͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (034)(D)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-10-26 11:52:57 | ȸ : 789

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (034)(d)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (034)(d)(001~020)


d ==


@ 001. dad/dd/[^]

[] () ƺ, ƹ


he is my ~/dd/[^].

/ ״ ƹô.


* : 19. d /d/[/]


1) ڿ ̸ տ δ. *dodge/dɑdʒ/[]

2) տ ̸ ħ δ. *dad/dd/[^]



1) ڿ . *dream/dri:m/[()]

2) տ *hand/hnd/[^ȵ]


002. dail.y/déil.i:/[ ́.]

[] , ϻ


i drink / a cup of milk / ~/déil.i:/[ ́.].

/ Ŵ.


003. dam/dm/[^]

[] , . . () ֹ.


004. dam.age/d́m.idʒ/[^ ́.]

[] , ջ

[] () Դ


ex.ces.sive/ek.sés.iv/[. ́.] drinking

does ~/d́m.idʒ/[^ ́.] to health.

/ ִ ǰ ջŲ.


005. damn/dm/[^]

[] , ŵ

[] ϴ, ŵϴ, () ġ ϰ


d~/dm/[^] it!

/ [] .




it was ~/dm/[^] cold yesterday.

/ ߿.


@ 006. dance/dns/[^Ƚ]

[] ߴ, پ ƴٴϴ


let us ~/dns/[^Ƚ]!

/ !


[] ,


shall we go to a ~/dns/[^Ƚ]?

/ (Ƽ) ?


*danc.ing/d́n.si/ [] (), ߱


@ 007. dan.ger/déin.dʒər/[ ́.()]

[] ( , , )


you are in ~/déin.dʒər/ of cold.

/ ʴ ⿡ ɸ 迡 ־.


*dan.ger.ous/déin.dʒər.əs/ [] , ·ο

*dan.ger.ous.ly/déin.dʒər.əs.li:/ [] ϰ


000. dare/dǝr/[()]

[] (p. ~d, durst [dǝrst])

ϴ, ϰԵ ϴ; Ⱑ ִ


d~/dǝr/[()] he do it?

/ װ װ ?


how ~/dǝr/[()] you speak like that?

/ װ ׷ ִ ΰ.


i met him, but i ~d/dǝrd/[()] not tell him the truth.

/ ׸ .


he ~d/dǝrd/[()] to doubt my sincerity.

/ ϰԵ ״ Ǽ ǽߴ.


@ 008. dark/dɑ:rk/[()ũ]

[] ο, *[] light(lait), () £, , , (Ȼ)


it is still ~/dɑ:rk/[()ũ] outside.

/ ο.


[] ,


can you read a book in the ~/dɑ:rk/[()ũ]?

/ ο å ֳ?


* : light(dark) blue, light(dark) red. / (£) û, (£)


*dark.ness/dɑ́:rk.nis/ [] , , Ҹ,


009. dash/dʃ/[^ƾ]

[] , ε߸, ϴ, ()


his hope was ~.ed/dʃt/[^ƾƮ].

/ .


010. da.ta/déit.ə/[ ́.]

[] pl. ڷ, ( )


* : da.ta/déi.tə/[ ́.](x) [ ́.](x)


@ 011. date/deit/[]

[] ¥, , (Ѣ)


what ~/deit/[] is it today?

/ ĥΰ?


@ 012. daugh.ter/dɔ́:t.ər/[^i ́.()]



she is my ~/dɔ́:t.ər/[^i ́.()].

/ ̾.


@ 013. dawn/dɔ:n/[^]



dusk to ~/dɔ:n/[^]



* : [^-]ϸ鼭 ߸ [-^] Ѵ.

ٿ о Ѵ.

Ʒ Ʈ [].


@ 014. day/dei/[]

[] , ְ, ذ ִ , ϱ *[] night(nait) Ϸ


what ~/dei/[] / was it / yesterday?

/ ̾?


* : 06. Ā /ei/[]

Ư н ʿ .

ѱ [] ״ ȴ.


[] ص . [] Ѵ.

: е ϰ ѱε Ȯ Ű ƴ.


* : [+ay] Ǵ [+a++e] ̷ .

*day/dei/[] may/mei/[] pay/pei/[]

came/keim/[ij] make/meik/[ş] name/neim/[]


@ 015. dead/ded/[]

[] , *[] liv.ing(lív.i) () ޸, ȿ, Ա , ʴ.


my dad/dd/[^] has been ~/ded/[] five years.

/ ƹ ư 5 ȴ.


016. deaf/def/[]

[] Ͱ , ͸ӰŸ, ͸ ʴ, (to).


he is ~/def/[)] of [in] one ear.

/ ״ Ͱ 鸰.


017. deal/di:l/[]

[] (p., pp. dealt[delt]) (й, ŷ)ϴ, ٷ, ϴ, ϴ


i dont ~/di:l/[] in that line.

/ ǰ ʴ´.


[] () ((߾)) ŷ, Ÿ, , .


this award was a great ~/di:l/[] to me.

/ () ſ ū Դϴ.


*deal.ing/dí:.li/[ ́.()]

[] , µ; ġ; (pl.) (ŷ) , ,


018. dear/diər/[()]

[] ģϴ, ϴ


my ~/diər/[()] friend smith !

/ ģ ̽!


[] ģϴ , Ϳ ,


what ~s/diərs/[()]

they are!

/ Ϳ⵵ !


019. death/deɵ/[]

[] , , , Ҹ,


020. de.bate/di.béit/[. ́]

[] , , , ȸ

[] []ϴ, ϴ, ϴ*[] dis.cuss((dis.kʌ́s)


we are

just ~.ing/di.béit.i/[. .́]

whether to go or stay.

/ 츰 ӹ ϰ ִ ̿.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!