͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (004ȸ)

LV47 alexҹ

2022-07-24 12:22:20 | ȸ : 887


< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (004ȸ)

== (01) a (061~080) ==


061. a.dult/ə.dʌ́lt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[/] (), ()

a~s/ə.dʌ́lts/[.^Ʈ ́] only

/ θ . (̼ (Խ))


062. ad.vance/d.v́ns, əd.-/[^.^Ƚ ́]

[] , , , (ð)

[] ư ϴ, , ( ) մ, ϴ

can you ~/d.v́ns/[^.^Ƚ ́] me

a few dollars till the payday?

/ ޳ 2, 3޷ (ʣ) ֽ ڽϱ?


*ad.vanc.ed/d.v́nst/ [] []. , ư; []

*ad.vance.ment/d.v́ns.mənt/ [] , . , ߴ; , , .


063. ad.van.tage/d.v́n.tidʒ, əd.-/[^.^ ́.Ƽ]

[] , *[] prof.it(prɑ́:f.it)

i have learned/lə:rnd/ it with ~/d.v́n.tidʒ/[^.^ ́.Ƽ].

/ ٰ ־.


* : learn.ed/lə:rnd/[()()] [] (/)

*i learned/lə:rnd/[()()] english. / .

learn.ed/lə́:r.nid/[()() ́.] [] й[н]ִ, [ڽ]

*he is a learn.ed/lə́:r.nid/[()() ́.] man. / ״ ̾.


064. ad.ven.ture/d.vén.tʃər, əd.-/[^. ́.ó()]

[] , ü

ones youth is the time of ~/d.vén.tʃər/[^. ́.ó()]

and dar.ing/dέər.i/.

/ ΰ û ô.


065. ad.verse/d.və́:rs/[^.() ́]

[] (), ݴϴ(to). Ҹ, طο

how can you handle

an ~/d.və́:rs/[^.() ́] trade bal.ance/bǽl.ǝns/ ?
/ ?


*ad.verse.ly/d.və́:rs.li:/ [] ݴ


066. ad.ver.tise/́d.vər.tàiz/[^ ́.().Ÿ ̀]

[] ϴ, ڱ⼱ ϴ

he ~s/́d.vər.tài.ziz/[^ ́.().Ÿ ̀.] so much.

/ ״ ũ ڱ⼱ ϰ ִ.


*ad.ver.tise.ment, .tize.- /̀d.vər.táiz.mənt/ [] , , ,


067(1). ad.vise/d.váiz, əd.-/[^. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

i ~/d.váiz/[^. ́] you to be cau.tious/kɔ́:.ʃǝs/.

/ ϵ []帳ϴ.


067(2). ad.vice/d.váis/[^.̽ ́]

[] , , ǰ

he gave me a use.ful/jú:s.fǝl/ bit of ~/d.váis/[^.̽ ́].

/ ״ ־.


== ( 5) ==

the government advised/d.váist/[^.̽Ʈ ́] people to stay at home.

/ ӹ ǰ.

־(the government) + (advised) + (people) + (to stay)


000(1). ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kit/[^ ́..g]

[] ȣ, ; â; ַ sc. ȣ; ; (a-) ׸


000(2). ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kèit/[^ ́..ij ̀]

[] ȣȣϴ; ϴ

they ~ /ǽd.vǝ.kèit/[^ ́..ij ̀] peace.
/ ׵ ȭ âѴ.


068. af.fair/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́]

[] , , (ϻ) , ( ϰ ϴ) ; (event).

ɻ. () , Ƽ. (ַ) ҷ [], .

thats none of your ~/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́].

/ װ װ ƴϴ.


069. af.fect/ə.fékt/[.́]

[] ִ(ġ), ( ü) ħϴ, Ű

she was ~.ed/ə.fék.tid/[.s ́.] at the news.

/ ׳ ҽ Ǿ.

[] [] üϴ, *[] as.sume(ə.sjú:m), (Ĺ) .

drops/draps/ of fluid ~/ə.fékt/[.́] a round fig.ure/fíg.jǝr/.

/ ü ձ ¸ Ѵ.


*af.fec.tion/ə.fék.ʃən/ [] , ȣ(for; toward(s)), (pl.) , (),

*af.fec.tion.ate/ə.fék.ʃən.ət/ [] , ģ. ,

*af.fec.ta.tion/̀f.ek.téi.ʃən/ [] ü, (of); ٹ[ٹ̴ µ].


070. af.firm/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́]

[] Ȯϴ, [syn.] assert. (ҿ Ͽ ǰ) Ȯϴ

he ~.ed/ə.fə́:rmd/[.() ́] that the news was true.

/ ״ ҽ ̶ ܾߴ.

[/] (̱) [] ().

do you read me? a~/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́].

/ () ? , 鸳ϴ.


*af.firm.a.tion/̀f.ər.méi.ʃən/ [] ܾ, ,() .


071. af.firm.a.tive/ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv/[.() ́..M]

[] Ȯ, , ,

[] Ȯܾ. , ³, opp.negɑtive.

an ~ reply ϴ ȸ ~ votes ǥ

he always gives me

an ~/ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv/[.() ́..M] re.sponse/ri.spάns/.

/ ״ ׻ 亯 ش.


072. af.fix/ə.fíks/[. ́]

[] ÷ι;()(λ̻).

[] ÷ϴ, ̴(to; on), , () , (å )

a~/ə.fíks/[. ́] the blue airmail label

and leave the rest to us.

/ Ķ װ ̺ ̽ð 񿡰 ñ⼼.


073. af.ford/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́]

[] ִ, ִ, (+to do) ִ

i cannot ~/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́] the/i/ ex.pense/ik.spéns/.

/ .


*af.ford.a.ble/ə.fɔ́:r.də.bl/ [] ִ; Լ , () ˸

[] (pl.) ִ ǰ .


*̱ ü : i cant afford that. ȵſ.; .


@ 074. a.fraid /ə.fréid/[.() ́]

[] ηϴ, (ϱ⸦) ϴ. []ϴ, ϰ ϴ

do not be ~/ə.fréid/[.()]!

/ ̳ !


@ 075. af.ter/́f.tər/[^ ́.()]

[] () [], , ߿

see you two days/deiz/[] ~/́f.tər/[^ ́.()].

/ Ʋ Ŀ .

[]ðĿ, ұϰ, ڸ [Ѿ]

come ~/́f.tər/[^ ́.()] me.

/ ÿ( ).


@ 076. af.ter.noon/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́]

[] ( ϸ)

see you in the ~/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́].

/ Ŀ !

[] [ ].

see you in the ~/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́] class[ũ^ƽ].

/ .


* : Ŀ ġ in,

Ư Ÿ () ġ on Ϲ.

in the / Ŀ. on the of 8th, / 8 Ŀ


@ 077. a.gain/ə.gén, ə.géin/[. ́]

[] ٽ, [ִ ] (ǵƿ), Ͽ, (), ׹ۿ.

say ~/ə.gén/[. ́]!

/ ٽ !


* : /ə.géin/[. ́] ص .

ai /ei/ Ǵ /e/ ȴ.


*̱ ü : you can say that again. .


078. a.gainst/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́]

[] - ݴϿ, Ͽ, εġ. Ͽ.

are you ~/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́] the plan or for it?

/ ȹ ݴ ϴ° ϴ°?


@ 079. age/eidʒ/[]

[] , ô( )

he is my ~/eidʒ/[].

/ ״ ̴.

[] (p., pp. aged [eidʒd]; ag(e)ing) Ĵ, ϴ, ȭϴ

grief/gri:f/[()] ~s/eidʒs/[] us/ʌs/[^ƽ].

/ İ .


*a.ging/éi.dʒi/ [] ̸ , ȭ, ( ) ()


080. a.gen.cy/éi.dʒən.si:/[ ́..]

[] , ۿ, (), Ű, ּ,

a general agency / Ѵ븮. agency marketing / Ǹ 븮.

==061. a.dult/ə.dʌ́lt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[/] (), ()

a~s/ə.dʌ́lts/[.^Ʈ ́] only

/ θ . (̼ (Խ))


062. ad.vance/d.v́ns, əd.-/[^.^Ƚ ́]

[] , , , (ð)

[] ư ϴ, , ( ) մ, ϴ

can you ~/d.v́ns/[^.^Ƚ ́] me

a few dollars till the payday?

/ ޳ 2, 3޷ (ʣ) ֽ ڽϱ?


*ad.vanc.ed/d.v́nst/ [] []. , ư; []

*ad.vance.ment/d.v́ns.mənt/ [] , . , ߴ; , , .


063. ad.van.tage/d.v́n.tidʒ, əd.-/[^.^ ́.Ƽ]

[] , *[] prof.it(prɑ́:f.it)

i have learned/lə:rnd/ it with ~/d.v́n.tidʒ/[^.^ ́.Ƽ].

/ ٰ ־.


* : learn.ed/lə:rnd/[()()] [] (/)

*i learned/lə:rnd/[()()] english. / .

learn.ed/lə́:r.nid/[()() ́.] [] й[н]ִ, [ڽ]

*he is a learn.ed/lə́:r.nid/[()() ́.] man. / ״ ̾.


064. ad.ven.ture/d.vén.tʃər, əd.-/[^. ́.ó()]

[] , ü

ones youth is the time of ~/d.vén.tʃər/[^. ́.ó()]

and dar.ing/dέər.i/.

/ ΰ û ô.


065. ad.verse/d.və́:rs/[^.() ́]

[] (), ݴϴ(to). Ҹ, طο

how can you handle

an ~/d.və́:rs/[^.() ́] trade bal.ance/bǽl.ǝns/ ?
/ ?


*ad.verse.ly/d.və́:rs.li:/ [] ݴ


066. ad.ver.tise/́d.vər.tàiz/[^ ́.().Ÿ ̀]

[] ϴ, ڱ⼱ ϴ

he ~s/́d.vər.tài.ziz/[^ ́.().Ÿ ̀.] so much.

/ ״ ũ ڱ⼱ ϰ ִ.


*ad.ver.tise.ment, .tize.- /̀d.vər.táiz.mənt/ [] , , ,


067(1). ad.vise/d.váiz, əd.-/[^. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

i ~/d.váiz/[^. ́] you to be cau.tious/kɔ́:.ʃǝs/.

/ ϵ []帳ϴ.


067(2). ad.vice/d.váis/[^.̽ ́]

[] , , ǰ

he gave me a use.ful/jú:s.fǝl/ bit of ~/d.váis/[^.̽ ́].

/ ״ ־.


== ( 5) ==

the government advised/d.váist/[^.̽Ʈ ́] people to stay at home.

/ ӹ ǰ.

־(the government) + (advised) + (people) + (to stay)


000(1). ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kit/[^ ́..g]

[] ȣ, ; â; ַ sc. ȣ; ; (a-) ׸


000(2). ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kèit/[^ ́..ij ̀]

[] ȣȣϴ; ϴ

they ~ /ǽd.vǝ.kèit/[^ ́..ij ̀] peace.
/ ׵ ȭ âѴ.


068. af.fair/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́]

[] , , (ϻ) , ( ϰ ϴ) ; (event).

ɻ. () , Ƽ. (ַ) ҷ [], .

thats none of your ~/ə.fɛ́ər/[.() ́].

/ װ װ ƴϴ.


069. af.fect/ə.fékt/[.́]

[] ִ(ġ), ( ü) ħϴ, Ű

she was ~.ed/ə.fék.tid/[.s ́.] at the news.

/ ׳ ҽ Ǿ.

[] [] üϴ, *[] as.sume(ə.sjú:m), (Ĺ) .

drops/draps/ of fluid ~/ə.fékt/[.́] a round fig.ure/fíg.jǝr/.

/ ü ձ ¸ Ѵ.


*af.fec.tion/ə.fék.ʃən/ [] , ȣ(for; toward(s)), (pl.) , (),

*af.fec.tion.ate/ə.fék.ʃən.ət/ [] , ģ. ,

*af.fec.ta.tion/̀f.ek.téi.ʃən/ [] ü, (of); ٹ[ٹ̴ µ].


070. af.firm/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́]

[] Ȯϴ, [syn.] assert. (ҿ Ͽ ǰ) Ȯϴ

he ~.ed/ə.fə́:rmd/[.() ́] that the news was true.

/ ״ ҽ ̶ ܾߴ.

[/] (̱) [] ().

do you read me? a~/ə.fə́:rm/[.() ́].

/ () ? , 鸳ϴ.


*af.firm.a.tion/̀f.ər.méi.ʃən/ [] ܾ, ,() .


071. af.firm.a.tive/ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv/[.() ́..M]

[] Ȯ, , ,

[] Ȯܾ. , ³, opp.negɑtive.

an ~ reply ϴ ȸ ~ votes ǥ

he always gives me

an ~/ə.fə́:r.mə.tiv/[.() ́..M] re.sponse/ri.spάns/.

/ ״ ׻ 亯 ش.


072. af.fix/ə.fíks/[. ́]

[] ÷ι;()(λ̻).

[] ÷ϴ, ̴(to; on), , () , (å )

a~/ə.fíks/[. ́] the blue airmail label

and leave the rest to us.

/ Ķ װ ̺ ̽ð 񿡰 ñ⼼.


073. af.ford/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́]

[] ִ, ִ, (+to do) ִ

i cannot ~/ə.fɔ́:rd/[.^() ́] the/i/ ex.pense/ik.spéns/.

/ .


*af.ford.a.ble/ə.fɔ́:r.də.bl/ [] ִ; Լ , () ˸

[] (pl.) ִ ǰ .


*̱ ü : i cant afford that. ȵſ.; .


@ 074. a.fraid /ə.fréid/[.() ́]

[] ηϴ, (ϱ⸦) ϴ. []ϴ, ϰ ϴ

do not be ~/ə.fréid/[.()]!

/ ̳ !


@ 075. af.ter/́f.tər/[^ ́.()]

[] () [], , ߿

see you two days/deiz/[] ~/́f.tər/[^ ́.()].

/ Ʋ Ŀ .

[]ðĿ, ұϰ, ڸ [Ѿ]

come ~/́f.tər/[^ ́.()] me.

/ ÿ( ).


@ 076. af.ter.noon/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́]

[] ( ϸ)

see you in the ~/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́].

/ Ŀ !

[] [ ].

see you in the ~/̀f.tər.nú:n/[^ ̀.(). ́] class[ũ^ƽ].

/ .


* : Ŀ ġ in,

Ư Ÿ () ġ on Ϲ.

in the / Ŀ. on the of 8th, / 8 Ŀ


@ 077. a.gain/ə.gén, ə.géin/[. ́]

[] ٽ, [ִ ] (ǵƿ), Ͽ, (), ׹ۿ.

say ~/ə.gén/[. ́]!

/ ٽ !


* : /ə.géin/[. ́] ص .

ai /ei/ Ǵ /e/ ȴ.


*̱ ü : you can say that again. .


078. a.gainst/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́]

[] - ݴϿ, Ͽ, εġ. Ͽ.

are you ~/ə.génst/[.Ʈ ́] the plan or for it?

/ ȹ ݴ ϴ° ϴ°?


@ 079. age/eidʒ/[]

[] , ô( )

he is my ~/eidʒ/[].

/ ״ ̴.

[] (p., pp. aged [eidʒd]; ag(e)ing) Ĵ, ϴ, ȭϴ

grief/gri:f/[()] ~s/eidʒs/[] us/ʌs/[^ƽ].

/ İ .


*a.ging/éi.dʒi/ [] ̸ , ȭ, ( ) ()


080. a.gen.cy/éi.dʒən.si:/[ ́..]

[] , ۿ, (), Ű, ּ,

a general agency / Ѵ븮. agency marketing / Ǹ 븮.




[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!