͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (018)(B)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-09-21 11:48:35 | ȸ : 784

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (018)(b)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (018)(b)(121~140)


b ==

=121. bride/braid/[()]

[] ź, . [cf.] bridegroom.


@ 122. bridge/bridʒ/[()]

[] ٸ, , ö, ȣ


he was on the ~/bridʒ/[()].

/ ״ ٸ ־.


000. bri.dle/brái.dl/[() ́.]

[] Ī; , , ӹ, ; ϴ .

[] ; ߸ ޴;


123. brief/bri:f/[()]

[] ,Ҽ 伭, (ӹ ϴ) ()

in brief / ڸ, .


[] ª, . *[] short(ʃɔ:rt), (() ) ,


i had a ~/bri:f/[()] stay

in the country.

/ ð񿡼 ª ü ߴ.


[] ϴ, ߷ ϴ(on)


he ~.ed/bri:ft/[()Ʈ] us on something.

/ ״  츮 ̾߱Ͽ.


*brief.ly/brí:f.li:/ [] ª, ; Ͻ, .


@ 124. bright/brait/[()]

[] (¦¦) , , Ӹ ,


he is so ~/brait/[()].

/ ״ .


@ 125 bring/bri/[()]

[] (p., pp. brought[brɔ:t]) (, ), ()


b~/bri/[()] your book!

/ å !


* : bring , . * ȭ ϵ, ٸ ҷ ok.

fetch (װ) , (װ) .


126. brit.ish/brít.iʃ/[() ́.̾]

[], ()

[] ,


com.par.i.son/kəm.ṕr.ə.sən/[.^ ́.().] of american

and b~/brít.iʃ/[() ́.̾] english.

/ ̱


127. broad.cast/brɔ́:d.k̀st/[()^ ́.ij^ƽƮ ̀]

[] ,

[] (p., pp. -cast) []ϴ.

* źл翡 -casted [-id] .


the concert will be

~/brɔ́:d.k̀st/[()^ ́.ij^ƽƮ ̀] live

tomorrow evening.

/ ܼƮ ῡ ۵ȴ.


*broad.cast.ing/brɔ́:d.k̀st.i/ [/] (), () : a ing station ۱.


128. brok.en/bróu.kən/[()ο ́.]

[] break źл

[] μ, ׷, ̾, Ļ


i had a ~/bróu.kən/[()ο ́.] sleep.

/ .


129. bronze/brɑnz / brɔ:nz/[()]

[] û, û ǰ

[] û, û


he is an olympic ~/brɑnz/[()] medalist

/ ״ ø ޴޸Ʈ.


130. brook/bruk/[()]

[] ó, ǰõ *[] stream(stri:m)


a ~/bruk/[()] streams by our house.

/ ó(õ) 츮 帥.


[] , ߵ, () ϴ


i cannot ~/bruk/[()] his insults.

/ .


131. broom/bru:m/[()]

[] (ûҿ), ũ귯(ڷ ).Ĺȭ. (̱Ӿ) .


@ 132. broth.er/brʌ́.ər/[()^ ́.()]

[] , Ǵ ƿ, ģ,


he is my ~/brʌ́.ər/[()^ ́.()].

/ ״ ̴.


* : he is my little brother. / ״ ()̾.

we are brothers. / 츰 ̾.


133. brow/brau/[()]

[] ̸, ( pl.) (eyebrows), []; []


we live on the ~/brau/[()] of a hill.

/ 츮 긶翡 .


@ 134. brown/braun/[()]

[/] ٰ()


my bag/bg/[^] is ~/braun/[()].

/ ̴ٰ.


135. browse/brauz/[()]

[] ()  Դ, (å) д, (ǰ) ̰ ϴ

[] , ( ); (å )


i am just ~.ing/brɑ́u.zi/[() ́.¡].

/ ׳ () ϰ ־.


*brows.ing/brɑ́u.zi/[() ́.¡] brows л


@ 136. brush/brʌʃ/[()^ƾ]

[] , , ,


i need a new ~/brʌʃ/[()^ƾ].

/ ʿϴ.


[] ϴ, ϴ


b~/brʌʃ/[()^ƾ] teeth/ti:ɵ/[Ƽ] after meal !

/ Ŀ ġ ϶!


000. bub.ble/bʌ́b.l/[^ ́.]

[] ǰ; ǰ ȹ߽; . ǰ ̴ Ҹ.

[] ǰ ϴ; . αۺα Ҹ out; up; ( ) ڴ; (ǰõ) ǰ 帣


clear water ~d/bʌ́b.ld/[^ ́.] up from among the rocks.

/ ̿ αۺα ڰ ־.


* : bub.ble / bʌ́. bl /[ ^ ́. ] (x)


137. buck.et/bʌ́k.it/[^ ́.]

[] Ŷ, 絿, η


138. buck.le/bʌ́k.l/[^ ́.]

[] μ, , Ŭ

[] (μ) (ä), з) , Ʋ(up). ϴ


b~/bʌ́k.l/[^ ́.] up your seat belt.

/ ¼ Ʈ ä!


@ 139. build/bild/[]

[] (p., pp. built [bilt], (þ) ed) , [, Ǽ]ϴ, (ö ) μϴ, ϴ, (ӿ) ڷ ()


build/bild/[] a fire!

/ . / .


*build.ing / bíl. di /[ ́. ] n. (), , Ǽ()


140. bump/bʌmp/[^]

[] , Ȥ

[] (Ӹ ) εġ, ε


i ~.ed/bʌmpt/[^Ʈ] my head against the wall.

/ Ӹ ϰ εƴ.


* : dump hump jump lump rump sump

ܾ /-ʌmp/[^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

l () r () տ ִ´.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!