͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (060)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-02-16 12:36:58 | ȸ : 179

̽ å 5õ (060)

== f (121) ~ (140) ==


(06) f ==


121. for.tu.nate.ly/fɔ́:r.tʃə.nət.li:/[^() ́.ó..()]

[] (), () *[] un.for.tu.nate.ly(ʌ̀n.fɔ́:r.tʃə.nət.li:)

i was late, but ~/fɔ́:r.tʃə.nət.li:/ the meeting hadnt started.

/ ߴµ ȸǰ ۵ ʾҾ.



[] ( pl.) [ҿ] ; ȸ (˼ )

[] ҿ, , , ߸

*un.for.tu.nate.ly/ʌ̀n.fɔ́:r.tʃə.nit.li:/ [] ϰ, Ӱ


122. for.tune/fɔ́:r.tʃən/[^() ́.õ]

[] , , , , ,


123. for.ty/fɔ́:r.ti:/[^() ́́.Ƽ] or [^ ́́.()]

[/] 40(), 40[]() 40().


*thir.ty /ə́:r.ti:/[() ́́.Ƽ] or [ ́́.()]

*+r t+ t ص . [ ́́.()] (ok)


124. for.ward/fɔ́:r.wərd/[^() ́́.()]

[] *[] back.ward(b́k.wərd)

f~/fɔ́:r.wərd/! / !

[] (κ),

he was ~/fɔ́:r.wərd/ with his answer. / ״ Ͽ ߴ.

[] ư ϴ, ϴ, ôŰ, ()ȸϴ, ϴ

please ~/fɔ́:r.wərd/.

/ () ٶ( ).

*for.ward.ing/fɔ́:r.wə:r.di/ [] , , (), ȸ, ߼


125. foul/faul/[Ŀ]

[] () , , (ǰ) , ( ) , ; , () , Ģ

he has a ~/faul/ mouth on him! / !


126. found/faund/[Ŀ]

[] (p., pp. ed; ing) ʸ δ[], ٰŸ δ, (üȸ ) ϴ, (м)

these facts are enough to ~/faund/ my opinion.

/ ̷ ǵ ؿ ޹ħ ȴ.

[] (ݼ) 쿩 ״, ϴ; () ̴; () .

[] find źл

[] ( ) ߾, ִ; (޷ ܿ) ħ.

[] ( Ǵ) ; (pl.) .

losts and f~s/faunds/[Ŀ彺]

/ ().


*found.er/fáun.dər/ [] â[], ߱; ; ( )


127. foun.da.tion/faun.déi.ʃən/[Ŀ. ́.]

[] â, (ݿ )


128. foun.tain/fáun.tən/[Ŀ ́.]

[] м, м, м, мž[], ,

the ~/fáun.tən/ is inside the building.

/ м ǹ ȿ ִ.

[] (Ű)

an e.nor.mous/i:.nɔ́:r.mǝs/ curtain of lav.a/lάv.ǝ/

~.ed/fáun.tənd/[Ŀ ́.ϵ] into the sky.

/ Ŵ ϴ÷ ھƿö.


@ 129. four/fɔ:r/[^()]

[/] 4(), 4(), 4()


*four.teen/fɔ́:r.tí:n/ [/] 14(), (), 14() [];

*fourth/fɔ:rɵ/ [/] 4(); ()°(), 4 1(), () 4°() (pl.)


130. fowl/faul/[Ŀ]

[] (pl. s) () , ĥ , ߰,

fish, flesh, and ~ / .


131. fox/fɑ:ks/[ĝڽ]

[] , Ȱ , (̱Ӿ) () Ի


132. frac.tion/fŕk.ʃən/[()^ ́.]

[] ϴ.

[] , .м, , ,

i got only a ~/fŕk.ʃən/ of what i wanted.

/ ٶ Ϻθ տ ־.


133. frag.ile/fŕdʒ.əl/[()^ ́.]

[] (ü ) , (ų ) ,

do you have any ~/fŕdʒ.əl/ articles?

/ ǰ ֳ?


134. frame/freim/[()]

[] , , , , ü

[] (Ʋ, , ) , () ߸

he was ~.ed/freimd/[()ӵ].

/ ״ .


* : flame/fleim/[] ǰ .

[-]ϰ õ忡 [-]ϸ flame ǰ

[-]ϰ 𿡵 ʰ [-()]ϸ frame ȴ.


135. france/frns/[()^Ƚ]



136. frank/frk/[()^ũ]

[] , , ,

to be ~/frk/ with you, i dont like him.

/ װ ϸ ׸ ʾ.


*frank.ly/fŕk.li:/ [] ,


137. fraud/frɔ:d/[()^]

[] , , ,


138. freck.le/frék.l/[()L ́.]

[] , ֱٱ, (Ǻ) , ; (pl.)Ϲ().


* : ? = Ǵ .

-.le Ǵ տ ə տ ־ ,

/frék.l/ =>/frék.əl/ .

̰ ̽ ap.ple -.ple ə ־ /́p.əl/ Ѵ.


@ 139. free/fri:/[()]

[] (freer [fríər]; freest [fríist]) ο, ӹ , , ( ) ʴ

you are ~/fri:/ for 2 hours. / ð .



smoke free / no!,

free smoking / ok!

fat free / ⿡ ⸧ .

free talking /


*free.dom/frí:.dəm/ [] , ع,

*free.way/frí:.wèi/ [] üη ϰ

() ӵ


* : ̱ freeway highway ?

freeway : no tolls, no intersections or cross streets.


*̱ ü : i am free. / Ѱؿ.

its free. / װ ¥Դϴ.


140. freeze/fri:z/[()]

[] (froze[frouz]; frozen[fróuzən]) , ϴ

f~/fri:z/ ! youre under arrest!

/ ¦ , üѴ.


*̱ ü : its freezing. / û .



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!