͵Ȧ ΰ

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A~Z( 35 )

LV47 alexҹ

2024-02-07 12:57:11 | ȸ : 197

a~z( 35 ) :


step 21-09 : Ǿ


078. meat & meet & mete :


(1) meat/mi:t/[̟]

[] (Ŀ ) ̱(ް ) ִ, , ˸

this book is full of meat/mi:t/. / å ϴ.

(2) meet/mi:t/[̟]

[] (p., pp. met [met]) , ġ, ¼, ȸϴ

lets meet/mi:t/ tomorrow in my office.

 / 繫ǿ 츮 .

(3) mete/mi:t/[̟]

[] (ǥ).

[] ( ) Ҵϴ, ִ(allot)out. , ϴ

the judge showed his capacity to mete/mi:t/ out swift punishment.

/ ǻ ż ó ִ ɷ .


079. might & mite :


(1) might/mait/[]

[] , , Ƿ, [syn.] power. .

[] () (might not mightnt[máitnt]/ 2Ī ܼ) may ġ ÷μ ̾ may Ÿ 𸥴, ص

he said that it might/mait/ rain.

 / ״ 𸥴ٰ ߴ.

(2) mite/mait/[]

[] , , , , .

the place looked a mite/mait/ expensive. 

 / .


080. miner & minor :


(1) min.er/mái.nǝr/[ ́.()]

[] , ; . . ä, Ư äź.

her husband is a coal miner/mái.nǝr/.

/ ׳ ź δ.

(2) mi.nor/mái.nər/[ ́.()]

[] ̼,,̱()

[] , () , () ߿ġ , * a ~ party Ҽ

i can put up with mi.nor/mái.nər/ inconveniences.

/ ִ.



081. morning & mourning :


(1) mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/[^() ́.]

[] ħ, , (þ) (dawn)

good mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/ every body?

/ ȳϼ!

(2) mourn.ing/mɔ́ :r.ni/[^() ́.]

[] ź(sorrowing), ; ֵ(lamentation). (), Ż (); ().

[] , ֵ; , .

he is in mourn.ing/mɔ́:r.ni/. 

/ ״ ()̴.


082. naval & navel :


(1) na.val/néi.vəl/[ ́.]

[] ر; ; ر ִ

there is a naval/néi.vəl/ base in busan.

/ λ꿣 ر ִ.

(2) na.vel/néi.vəl/[ ́.]

[] ; ߾, ߽

he had a stomach pain and rubbed his navel/néi.vəl/.

/ ״ 谡 ļ .


083. none & nun :


(1) none/nʌn/[^]

[] ƹ() ʴ[], ݵ ʴ[]

it is none/nʌn/ of your(my) business. 

/ ̰ () ˹ ƴϴ.

(2) nun/nʌn/[^]

[] . cf.monk. ѱ ; .

my friend wants to be a nun/nʌn/. 

 / ģ డ Ƿ Ѵ.


084. one & won :


(1) one/wʌn/[^]

[] 1, ϳ, , , 1. 1 [ȣ]. (); .

[] , ϳ, (single).

can you count up to twenty? / 20 ֳ?

no, sir! but i can count from one/wʌn/ to ten twice.

/ ƴϿ, ! ׷ ϳ ֽϴ.

(2) won/wʌn/[^]


win/win/ [] (p., pp. won [wʌn]; wínning) ( ) ̱

tom won/wʌn/ $5 from his game. 

/ Ž ӿ 5 .


085. packed & pact :


(1) pack.ed/pkt/[^Ʈ] pack л

pack/pk/[^] [] ٷ, [], , ,

[] (ٸ), (δ), (ϴ(Ǵ))

he pack.ed/pkt/ the clothes into the trunk. 

/ ״ Ʈũ ì ־.


(2) pact/pkt/[^Ʈ]

[] , ,

they have made a pact/pkt/[^Ʈ] with each other

not to speak about their differences in public.

/ ׵ ڽŵ ǰ ̿

ʱ ξ.


086. pain & pane :


(1) pain/pein/[]

[] , , ο, ( pl.)

no pain, no gain! 

/ ̴ ͵ !

(2) pane/pein/[]

[] ( ) â(windowpane); Ǻ(panel). (׸) ȹ, (ٵ) , (̴) Ʋ. ǥ Ʈ Ǵ ø.

the thief broke the pane/pein/ in order to unlock the door.

/ ڹ踦 â ߷ȴ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!