] will be opened/óu.pənd/[ ́.ݵ] the day

af.ter/́f.tər/[^ۤ ́.()] to.mor.row/tə.mɑ́:.rou/[. ́.()ο].


[] ┅ ״, (Ρ Ŀ긦) ϴ, () ̴(up).

•The snow banked up. / ׿.


•The snow/snou/[] banked/bkt/[^ũƮ] up/ʌp/[^].


011. bar.ber/bɑ́:r.bər/[پ() ́.()]

[] ̹߻()

*He was a famous barber. / ״ ̹߻ .


*He was a fa.mous/féi.məs/[ ́.ӽ] barber/bɑ́:r.bər/[پ() ́.()]


012. base/beis/[̽]

[] , ,〖߱〗 (), ̽

•The base of this building is strong. / ǹ ưưϴ.


•The base/beis/[̽] of this buil.ding/bíl.di/[ ́.]

is strong/strɔ:/[Ʈ()^].


[] ⺻[]; ();〖߱〗 ().

•They built a base camp. / ׵ () ̽ ķ ġϿ.


•They built/bilt.[Ʈ] a base/beis/[̽] camp/kmp/[ij^].


[] õ, [ߺ], () 󽺷. ϵ; ӵ

•He did a base action. / ״ ߴ.


•He did a base/beis/[̽] ac.tion/́k.ʃən/[^ ́.].


[] ┅ [ٰ] ϴ, ┅ ٰϴ(on, upon). δ(at; on).

•Its based on a true story. / װ ȭ ٰ Ͽ.


•Its based/beist/[̽Ʈ]

on a true/tru:/[Ʈ()] stor.y/stɔ́:r.i:/[^ ́.()].


@ : case chase vase *phase(feiz) phrase(freiz) rase(reiz) (-z) ȴ.

/-eis/[-̽] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


013. bas.ket/b́s.kit/[^ƽ ́.g()]

[] ٱ, ٱ( з), ٱ

*She put groceries into her basket. / ׳ ķǰ ׳ ٱϿ Ҵ.


*She put gro.cer.ies/gróu.sər.i:s/[()ο ́..()̽]

into her basket/b́s.kit/[^ƽ ́.g()].


014. bat/bt/[^()]

[] (߱Ź ) Ʈ, Ÿ, ()

*I want to get a bat. / (߱) ̸ ʹ.


*I want/wa:nt/[ƾƮ] to get a bat/bt/[^()].


[] (-tt-) (Ʈ ) ġ

*He batted a home run. / ״ Ȩ ƴ.

*He batted/b́t.id/[^ ́.] home/houm/[ȣ] run/rʌn/[()^].


* : cat fat hat mat pat rat sat tat vat

ܾ /-t/[-^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


015. bath/bɵ/[^Ѥ()]

[] , Կ

*He is taking a bath. / ״ ϰ ִ.


*He is tak.ing/téik.i/[Ÿ ́.] a bath/bɵ/[^Ѥ()].


016. be/bi:/[]

[] (pp. been [bin / bi:n, bin]) ┅(), (┅) ִ

*am, are, is

•It will be fine tomorrow. / ̴.


•It will be/bi:/[] fine/fain/[]

tomorrow/tə.mɔ́:r.ou/[.^ ́.()ο]


* : he me she we

/-i:/[-l ] д´. [ ? l ]տ ̸ ȴ.


017. beach/bi:tʃ/[]

[] غ, , ٴ尡, ؾ, ȣ

•We walk on the beach. / 츮 غ ȴ´.


•We/wi:/[] walk/wɔ:k/[^] on the beach/bi:tʃ/[].


@ : beach/bi:tʃ/[] ݵ [-]ϰ 鼭 [-]

Ͽ Ѵ. ׷ bitch/bitʃ/[] 鸰.


018. bear/bɛər/[()]

[] (bore[bɔr]/born[bɔrn]) , [] *[] car.ry(ḱr.i:) (ǥ ) ϴ, (⡤(ڣ) ) ϴ

•He is bearing a heavy load. / ״ ſ ִ.


•He is bear.ing/bɛ́ər.i/[ ́.()]

a heavy/hév.i:/[d ́.] load/loud/[()ΟL].


019. beaut.i.ful/bjú:t.ə.fəl/[W ́..]

[] Ƹٿ, , Ǹ,

*A beautiful woman came to see you. /  Ƹٿ Ծ.


*A beautiful/bjú:t.ə.fəl/[W ́..] wom.an/wúm.ən/[ ́.]

came/keim/ to see/si:/[] you.


@ : [W ́.](x) ܾ -ful. ܾ

[Ǯ], [] ȴ.


020. be.cause/bi.kɔ́:z/[.^ ́]

[] (ֳϸ) ┅̹Ƿ[ϹǷ], ┅ ┅

*Because you are late.../ װ ʾ ...


*Because/bi.kɔ́:z/[.^ ́] you are late/leit/[()]...


[ LV44 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
LV44 alexҹ
2019-08-24 1:51:07