͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (072)

LV47 alexҹ

2022-01-14 12:55:04 | ȸ : 815

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (072)

== i (001~020) ==



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ ) (), !


1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .

5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===



i ==


@ 001. i/ai/[]

[] (ĺ ȩ° ). ȩ°( ). θ 1: []=3

[] 1 Ī ܼ, ==>(i) ö̴( i am chul soo.)


i/ai/[] am/m/[^]


/ Ž̾.


* :

忣 縦 ϰ

忡 ù ڰ ƴϸ ҹڷ Ǿִ.

׷ " i, god, king " 𼭳 빮ڷ .


[ 빮 ǥ Ģ] : https://ilikeen.tistory.com/331


*id/aid/ == i had(would, should)

*ill/áil/ == ( isle, aisle) i will(shall) ,

*im/aim/ == i am ().

*ive/aiv/ == i have


* : 08. Ī /ai/[]

ѱ [] ״ ȴ.


[+i] Ǵ [+i++e] ̷ .

*hi/hai/[] fri/frai/[()]

bike/baik/[ٟ] mike/maik/[] tight/tait/[Ÿ]


[+ild] [+ind] [+ight] ̷ .

*wild/waild/[ϵ] wind/waind/[ε] v. light/lait/[()()]

: gild/gild/[] wind/wind/[ε] n.


@ 002. ice/ais/[̽]

[] , ó

[] 󸮴, ϴ,


ice/ais/[̽] up fish!

/ ä.


*ic.ing/ái.si/[ ́.]


@ 003. ice.cream/áis.kri:m/[̽ ́.ũ()]

[] ̽ũ; (̱Ӿ) .


let me get

one scoop of ~/áis.kri:m/[̽ ́.ũ()].

/ ̽ũ scoop ּ.


004. ice.land/áis.lənd/[̽ ́.()]

[] ̽(ϴ뼭翡 ִ ȭ; reykjavik).


* : long island /ái.lənd/ ==> վϷ(long island) ̱ Ϻ ؾȿ ִ ̴. 3,629 km̴

*island/ái.lənd/, ice.land/áis.lənd/, aisle/ail/,


@ 005. i.de.a/ai.dí:.ə/[. ́.]

[] , , , ǰ,


it is

a good ~/ai.dí:.ə/[. ́.].

/ װ ̾.


006. i.de.al/ai.dí:.əl/[. ́.]

[] ̻, ġ, , Թ, ̵̳

[] ̻, ̻


this is

an ~/ai.dí:.əl/[. ́.] day

for hiking.

/ ŷ δ ʻ̴.


007. i.den.ti.cal/ai.dén.ti.kəl/[. ́.Ƽ.]

[] , ( Ϳ Ͽ)


this is

the ~/ai.dén.ti.kəl/[. ́.Ƽ.] room

we stayed in last year.

/ 츮 ۳⿡ ٷ() ̴.


*i.den.ti.fy/ai.dén.tə.fài/ [] (Ϲ) Ȯϴ, ( ſ, ĪзҼ ) []ϴ, () Ͻϴ

*i.den.ti.ty/ai.dén.tə.ti:/ [] , ġ, ϼ


008. id.i.om/íd.i.əm/[ ́..]

[] , , () , , () ,


009. i.dle/ái.dl/[ ́.]

[] , , ٰ


it is ~/ái.dl/[ ́.] to suggest anything to him.

/ ׿ ϵ ̴.


@ 010. if/if/[]

[] () ̸[ϸ]


i~/if/[] you want to go,

you may (go).

/ װ ʹٸ, .


* : 03. Ǐ /i/[]

ѱ [] Ȯ [] ƴϴ.

Լ ణ и鼭 ª []Ѵ.

[], [] ̴̰ ϳ Ѵ.


* : [i +] Ǵ [+i+] ̷ .

*if/if/[] in/in/[] it/it/[]

sit/sit/[] milk/milk/[ũ] him/him/[]


011. ig.nite/ig.náit/[. ́]

[] () ̴, ۿ ϴ, нŰ


gas ~s/ig.náits/[.́] very easily.

/ ٴ´.


*ig.nit.ion/ig.níʃ.ən/ [] ȭ, ȭ, ,ȣ(), ȭ ġ


012. ig.no.rant/íg.nə.rənt/[ ́..()Ʈ]

[] , , , Ǹ 𸣴


he is ~/íg.nə.rənt/[ ́..()Ʈ]

of his own defects.

/ ״ ڱ ˾ä ϰ ִ.


*ig.nore/ig.nɔ́:r/ [] (ǽ) ϴ, ϴ

*ig.no.rance /íg.nər.əns/ [] , ; ()

*ig.nor.ing /ig.nɔ́:r.i/[.^ ́.()]


@ 013. ill/il/[]

[] , , () ˾, Ҹ

[] (worse [wərs]; worst [wərst]) , ǰ[]


he is ~/il/[] in bed.

/ ״ ļ ִ.


[] ڰ, ġ ʰ, , ڰ, ϰ


i can ~/il/[] afford the expense.

/ Ⱑ ϴ.


000. ill /ai.l/ [ ́.] [ ́.]

i will /ai/ /wil/[ ] ظ


014. il.le.gal/i.lí:.gəl/[.() ́.]

[] ҹ[], չ *[] le.gal(lí:.gəl)


dont ask me

to do something ~/i.lí:.gəl/[.() ́.].

/ ҹ Ź .


000. il.lus.trate/ íl.ǝ.strèit /[ ́..Ʈ() ̀]

[] (Ƿ ) ϴ, ()ϴ; Ǵ


this diagram ~s/[íl.ǝ.strèits/[ ́..Ʈ()̀]

how the blood circulates through the body.

/ ǥ  ü ȯϴ ϰ ִ.


*il.lus.tra.tion/ìl.ə.stréi.ʃən/[ ̀..Ʈ() ́.]

[] ȭ; . (), Ƿ, . syn⟩ ⇨instance.


@ 015. im/aim/[]

i am .


im/aim/[] kim.

/ ()̴.


016. im.age/ím.idʒ/[ ́.]

[] , ̹

[] ׸, ߴ


he ~d/ím.idʒd/[ ́.] a film on a screen.

/ ״ ʸ ũ .


*i.mag.ine/i.ḿdʒ.in/ [] ϴ(conceive), ׸; ϴ

*i.mag.i.na.ble /i.mǽdʒ.i.nǝ.bl/[. ́... ]

*i.mag.i.na.tion /i.m̀dʒ.i.néi.ʃən/[.^ ̀.. ́.]


017. im.me.di.ate/i.mí:.di:.it/[. ́..]

[] , ٷ ̿, ,


mr. song is

my ~/i.mí:.di:.it/[. ́..] superior.

/ ӻ̴.


*im.me.di.ate.ly/i.mí:.di:.it.li:/ [] , ٷ(at once), , ٷ ̿


* :

immediately / at onceŭ ʰ .

directly / at once ̱ .

instantly / ѽ , ü .

at once / Ÿ ǥ.


000. im.mor.al/i.mɔ́:r.əl/[.^ ́.()]

[] ε; ; , ܼ.


theres nothing ~/i.mɔ́:r.əl/[.^ ́.()]

about wanting to earn more money. 

/ ; ϴ ε .


~ly ɑd.


018(1). im.ple.ment/ím.plǝ.mǝnt/[ ́..Ʈ]

[] , (tool); (pl.) (Ǻ ) ǰ, , , (means).

agricultural ~s kitchen ~s ξ.


018(2). im.ple.ment/ím.plǝ.mènt/[ ́..Ʈ ̀]

[] ִ. ʿ ִ, ȿ ִ.


i say we ~/ím.plǝ.mènt/[ ́..Ʈ ̀] it immediately.

/ ڰ ϰ ͳ׿.


019. im.por.tant/im.pɔ́:r.tənt/[.^() ́.Ʈ]

[] ߿, ִ,


his co.op.e.ra.tion/kou.ɑ̀p.ər.éi.ʃən/[ڿ. ̀..() ́.] is

very ~/im.pɔ́:r.tənt/[.^() ́.Ʈ] to me.

/ Դ ߿ϴ.


020. im.peach/im.pí:tʃ/[. ́]

[] () źϴ, ϴ


what are you gonna do,

~/im.pí:tʃ/[. ́] me?

/ ǰ, ǰ?


*im.peach.ment/im.pí:tʃ.mənt/ [] , ź,


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!