͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

A~Z( 42 )

LV47 alexҹ

2024-02-16 12:44:06 | ȸ : 250

a~z( 42 ) :


4 :  д


< д >


ܾ ܾ 忡

޶ 찡 ִ.

忡  ϸ âϰ ƴ϶

׵ ˾Ƶ ϰ

˾Ƶ ϴ ⺻ ȸȭ н ̴.


=== ===

step 01 : /(intonation)

step 02 : ܾ (1)

step 03 : ܾ (2)

step 04 : can cant

step 05 : a an

step 06 : the

step 07 : ̻(/suffix)

step 08 : (ڿ) д (1)

step 09 : (м) д (2)

step 10 : (Ҽ) д (3)



step 01 : /(intonation)


 忡 κ Ҹ ų ϴ 찡 ִ.

̰ Ǵ ̶ Ѵ.

: what did you do yesterday?

we played at the back yard.

is this your book?

ģ ܾ ܾ Ʋ 鸱 ; Ѵ.

ƿ﷯ ǹ̶ ϴ yes no ƴ ü

䱸Ǵ ǹ ø ʴ ִ.

̷ ͵ 忡 intonation ̶ Ѵ.

 ̶ յڰ ź(flat)ϰ о ȴ.



this is a book. / this ö󰣴.


(2) ǹ

1) is this a book ? / book( ) ö󰣴.

[ؼ] yes, no ǹ ڰ ö󰣴.

yes, it is. no, it is not.

[ؼ] ó κ ö󰣴.

2) do you have a book? / book ( )ö󰣴.

[ؼ] yes, no ǹ ڰ ö󰣴.

yes, i do. no, i do not.

[ؼ] ó κ ö󰣴.

3) what is this ?

[ؼ] yes, no ƴ ü 䱸Ǵ ǹ ö󰣴.

* ǹ(what) ܾ ̰ ִ.

* it is a book.


(3) : κп ش.

i am not your friend.

i dont like her.


(4) ȭ ȣ : (503) 688 - 9627---5, 6, 9 ö󰡰 3, 8, 7 .

* ó ö󰡰, ڴ .



step 02 : ܾ (1)

ϻ ȸȭ Ǵ ܾ Ѳ Ǵ 쿡

̸ ̶ܾ ϰ ̿ ѱ 並 鼭 ٶ.

ѱ 信 ڰ ٸ ڿ Ҹ ڴ .


i will = ill /ai-l/ -- /al/[ ́] ==> [ ́]

he will = hel /hi:-l/ -- /hi-l/[ ́] ==> []

i have been = iv been /ɑ́iv bin/[Ɵ ́ ]

she has = shes /ʃi: z/[]

i had(would) like = id like /ɑ́id lɑ́ik/[Ɵ ́ () ́]

i have got to go --> /ɑ́iv gɑ́t ə gou /[Ɵ ́ ́ ](ok)

[Ɵ ́ ́ ](ok)



step 03 : ܾ (2)


ought to /ɔ:t tu/ --> /ɔ́:.ra/[^ ́.()] Ǵ [^ ́.()] (ok)

have to /hv tu/ --> /h́v. tə/[^ ́. ]

want to /want tu/ --> wanna/wɑ́n.a/[ ́.] Ǵ [ ́.] (ok)

going to /gou.i tu/ --> gonna/góu.na/[ ́.] Ǵ [ ́.] (ok)

got to /gat tu/ --> gotta/gɑ́t.ə/[ ́.]



step 04 : can cant

cant can ϱ 찡 .

cant can not ϸ Ȯ ˾Ƶ´.


i can understand you.

i cant understand you.

can you play with us ?

yes, i can. no, i cant.



step 05 : a an

a, an ڿ ڰ 
(̳? ̳?) ޶. ̴ 밡

Ȯϰ ˾Ƶ ϱ ؼ.

* Ǵ ܾ ܾ

ϱ н ǻ ǥ Ѵ. ǥ ƴ.

: a pen /ə pén/ ̷ д´. [. ] ( ϳ)

a 2 /ə tú: / [. ] ( 2 ¥ )

(1) ۵Ǵ տ a .

: a pen /ə pén/ a 2 /ə tú: /

(2) ۵Ǵ տ an .

: an egg /ən ég /, an only child /ən óun.li:-ʧáild/, an 8 /ən éit/

(3) ۵Ǿ /j/, /w/ a .

: a one /wʌ́n/, a european /jùə.rə.pí:.ən/, a ewer /jú:.ər/

a useful /jú:s.fəl/ * an 쵵 ִ.

(4) ʴ h + ۵Ǵ an .

: an hour /áuər/, an honest /ɑ́n.ist/ boy.

(5) h ϴ 쿣 a .

: a hot /hat/ day.

(6) h Ǿ ǼƮ an ϵ ,

Ϲδ a .

: a(n) hotel /hou.tél/, a(n) historian /his.tɔ́:r.i.ən/

(7) Ǵ  ù ڰ ۵Ǹ an .

: an mp() / an sos(ֽֽ).



step 06 : the

(1) the ڿ ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ ə .

: the book /ə - buk/[ - ]

(2) the ڿ ܾ ù ڰ Ǹ i Ѵ.

: the old /i: - ould/[ - ]



step 07 : ̻(/suffix)

̾() ܾ پ ɰ ο ܾ .

̴ ̻(inflectional) Ļ ̻(derivational) ִ.


01. -a.ble, -i.ble :

/-ǝ.bl/ : tax.a.ble /tǽk.sə.bl/ a. ac.ces.si.ble/k.sés.ǝ.bl/ ɑ.


02. -a.tion :

/éi.ʃən/ : ex.plor.a.tion/èks.plǝr.éi.ʃən/ n. hes.i.ta.tion/hèz.ǝ.téi.ʃən/ n.


03. -ate :

/èit/[֟ ̀] : sep.a.rate /sép.ə.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]

/-it/[] : sep.a.rate/sép.ə.rit/[ ́..()]


04. -cian :

/-ʃ.ən/ : tech.ni.cian/tek.níʃ.ən/ n. mu.si.cian/mju:.zíʃ.ən/ n.


05. -ed :

(1) źл ܾ ޶.

/t/ /id/ /d/ ޶.

(2) ܾ ٸ.

3 step 12 : Ģ ȭ 翡 ܾ -ed .


06. -ful

/fǝl/ : beau.ti.ful/bjú:t.ǝ.fǝl/ a. for.get.ful/fǝr.gét.fǝl/ ɑ.


07. -ful :

/fùl/ : arm.ful/ά:rm.fùl/ n. hand.ful/hǽnd.fùl/ n.


08. -ize :

/-àiz/ : ter.ror.ize/tér.ǝr.àiz/ vt. pri.va.tize/prái.vǝ.tàiz/ vt.


09. -less :

/lis/ : home.less/hóum.lis/ a. worth.less/wə́:r.lis/ ɑ.


10.-ment :

/mǝnt/ : treat.ment/trí:t.mǝnt/ n. a.chieve.ment/ǝ.tʃí: v.mǝnt/ n

*̻簡 ƴ ܾ ܾ ٸ.

ce.ment/si.mént/ n. la.ment/lǝ.mént/ vt.


11. -ness :

/nis/ : sad.ness/sǽd.nis/ n. good.ness/gúd.nis/ n.


12. -ship :

/ʃìp/ : mem.ber.ship/mém.bǝr.ʃìp/ n. friend.ship/frénd.ʃìp/ n.


13. -s, -es :

/s/ /is/ /iz/ ִ.

ʿ . ܾ ȣ .


14. -sion :

/-. ʒən/ : per.sua.sion/pǝr.swéi.ʒən/ n.

/-ʒ. ən/ : di.vi.sion/di.víʒ.ən/ n.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!