͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (148)(W)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-08-02 1:41:13 | ȸ : 703

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (148)(w)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (148)(w) (041-060)


w ==


@ 041. weird/wiərd/[()]

[] (sc.) , (Ư) ҿ ( w-) (fates)

[] , Ұ, ƴ, , ù


at first,

people looked

at him weird/wiərd/[̾()].

/ ó ׸ ̻ϰ Ҿ.


@ 042. wel.come/wél.kəm/[ ́.]

[]  ʽÿ, ̼


welcome/wél.kəm/[ ́.]


/ ٳ̽ϱ.


[] ȯ, ȯ, ȯ λ, [] ִ Ư



received [had]

a warm welcome/wél.kəm/[ ́.].

/ ״ ȯ ޾Ҵ.


[] ȯϴ, Ⲩ ϴ[޾Ƶ̴]


the actors were

welcomed/wél.kəmd/[ ́.ĵ]

by large crowds.

/ ȯ ޾Ҵ.


043. weld/weld/[ٵ]

[] , , , (κ)

[] ϴ, []Ű, () սŰ, ġ



did you learn

to weld/weld/[ٵ] ?

/ ϴ ?


044. wel.fare/wél.fɛ̀ər/[ ́.() ̀]

[] , Ļ,

[] (ȸ) , , ޴


i am

a welfare person.

/ ް ִ ̴.


@ 045. well/wel/[]

[] , ( ) (), , [ ] , () ո , ( հ ) dz[ä] , (°Ⱑ )

[] ھ , (Ű), ġ ( ) ġо


tears welled/weld/[ٵ]


in his eyes.

/ .


[] (better[bétər]/best[best]) , , Ǹϰ, ˸°, ٷ



slept well/wel/[]

last night.

/ [].


046. went/went/[Ʈ]

[] go


@ 047. were/wə:r/[()]

[] be ( (2Ī ܼ) ܼ )


*we ́re/wiər/[()] == we are .

*werent/wə:rnt/ == were not .


@ 048. west/west/[ֽƮ]

[] ( the ) (), , , []

[] [, ] , dz[]

[] ʿ[, ]


*west.bound/wést.bàund/ [] (: w.b.).

*west.ern/wés.tərn/ [] [κ, , (w-) , , [] () , , ( w-)̱α,

*west.wards/wést.wərdz/ = westward. [] ϴ; .

[] η, .


@ 049. wet/wet/[]

[] (-tt-) , (ֱⰡ) . *[] dry(drai), , (Ʈ ) ĥ


wet paint!

/ Ʈ ĥ()


[] , ü, , (the ) õ, , 񳻸.


come in

out of the wet/wet/[].

/ ÿ.


[] (p., pp. , ted; ting) ̴, ô, δ, þ ϴ[ð ϴ]


my kid


his bad.

/ ְ մ.


@ 050. whale/hweil/[]

[], (Ӿ) Ž彺[, ϴ]


@ 051. what/hwɑt/[]

[]ǹ: ־μ, [], (),





/ ̰ ΰ?


*what.ev.er/hwɑt.év.ər/ [] ϴ[] ̵,

[] ϴ , ϴ  -

*whats/hwɑts/ == what is, what has .


@ 052. wheat/hwi:t/[̟]

[] ()


@ 053. wheel/hwi:l/[]

[] (pl.) (̱Ӿ) ڵ, ޸ ⱸ[] (ڵ) ڵ


*wheel.chair/hwí:l.tʃɛ̀ər/ [] ( ڿ) ޸ , ü


@ 054. when/hwen/[]




were you


/ ʴ ¾.


*when.ev.er/hwen.év.ər/ [] ,


@ 055. where/hwɛər/[()]

[]ǹλ, , ,



do you

live (in)?

/ ?


*where.a.bout/h́ər.ə.bàuts/ []ǹ().ϴ [].

[] ִ , ; .

*where.as/hwɛər.́z/ [] ӿ Ͽ, ߿,

[] ( ) (), ܼ(ӣ)()

*wher.ev.er/hwɛər.év.ər/ []ǹ ϴ []

*where.fore/h́ər.fɔ̀:r/ []ǹ , ׷Ƿ

[] ( pl.) ,

*wheres/hwɛərz/ == where is[has] .


056. wheth.er/hwé.ər/[ ́.()]

[] (, ), ̵(ƴϵ),̵( )


it is

not certain

whether/hwé.ər/[ ́.()] he will come (or not).

/ װ Ȯġ ʴ.


@ 057. which/hwitʃ/[]

[]ǹ (, )


which/hwitʃ/[] is


/ ΰ?



[] : εϴ ̵() (any one that).

: 纸 Ÿ λ ̲() [][] ϵ


[] : εϴ , ̵ (any _ that).

: 纸 Ÿ λ εϿ () - Ͽ

ǹ ü ()


@ 058 while/hwail/[]

[] ( a ) , ð,

[] ~ϴ , ѵ; ϸ鼭



theres life,

theres hope.

/ (Ӵ) ִ ִ.


059. whim.per /hwím.pǝr/[ ́.()]

[] , ½̴ Ҹ; ּ; ź,

[] () Ƶȣϵ, óϰ ; ½̴, ϼҿϴ


my baby in a bed nearby

began to whimper.

/ ħ뿡 ִ ̰

װŸ ߴ.


060. whirl/hwə:rl/[()]

[] , ȸϴ, ȸϴ,  ׸ , ٲٴ


the dancers


around the floor.

/ ߸ Ҵ.


*whirl.pool/h́:rl.pù:l/ [] ҿ뵹; ȥ, ҵ; ̴



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!