͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (002)(A)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-08-19 6:33:34 | ȸ : 986

< ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (002)(a)



(ܾȣѱ )




1. ȣѱ 並 ּ .

2.  smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ.

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ  20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ  5õ > (002)(a)(021~040)


a ==


021. ac.cord/ə.kɔ́:rd/[.^() ́]

[] ġ, ȭ, [Ҹ ] ȭ

[] ġϴ, ȭϴ, ġŰ, ȭŰ


his words and actions

do not accord/ə.kɔ́:rd/[.^() ́].

/ () ġ ʴ´.


*ac.cord.ance/ə.kɔ́:r.dəns/ [] ġ, ȭ, ,

*ac.cord.ing/ə.kɔ́:r.di/[.^() ́.]

[] () , ؼ

[] ġ, ȭ, ()

*ac.cor.ding.ly/ə.kɔ́:r.di.li:/ [] , ׷Ƿ, ׷. (װͿ)


022. ac.count/ə.káunt/[.īƮ ́]

[] , , û, (: a/c);


how many accounts/ə.káunts/[.īƮ ́]

do you have at the bank?

/ ࿡ ° ֽϱ?


[] ϴ, ϴ. ϴ(for), ( ) .


this fact accounts/ə.káunts/[.īƮ ́] for his ignorance.

/ Ƿ װ ˰ڴ.


*ac.count.a.ble/ə.káun.tə.bl/ [] å ִ, ظ ǹ ִ, ִ

*ac.coun.tant/ə.káun.tənt/ [] ȸ, ȸ, () ȸ


023. ac.cu.rate/́k.jə.rit/[^ ́.̾.()]

[] Ȯ, , ƴ,


is/iz/[] your/ju:ər/[̿()] watch/wɑtʃ/[]

re.al.ly/rí:.əl.i:/[() ́..] accurate ?


*ac.cu.rate.ly/́k.jə.rit.li:/ [] Ȯϰ, ϰ, ϰ


024. ac.cuse/ə.kjú:z/[.Ű ́]

[] ()ϴ, ˸ , ϴ


we accused/ə.kjú:zt/[.ŰƮ ́] him of theft.

/ 츰 ׸ [ø ] Ƿ Ͽ.


*ac.cus.er/ə.kjú:.zər/ [] .


025. ac.cus.tom/ə.kʌ́s.təm/[.Ŀ^ƽ ́.]

[] ͼ ϴ, ϴ(to)


he ac.cus.tom.ed/ə.kʌ́s.təmd/[.Ŀ^ƽ ́.ҵ] his ears to the din.

/ ״ ͸ .


* : ܾ ̳ ȴ.

ed /t/ ȴ.

Ǵ ڸ Ѵ.


ܾ ڸ ˰ Ʒ .

google " howmanysyllables.com "

â 鼭 search dictionary " ´.

⿡ ʿ ܾ ´.


*ac.cus.tom.ed/ə.kʌ́s.təmd/ [] , , ͼ


026. ache/eik/[֟]

[] , ô, , ϴ(for; to), ٶ(for; to)


she aches/eiks/[֟彺] to see you.

/ ׳ ʸ ; Ѵ.


[] ,


i have an ache/eik/[֟] in my head.

/ Ӹ .


* : -ache ڿ پ ̾ 찡 . : headache


* : ־ 3Ī ̸ܼ鼭 簡 ̴

s(es) δ. ̸ 3 s Ѵ.


027. a.chieve/ə.tʃí:v/[.ġ ́]

[] ޼[]ϴ, () ̷


i have to achieve/ə.tʃí:v/[.ġ ́] my aim.

/ ̷ Ѵ.


*a.chieve.ment/ə.tʃí:v.mənt/ [] , ޼,


028. ac.id/́s.id/[^ ́.]

[] (߫),


rainwater is a very weak acid/́s.id/[^ ́.].

/ ſ 꼺̴.


[] ô , Ÿ. [syn.] sour. ȭ(); ¨, ɼ


i like to eat acid/́s.id/[^ ́.] fruit.

/ () Ա⸦ Ѵ.



029. ac.knowl.edge/k.nɑ́l.idʒ, ək.-/[^. ́.]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ()ϴ


he acknowledged/k.nɑ́l.idʒd/[^. ́.]

that he was wrong.

״ װ ߸ ߴ.


@ 030. a.corn/éi.kɔrn/[ ́.^()]

[] , .


it is an/ən/[] acorn/éi.kɔrn/[ ́.^()].

/ װ (ϳ) .


031. ac.quire/ə.kwáiər/[.ũ() ́]

[] տ ִ, (ȣз ) , *[] get(get) (Ǹ ) ϴ


he acquired/ə.kwáiərd/[.ũ() ́] a good [bad] reputation.

/ ״ ȣ[] ޾Ҵ.


* : ac.quire ܾ ϸ /ək.wáiər/ ȴ.

׷ Ǹ [.() ́] ȴ.


q ʴ°?

=> q qu/kw/ /k/

տ c /k/ Ǿ յڿ /k/ ȴ.

״ /ək.kwáiər/ ȴ.


׷  ġ ϱ /ə.kwáiər/ ȴ.


000. ac.qui.si.tion / ̀k. wǝ. zíʃ. ən /[ ^ .̀ . ́. ]

n. , , տ ; ( ) ǰ; Լ


i got a recent ~ to the library.

/ .


* : ac.qui.si.tion / ̀kwǝzíʃən /

==> / ̀k. wǝ. zí. ʃən /[ ^ .̀ . ́. ] (x)

==> / ̀. kwǝ. zí. ʃən /[ ^ .̀ ũ. ́. ] (x)


032. a.cre/éi.kər/[ ́.Ŀ()]

[] Ŀ( 4,046.8; : a.), (pl.) ,


one acre/éi.kər/[ ́.Ŀ()] is around 4,046.8.

/ 1 Ŀ 4,046.8. ̴,


*a.cre.age/éi.kər.idʒ/ [] Ŀ (), , ; Ŀ ȸ .

* : 6.8. ==> six point eight square meter


033. a.cross/ə.krɔ́:s/[.ũ()^́]

[] dzʼ[], , ,


he stood/stu:d/[L]

with[] his arms[()] across[.ũ()^́]

/ ״ ¯ ־.


[] , Ͽ


she/ʃi:/[] lives/livz/[()]

across the/ə/[] riv.er/rív.ər/[() ́.()].

/ ׳ dz .


@ 034. act/kt/[^Ʈ]

[] , ,, () ٹ


it was/wəz/[] an act/kt/[^Ʈ].

/ װ ̾.


[] ϴ, ( ) ô ϴ


act/kt/[^Ʈ] your best/best/[轺Ʈ]!

/ ּ ض!


* : a //[^]

[]ϰ Ͽ []Ͽ /e/[] /a/[]

ϳ .

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ǾѴ.

[] [] .

н ǻ ٿ ϳ 濡 ^ ȣ .


035. ac.tive/́k.tiv/[^ ́.M]

[] Ȱ Ȱ, ,


i wanted active/́k.tiv/[^ ́.M] help.

/ ٷ.


*ac.tiv.i.ty/k.tív.ə.ti:/ [] Ȱ, Ȱ, ൿ

*ac.tive.ness/́k.tiv.nis/ [] Ȱ, ؼ


@ 036. ac.tor/́k.tər/[^ ́.()]

[] , (). .: *[] act.ress(́k.tris)


he is an/ən/[] actor/́k.tər/[^ ́.()].

/ ״ ̴.


*ac.tress/́k.tris/ [] ()


037. ac.tu.al/́k.tʃu.əl/[^ ́..]

[] , *[] re.al(rí:.əl)

actual/́k.tʃu.əl/[^ ́..] money / ,

actual/́k.tʃu.əl/[^ ́..] stuff /(ڪ).


it was an actual condition.

/ װ ϳ ǻ̾.


*ac.tu.al.ly/́k.tʃu.əl.i:/ [] Ƿ, , , δ


038. a.cute/ə.kjú:t/[.ŰW ́]

[] īο, *[] obtuse(əb.tjú:s) ɰ( ); ݽ( ).


the situation is acute/ə.kjú:t/[.ŰW ́].

/ ´ ϴ.


*a.cute.ly/ə.kjú:t.li:/ [] īӰ; ݽ()ϰ; ϰ.


039. a.dapt/ə.d́pt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, [, , ]ϴ(modify)(for; from), (ȯ濡) ϴ


we need to adapt/ə.d́pt/[.^Ʈ ́] ourselves

to the new circumstances.

/ 츮 ο ȯ濡 ʿ䰡 ִ.


040. add/d/[^]

[] ϴ, ÷ϴ, ϴ


two added/́d.id/[^ ́.] to three makes five.

/ 3 ϸ 5 ȴ. 3+2=5


*add.ed/́d.id/[^ ́.]


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!