͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (053)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-12-04 4:58:26 | ȸ : 909

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (053)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > f (021~040)



f ==


@ 021. far/fɑ:r/[()]

[] (farther [fárər], further [fə́rər]; farthest [fárist], furthest [fə́rist] Ÿָ(), Ƶ


my school is ~/fɑ:r/[()] away from here.

/ б ⼱ ָ ־.


022. fare/fɛər/[()]

[] , , ; , , , ( ) 󿬹, ǰ; (tv ) .


a railway[taxi, bus] ~/fɛər/[()]

/ ö[ý, ]


[] ޴, (̱) Դ, , ư(get on).


how ~s/fɛərs/[()] it with you?

/ ; .


* : fare/fɛər/[()], fair/fɛər/[()],

pare/pɛər/[()], pair/pɛər/[()] ȥ .


* : a single fare / a double fare : /պ .

it is a fair decision. / װ ̾.

pare away excess fat from a piece of meat

/ ߶ .

*a pair of shoes. / Ź ӷ


@ 023. farm/fɑ:rm/[()]

[] , , , ,

[] ϴ,


he ~.ed/fɑ:rmd/[()] 200 acres of land.

/ ״ 200 ũ ߴ.


*farm.er/fɑ́:r.mər/[() ́.()] [] , , ,


024. far.ther/fɑ́:r.ər/[() ́.()]

[]far 񱳱 () ָ, տ, . ( further) ٽ , , Դٰ, ().


lets discuss it

no ~/fɑ́:r.ər/[() ́.()].

/ ̻ ϼ; Ƿ ص.


[] [].( further) [](later), ư(more advanced).


have i anything ~/fɑ́:r.ər/[() ́.()] to do?

/ ִ°.


025. fas.ci.nat.ing/f́s.ə.nèit.i/[^ƽ ́.. ̀.]

[] ȲȦ ϴ, ȣ, Ȥ


im reading a ~/f́s.ə.nèit.i/[^ƽ ́.. ̀.] novel.

/ Ҽ а ִ.


026. fash.ion/f́ʃ.ən/[^ƾ ́.]

[] ϴ [], , ,

[] , ϴ, , ȭŰ, ϴ


he ~.ed/f́ʃ.ənd/[^ƾ ́.] an image out of marble.

/ ״ 븮 () ´.


@ 027. fast/fst/[^ƽƮ]

[] , , ޼, ,


my watch/wɑtʃ/[] is 5 minutes ~/fst/[^ƽƮ].

/ ð 5 .


*fast.er/f́s.tər/[^ƽ ́.()]


028. fas.ten/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.]

[] , ̴, ٵ Ŵsyn⟩ ⇨tie. ˴, äŬ , Ʈ


f~/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.] your shoelaces.
/ Ŷ.


f~/f́s.ən/[^ƽ ́.] (up) the s on your coat.

/ Ʈ ߸ ä.


@ 029. fat/ft/[^]

[] (-tt-) , ׶


i am not ~/ft/[^].

/ ׶ ʾ.


030. fate/feit/[П]

[] , , (),


@ 031. fa.ther/fɑ́.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ƹ, ģ



dad.dy/d́d.i:/[^ ́.],

f~/fɑ́.ər/[ ́.()]

/ ƺ, ƹ, ƹ


* : () fa.ther / f ɑ́ : ə r / = / fɑ́: . ə r / = [ľ ́. ()](x)


032. fau.cet/fɔ́:.sit/[^ ́.]

[]̱( ) ֵ,


033. fault/fɔ:lt/[^Ʈ]

[] , ,


034. fa.vor, fa.vour /féi.vər/[ ́.()]

[] ȣ, ģ, Ź, () , (ַ )


i have

a ~/féi.vər/[ ́.()]

to ask (of) you.

/ ſ Ź帱 ֽϴ.


*fa.vor.a.ble/féi.vər.ə.bl/ [] ȣǸ ̴, (approving), (),

*fa.vor.ite/féi.vər.it/ [] , ϴ

*fa.vor(s)/féi.vər(s)/[ ́.()()]


035. fear/fiər/[Ǿ()]

[] η, , ,

[] ( ), η( ϴ)


i ~/fiər/[Ǿ()] doing it.

/ װ ϱⰡ ηƴ.


* : ear /-.iər/[-. ()] д´. dear near rear tear

տ ̸ ȴ. : [()] [Ͼ()]


*fear.ful/fíər.fəl/ [] , ù (terrible), ηϴ, ̳

*fear.less/fíər.lis/ [] η 𸣴,


000. feat/fi:t/[ǟ]

[] (); (), (exploit), , , , ()

a ~ of arms .


036. feath.er/fé.ər/[v ́.()]

[] , ǰ , ,


037. fea.ture/fí:.tʃər/[ ́.ó()]

[] (̸񱸺 ) , (pl.) , , Ư¡, Ư

[] Ư , Ư¡ ̷


we saw

a festival ~d/fí:.tʃərd/[ ́.ó()] by a big parade.

/ 츰 ķ α⸦ Ҵ.


@ 038. feb.ru.a.ry/féb.ru.ə.ri:/[ ́.()..]

[] 2 (: feb)).


it is f~/féb.ru.ə.ri:/[ ́.()..] 12th today.

/ 2 12̾.


039. fed.er.al/féd.ər.əl/[h ́..()]

[] ( ) , , (), ̱()


the f~/féd.ər.əl/[h ́..()] gnment

/ [߾] ( state gnment ).


@ 040. fee/fi:/[]

[] , ʱ, , ,


no ~/fi:/[] for en.roll/en.róul/[.()ο ́].

/ ȸ .



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!