͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (044) E

LV47 alexҹ

2021-11-17 1:09:51 | ȸ : 828

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (044) e




(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > e (001~020)


@ 001. each/i:ʧ/[]

[] [], , , -


the teacher gave

three books to ~/i:ʧ/[] boy.

/ ҳ ڿ å Ǿ ̴ּ.


* : [-]ϰ Լ 鼭 ٽ [--]ϰ, [--] Ѵ.

Ҹ ŵ []ϴ ٸ ʴ´.


002. ea.ger/í:.gər/[ ́.()]

[] ϴ, ϰ ; ϴ,


she is ~/í:.gər/[ ́.()] to be alone.

/ ׳ ſ ȥ ְ ; Ѵ.


003. ea.gle/í:.gl/[ ́.]



* : [-.](o) [-](x) õ忡 ƾ Ѵ.


@ 004. ear/iər/[̾()]

[] (ü)


keep your ~s/iərs/[̾()] on him!

/ ׿ ͸ ←!


* : year/jiər/[̾()] ear/iər/[̾()] й

year/jiər/[̿()] ear/iər/[̾()] ϸ ȴ.

y /j/ [] ̶ [()] 鸮 ȴ.


*ear.drum/íər.drʌ̀m/ [] ()(tympanum), , û

*ear.lobe/íər.lòub/ [] Ӻ


@ 005. ear.ly/ə́:r.li:/[() ́.()]

[] (-lier; -liest) , , *[] late(leit)


get up ~/ə́:r.li:/[() ́.()] every morning!

/ ħ Ͼ!


[] (-lier; -liest) ̸, , , ̸,


we had an ~/ə́:r.li:/[() ́.()] supper.

/ 츰 ̸ Ļ縦 ߴ.


006. earn/ə:rn/[()]

[] (Ȱ) , (, ) ȹϴ


i had to ~/ə:rn/[()] money for my family.

/ Ѵ.


@@ ear.nest (ə́:r.nist)[() ́.ϽƮ]

ɑ. (ǰ) , , (°) ߴ, Ͽ .

syn⟩ ⇨eager.


he is an ~ worker.

/ ״ ϴ ̴.


n. , . , , . ;


it is raining in ~.

/ ִ.


@ 007. earth/ə:rɵ/[()]

[] (the ) , , (ٴٿ Ͽ) (ϼ Ͽ)


we are on the/i/[] ~/ə:rɵ/[()].

/ 츮 ִ.


*earth.quake/ə́:rɵ.kwèik/ [] , () (ȸ) ū ,


@ 008. east/i:st/[̽Ʈ]

[] ( the ) ,


i am head.ed/héd.id/[P ́.] for the ~/i:st/[̽Ʈ].

/ ֽϴ.


[] , ʿ ִ



the ~/i:st/[̽Ʈ] window.

/ â ̿϶.


[] ()[], []


i go ~/i:st/[̽Ʈ].

/ .


*east.bound/í:st.bàund/ [] ( ).

*east.ern/í:s.tərn/[̽ ́.()]

[] (e-) , ֹ

[] (), , ( e-) ()(oriental)


009. eas.y/í:.zi:/[ ́.]

[] , ʴ


make it ~/í:.zi:/[ ́.] !

/ , ϰ !


*ea.si.est /í:.zi.ist/[ ́..̽Ʈ]


@ 010. eat/i:t/[̟]

[] (ate [eit / et], () [et, it]; en [ítn], () [it, et])

() Դ, () ϰ ϴ, Դ, ҸŰ


rust ~s/i:ts/[̟潺] i.ron/ái.ərn/[ ́.()]

/ 踦 Դ´( 谡 ´).


* : beat feat heat meat neat seat treat


*eat.en/í:t.ən/ [] eat źл.

*eat.ing/í:t.i/ [] Ա, Դ

[] (ٽ ) ̴, νļ, Ļ

*eat л,


@ 011. ech.o/ék.ou/[ ́.]

[] (pl. es ) ޾Ƹ, ; (̴ ) ݻ().


i heard

the ~/ék.ou/[ ́.]

of my voice/vɔis/[^̽].

/ Ҹ ޾Ƹ .


[] ޾Ƹġ ϴ, Ű. ( ) ״ 䳻 [Ǯϴ]


the class

~.ed/ék.oud/[ ́.L]

with laugh.ter/ĺf.tə:r/[()^ ́.()].

/ Ҹ .(!!)


012. e.col.o.gy/i:.kɑ́l.ə.dʒi:/[.Į ́..]

[] , (ü ) ȯ


013. ec.o.nom.ic/èk.ə.nɑ́m.ik/[ ̀.. ́.]

[] (), ,


we talked about social,

~/èk.ə.nɑ́m.ik/[ ̀.. ́.],

and political issues.

/ 츰 ȸ, , ġ ߴ.


*ec.o.nom.i.cal/èk.ə.nɑ́m.i.kəl/ [] , Ǽ ִ, ϴ, ˾

*e.con.o.my/i:.kɑ́n.ə.mi:/ [] , , ȿ ,


* : /i/ /i:/ ̵ .


014. edge/edʒ/[]

[] Ӹ, ׵θ, ڸ () (ô) ,


015. ed.it/éd.it/[ ́.]

[] ϴ, () ϴ,


i need to ~/éd.it/[ ́.] the draft by friday.

/ ݿϱ ʰ ؾ ؿ.


*ed.i.tor/éd.ə.tər/ [] (fem. ed.it.ress[éd.ə.tris]) , (Ź) ,

*ed.i.tor.i.al/èd.ə.tɔ́:r.i.əl/ []. (Ź) , (() leading article, leader).

[] , ڿ , , .


000. e.di.tion/i.díʃ.ən/[. ́.]

[] () (), ; ( ) μ the first ~ .

*edition Ϲ .


*̱ : e.di.tion/i.díʃ.ən/[. ́.]

how many syllables in edition? 3 syllables ( )

divide edition into syllables: e-di-tion ( )

stressed syllable in edition: e-di-tion ( )

how to pronounce edition: ih-dish-un ( )


016. ed.u.cate/édʒ.u:.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ, б


he is ~d/édʒ.u:.kèit.id/[ ́..ij ̀.] in law.

/ ״ ޾Ҵ.


*ed.u.ca.tion/èdʒ.u:.kéi.ʃən/ [] ,

*ed.u.ca.tion.al/èdʒ.u:.kéi.ʃən.əl/ [] (), . .

*ed.u.cat.ed/édʒ.u:.kèit.id/[ ́. . ij ̀. ] [] , ִ, õ


*̱ : ed.u.cat.ed/édʒ.u:.kèi.tid/[ ́. . ij ̀. ]

how many syllables in educated? 4 syllables ( )

divide educated into syllables: ed-u-cat-ed ( )

how to pronounce educated: ej-oo-key-tid ( )


* t ٿ

ϴ ε巴 Ѵ.

̵ ed.u.cat.ed/édʒ.u:.kèit.id/[ ́..ij ̀.] ٰ .


017. ef.fect/e.fékt/[.́]

[] ȿ, , , ܰ, , ǹ


*ef.fec.tive/e.fék.tiv/ [] ȿ, ȿ

*ef.fec.tive.ness/e.fék.tiv.nis/ [] ȿ, ȿ


018. ef.fi.cien.cy/e.fíʃ.ən.si:/[.Ǿ ́..]

[] ɷ, ɷ, , ȿ[]


*ef.fi.cient/e.fíʃ.ənt/ [] ɷ, ȿ, (ó ) ȿ


*̱ : ef.fi.cien.cy/i.fíʃ.ən.si:/[.Ǿ ́..]

how many syllables in efficiency? 4 syllables ( )

divide efficiency into syllables: ef-fi-cien-cy ( )

stressed syllable in efficiency: ef-fi-cien-cy ( )

how to pronounce efficiency: ih-fish-un-see ( )


* : /i/ /e/, /i:/ ̳ .


@ 019. egg/eg/[]
[] () , ް


the fe.male/fí:.meil/[ ́.] sits

on the ~/egs/[׽]

until they hatch/hʧ/[^].

/ ȭ ǰ´.


* : 02. Ě /e/[]

Ư Ʒ ʿ .

ѱ [] ״ ϸ ȴ.


* : [e+] Ǵ [+e+] ̷ .

*egg/eg/[] else/els/[ٽ] end/end/[ص]

pen/pen/[] ten/ten/[] when/hwen/[]


@ 020. eight/eit/[֟]

[/] (), 8(), 8[](); 8()


*eight.een/éi.tí:n/ [/] (), 18(), 18(), (), 18()

*eighth/eitɵ/ [/] 8()°(), 8(), 8 1().

*eight.y/éit.i:/ [/] (), 80(), 80()


* : 18 /eight.een/éi.tí:n/[ ́.Ƽ ́] & 80 / eight.y/éit.i:/[֟ ́.]



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!