͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (009)(A)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-08-29 5:12:46 | ȸ : 683

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (009)(a)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (009)(a)(161~180)


a ==


161. ar.range/ə.réindʒ/[.() ́]

[] 迭ϴ, ϴ, ()ϴ


i will arrange/ə.réindʒ/[.() ́] somehow.

/ Ե ڽϴ.


*ar.range.ment/ə.réindʒ.mənt/ [] , ġ, , ( pl.) ä, غ ȹ.


162. ar.rest/ə.rést/[.()Ʈ ́]

[/] ü(ϴ), (ϴ), (ϴ)


he has been arrested/ə.rés.tid/[.() ́.] for murder.

/ ״ ڷ üǾ.

*ar.rest.ed /ə.rés.tid/[.().́]


163. ar.rive/ə.ráiv/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, (Ȯ ) ϴ(at). (ñⰡ) ϴ, () (Żư) ¾, () ϴ, (μ)


they have just arrived/ə.ráivd/[.() ́].

/ ׵ ߴ.


*ar.riv.al/ə.rái.vəl/ [] , , ,

: ar.riv.al / ǝ. ráiv. əl /[ . () ́. ] (x)

̱ : ar.riv.al / ǝ. rái. vəl /[ . () ́. ] (o)


164. ar.row/́r.ou/[^ ́.()ο]

[] ȭ, ȭ , ȭǥ()


165. art/ɑ:rt/[()Ʈ]

[] , ̼, (Ư)


000. ar.ter.y / άrt. ǝr. i: /[ ()Ʈ ́. . () ]


the main ~ 뵿


* : ar.tery / ά:r. tǝri /[ () ́. () ] (x)


166. ar.ti.cle/ɑ́:rt.ə.kl/[()Ʈ ́..ũ] or [()Ʈ ́.ũ]

[] ( ǰ) ǰ, . ǰ, . (Ź) , . (Ģ ) , . (pl.) . . () , . () .


he is a smart article/ɑ́:rt.i.kl/[()Ʈ ́..ũ].

/ ״ ƴ ༮̾.


*art.ist/ɑ́:rt.ist/ []Ϲ, ̼, (Ư) ȭ,


* : ar.ti.cle / ɑ́:r. tə. kl /[ () ́. . ũ ] (x)



000. ar.ti.fi.cial / ɑ̀rt. ə. fíʃ. əl /[ ()Ʈ ̀. . Ǿ ́. ]

ɑ. ΰ, (opp.nɑturɑl),

~ flowers ȭ

n. ΰ, , Ư ȭ; (pl.) ȭ .

~ly ɑd. ΰ; ڿ.


@ 167. as/z/[^]

[] ŭ, () ,


tom is a good as/z/[^] you know/nou/[].

/ tom װ ƴ ó ϴ.


000. as.cend / ǝ. sénd /[ . ́ ]

vi. ö󰡴, ; ( ) , ( ) Ǵ

( ) ; ö󰡴; ϴ, ( ) ö󰡴


the balloon ~ed high up in the sky.

/ ⱸ ϴ ö󰬴.


the path ~s from here.

/ ⼭ ȴ.


vt. (ٸ ) ö󰡴,

~ the stairs a hill ö󰡴.


* : as.cend / ǝs. énd /[ . ص ́ ] (x)


000. as.cent/ǝ.sént.[. Ʈ ́]

n. ; .opp.descent. , , Ż, , Ž .




the ~ of smoke ھƿ


168. a.shamed/ə.ʃéimd/[.ӵ ́]

[] ƽþ

[] β, ݾϿ


i am ashamed/ə.ʃéimd/[.ӵ ́] to see you.

/ Ⱑ β.


169. a.side/ə.sáid/[. ́]

[] [], , Ͽ,̱ ġϰ


aside/ə.sáid/[. ́] from his books,

he collects data from his own experiences.

/ å ij,

״ ڱ 迡 ͸ ִ.


@ 170. ask/sk/[^ƽũ]

[] (ǹ) , ûϴ, 䱸ϴ, Ź[û]ϴ(for).


ask/sk/[^ƽũ] me what.ev.er/hwɑt.év.ər/[. ́.()].

/ ̵ !


*asked/skt/ [] ask źл


171. a.sleep/ə.slí:p/[. ́]

[] *[] a.wake(ə.wéik) Ͽ, ׾


he is asleep/ə.slí:p/[. ́].

/ ״ ڰ ִ.


172. as.sem.ble/ə.sém.bl/[. ́.]

[] , սŰ, ϴ ϴ


they assemble/ə.sém.bl/[. ́.] parts into a machine.

/ ׵ ǰ Ѵ.


*as.sem.bler/ə.sém.blər/ [] .ǻ¥߰,

*as.sem.bly/ə.sém.bli:/ [] ( Ư ) ȸ̱ Ͽ


000. as.sent/ǝ.sént/[.Ʈ ́]

n. , , , to

vi. ϴ, () to; ϴsyn⟩ ⇨agree.

~ to the proposal ȿ ϴ.


173. as.sign/ə.sáin/[. ́]

[] Ҵϴ, ϴ, (ƹ) ()ϴ


he assigned/ə.sáind/[.ε ́] us

the best room of the hotel.

/ ״ 츮 ȣ Ҵ ־.


174. as.sist/ə.síst/[.ýƮ ́]

[] , ϴ


she assists/ə.sísts/[.ýƮ ́] me in my work.

/ ׳ ( ).


*as.sis.tance/ə.sís.təns/ [] , , .

*assistant/ə.sís.tənt/ [] , ¿, , .

[] , , , ().


175. as.so.ci.ate/ə.sóu.ʃi.èit/[.ҿ ́..֟ ̀]

[] սŰ, ԽŰ(join, unite)(with), ϴ, ýŰ(with).


we associated/ə.sóu.ʃi.èit.id/[.ҿ ́..֟ ̀.] him

with us in the attempt.

/ 츮 ȹ ׸ ״.


*as.so.ci.a.tion/ə.sòu.si.éi.ʃən/ [] , , , ȸ,


176. as.so.ci.ate/ə.sóu.ʃi.it/[.ҿ ́..]

[] , , ȸ, Ǵ , , ִ


jim and mary are my associates/ə.sóu.ʃi.its/[.ҿ ́..]

at the company.

/ jim mary .


[] յ, , Ǵ, ִ

an associate/ə.sóu.ʃi.it/[.ҿ ́..] member / ȸ.


000. as.sume /ǝ.sjú:m/[.ÿ ́]

vt. , 翬ϴٰ ϴ


i ~ / from your remarks

/ thɑt youre not going to help us.

/ ǴϰǴ 츱 ʰڱ.


177. as.sure/ə.ʃjúər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ()ϴ, (ȮŽ) ȽɽŰ, ϴ, Ȯ()ϴ


i assure/ə.ʃjúər/[.() ́] you of her honesty.

/ ſ ׳ Ѵ.


* : -ure/-juər/[-̿()] [̻]


*as.sured/ə.ʃjúərd/ [] , Ȯ [] (the ) () Ǻ()

*as.sur.ed.ly/ə.ʃjúər.id.li:/ [] Ȯ, ǽ , ڽ , ϰ


@ 178. at/t/[^]

[] , , , (),


see you tomorrow at/t/[^] 10 a.m.

/ 10ÿ .



179. at.lan.tic/t.ĺn.tik/[^.()^ ́.J]

[] [ ], ()


*ath.lan.tic o.cean/óu.ʃən/


180. at.tach/ə.t́tʃ/[.^ ́]

[] ̴, ޴, ٸ *[] de.tach(di.t́tʃ) ϴ, ÷ϴ, ϴ, () (to).зϴ; ϴ


the signers attached/ə.t́tʃt/[.^Ʈ ́] their names

to the petition.

/ ׵() û (÷)ߴ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!