͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (052)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-11-30 1:18:55 | ȸ : 816

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (052)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > f (001~020)



f ==


001. fa.ble/féi.bl/[ ́.]

[] ȭ, ̾߱ȭ, , ȭ


* : 20. f /f/[/]

(1). p/p/[] Ǵ Լ Ʒ Լ Լ ¦

־ ٰ ٶ Ҹ 鼭 [] Ѵ.


(2). gh, ph /f/ .

*laugh/lf/[()^] e.nough/i.nʌ́f/[.^ ́]

phone/foun/[] pho.to/fóut.ou/[W ́.]



1). ڿ ̸ տ δ. *fan/fn/[^]

2). տ ̸ ħ δ. *wife/waif/[͟]



1). ڿ . *free/fri:/[()]

2). տ *golf/gɔ:lf/[^]


* : pine/pain/[] fine/fain/[] еǰ .


002. fab.ric/f́b.rik/[^ ́.()]

[] , õ , () ¥ӻ, , ,


@ 003. face/feis/[̽]

[] ,


let us talk

face to ~/feis/[̽].

/ 츮 ´ .

*fac.ing /féi.si/[ ́.]


004. fa.cil.i.ty/fə.síl.ə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

[] , ( θ) ؾ, (pl.) ( ϴ ), , ü()


005. fact/fkt/[^Ʈ]

[] (߻[߻ϰ ִ]) , ( ),


the ~[^Ʈ] was true.

/ ̾.


006. fac.to.ry/f́k.tə.ri:/[^ ́..()]

[] ,


007. fad/fd/[^]

[] Ͻ [], , ,


the silly ~/fd/[^] has caught

on across the country.

/ ٺ .


008. fail/feil/[]

[] ϴ, Ǽϴ, ϴ, ϴ, ϴ,


i ~/feild/[ϵ] in

per.suad.ing/pər.swéi.di/[(). ́.] him.

/ ׸ Ű Ͽ.

*fail.ure/féil.jər/ [] , , ¸, , ,


009. faint/feint/[Ʈ]

[] , () ,


i am ~/feint/[Ʈ] with hunger.

/ 谡 ļ ̴.


[] ϴ,


he looked like a man about to ~/feint/[Ʈ].

/ ״ ݹ̶ ó .


@ 010. fair/fɛər/[()]

[] ,


it was a ~/fɛər/[()] de.cis.ion/di.síʒ.ən/[. ́.].

/ װ ̾.


[] ,


you have to copy ~/fɛər/[()] them.

/ װ͵ ()ؾ .


[] (), ڼ


it is not ~/fɛər/[()].

/ װ ġ ؿ.


*fair.ly/fɛ́ər.li:/ [] (justly), ϰ, ȶ, ,

*fair.y/fɛ́ər.i:/[ ́.()] [] (). [] [ ]

*fairy tale/teil/ == ȭ


* : 11. /ɛ/[] = /e/[]

Ư н ʿ .


/e/[] ϸ ȴ.

[] [] ѱε Ȯ Ű ư ׵ ġ Ѵ.


* : [ air, are ] ´.

*fair/fɛər/[()] pair/ɛər/[()] fare/fɛər/[()]

pare/ʃɛər/[()] mare/mɛər/[޾()] share/ʃɛər/[()]


011. faith/feiɵ/[]

[] ų, , Ȯ, ž(),


*faith.ful/féiɵ.fəl/ [] , , ִ

*faith.ful.ly/féiɵ.fəl.i:/ [] ϰ, ϰ, Ǹ Ͽ


* : ܾ -ful. ==>/-.fəl/[-.]

==>/-.fùl/[-.Ǯ ̀] д´.

: arm.ful/ɑ́rm.fùl/[() ́.Ǯ ̀] [] Ƹ( з)(of).


012. fake/feik/[П]

[] ǰ(), ¥(sham), , (swindler).

[] (Ѻ ) , ϴ(counterfeit); ٸ[] , ̴


dont ~/feik/[П] it,

dont over-claim !

/ , !


[] ¥, [].


its ~/feik/[П] in a few words.

/ ϸ װ ¥.


*fak.er/féi.kǝr/[ ́.Ŀ()]

[] ; , ߹(frauder).


@ 013. fall/fɔ:l/[^]

[] (fell [fel]; fallen [fɔ́lən]) , () , (Ӹ)


rain/rein/[()] is ~.ing/fɔ́:l.i/[^ ́.] all around.

/ 濡 ִ.


[] (ժ), , , (), (), [̱](autumn).


it is

al.read.y/ɔ:l.réd.i:/[^.()A ́.] f~/fɔ:l/[^].

/ ̹ ̾.


014. false/fɔ:ls/[^]

[] Ʋ,


a whale is a fish.

true or ~/fɔ:ls/[^] ?

/ ̴. ´°, Ʋ°?


* :

are whales fish?

one of the misconceptions people have about whales,

due to the fact that they live in the ocean,

is that these animals are fish.

the whales are not fish, they are actually marine mammals.




׵ ٴٿ ִٴ


Ⱑ ƴ϶ ؾ .


015. fame/feim/[]

[] , , , () , ҹ.

[] ϰ ϴ, ̴(for); () ̶ ϴ, ϴ(to be; as).


he is ~d/feimd/[ӵ] as [to be] a poet.

/ ״ μ ִ.


* : he is famed/feimd/[ӵ] as [to be] a poet. <==

[to be] as ִ. as Ǵ to be ϳ ȴ.


* : came frame game lame name same shame tame

/-eim/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

l տ () ִ´.


016. fa.mil.iar/fə.míl.jər/[. ́.̾()]

[] ģ, (with), [] ˰ ִ, ͼ


i am ~/fə.míl.jər/[. ́.̾()] with him.

/ ׿ ģϴ.


@ 017. fam.i.ly/f́m.ə.li:/[^ ́..()]

[] , (κο ڳ)


we are ~/f́m.ə.li:/[^ ́..()].

/ 츮 ̾.


* : [^ ́ɸ](x) [^ ́.()](o)


@ 018. fa.mous/féi.məs/[ ́.ӽ]

[] , ̸, ˷, () ,


he was

a ~/féi.məs/[ ́.ӽ] baseball player in the 1980s.

/ 1980 ״ ߱.


@@ fair.y (fɛ́ər.i:)[ ́.()]

ɑ. (fairylike), پ Ƹٿ, , (imaginary),


a fairy-tale castle on an island

/ ִ, ȭ ӿ


n. ().Ӿ (ڿ) , (catamite) ,


the fairy waved her wand and the table disappeared.

/ ̸ ֵθ Źڰ .


@ 019. fan/fn/[^]

[] ä, dz, dz

[] ä ġ, [] Ҿִ, ( ) θ, ϴ


he ~.ned/fnd/[^ȵ] his face with a notebook.

/ ״ Ʈ äϿ.


* : ban can dan jan man pan ran tan van

/-n/[-^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


020. fan.cy/f́n.si:/[^ ́.]

[] (μ ο) , . , ,

[] , , , û


hey, ~/f́n.si:/[^ ́.] meeting you here.

whats up?

/ , ⼭ ڳ ٴ ε,



*fan.tast.ic/fn.t́s.tik/[^.^ ́.J]

[] ȯ, [], , ̻, ͹Ͼ,

[] , õ ϴ , ι.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!