͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (060)(G)

LV47 alexҹ

2021-02-25 5:04:53 | ȸ : 776


< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (060)(g)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (060)(g) 061~083


g ===


061. graph.ic/gŕf.ik/[()^ ́.]

[] ׸[ȸȭİ(ʾ)], ׷ ,


i heard of

a graphic/gŕf.ik/[()^ ́.] story

of the di.sas.ter/di.zǽs.tǝr/[.^ƽ. ́.()]

from him.

/ ׷κ ̾߱⸦ .


062. grass/grs/[()^ƽ]

[] Ǯ (pl.) Ǯ [ٱ]


*lawn/lɔ:n/[()^]/ܵ, weed(s)/wi:d(z)/[()]/


063. grave/greiv/[()]

[] , й,


@ 064. gray, grey/grei/[()]

[] ȸ, , ǥ[] , ȸ ׸

[] ȸ, , (Ȼ) â


my grandpas hair is


/ Ҿƹ Ӹ ȸ̾.


@ 065. great/greit/[()]

[] []; (the s) Ǹ[, ] . ü

[] ū, (,,) *[] lit.tle(lít.l) *[] big(big)


he is

a great/greit/[()] man.

/ ״ ̾.


*great.ly /gréit.li:/ [] ũ, , ſ


066. greed.y/grí:d.i:/[() ́.]

[] (greedier; -iest) , Ž彺(for; of). ϴ, ٶ(of; for). ϰ ϴ (to do).


he is

a man

greedy of money.

/ ״ ۿ 𸣴 ̴.


@ 067. green/gri:n/[()]

[] ʿ, Ǯ, () ܵ, ȷ

[] , ʷ, ̽ϰ Ǫ, Ǫ ,


the leaves are

bright green/gri:n/[()].

/ ٵ ̴.


* : (߲) / r.g.b. = red(), green(), blue(û)


068. greet/gri:t/[()]

[] - λϴ



greeted/grí:t.id/[() ́.] them

with cheers [a smile].

/ 츰 ׵ ȯȣ[̼] Ͽ.


*greet.ing/grí:t.i/ [] λ, ( pl.) ( ) λ縻


069. gro.cer.y/gróu.sər.i:/[()ο ́..()]

[] ķǰ()



have to buy

some groceries/gróu.sər.i:s/[()ο ́..()̽].

/ 츰 ķǰ Ѵ.


070. gross/grous/[()ο콺]

[] ׶, ū, Ÿ, ü, Ѱ


how much is

the gross/grous/[()ο콺] amount?

/ Ѱ谡 ?


[] Ѱ, ü


how much is

the gross/grous/[()ο콺]?

/ Ѱ谡 ?


@ 071. ground/graund/[()]

[] , , ٰ, () о



found her

lying on the ground/graund/[()].

/ ׳డ ٴڿ ִ ߰ߴ.


[] ʸ δ, ʺ[] ġ(in). grind źл


a plane was

grounded/grɑ́un.did/[() ́.].

/ 밡 ߴ.


@ 072. group/gru:p/[()X]

[] , ׷, (ӥ) ( ں) ׷


@ 073. grow/grou/[()ο]

[) (grew [gru]; grown [groun]) ϴ, (Ĺ) , ( ) Ͼ


grow/grou/[()ο] up

to be

a fine gen.tle.man/ʤén.tl.mən/[ ́.Ʈ.].

/ Ǹ Ż簡 ǰ ڶ!


*grow.ing/gróu.i/ [] ϴ, ϴ, , ϴ

[] , , , ߴ


074. guar.an.tee/g̀r.ən.tí:/[^ ̀.().Ƽ ́]

[] , (), ()


wealth is

no guarantee/g̀r.ən.tí:/[^ ̀.().Ƽ ́]

of happiness.

/ (ݣ) ູ ƴϴ.

[] ϴ, Ǵ


i guarantee

to prove

the truth of my words.

/ մϴ.


075. guard/gɑ:rd/[()]

[] , ȣ, , , ,̱ () ݴ , ȣ

[] ( ) ȣϴ, ȣϴ, , ϴ, ϴ


the prisoner was

guarded/gɑ:r.did/[() ́.]

night and day.

/ δ 㳷 ø ޾Ҵ.


* : guard ܺο ݸ(̰) . protect ޾Ƴ[] ʵ ϴ 찡 :


guard a prisoner ˼ ϴ. guard a secret Ű.

defend Ͽ, ļ Ű:

defend ones country Ű.


protect ܺ Ÿ κ ȣϴ.

preserve ¸ ϱ ؼ Ű:

preserve game () ȣϴ.


076. guess/ges/[]

[] ()ϴ, ̷ Ƹ

[] , ,


can you


who that man is?

/ ƴ°?


*guess.(ing) /gés.i/[ ́.]


077. guest/gest/[Ʈ]

[] (), , ( ) Ư ⿬, ϼ

the guest is

the king

in our store.

/ 츮 Դ մ ̽ô.


078. guide/gaid/[]

[] ȳ [] ȳϴ, εϴ

[] ȳϴ, εϴ(to); εϿ() ϴ(through).



guided/gɑ́id.id/[ ́.] us

into the shop.

/ ׵ 츮 ȳ Ͽ.


*guide.book/gáid.bùk/ [] ȳ(), ̵ .

*guid.ed/gáid.id/ == guide , źл.


079. gui.tar/gi.tɑ́:r/[.Ÿ() ́]

[] (DZ) Ÿ


playing the guitar/gi.tɑ́:r/[.Ÿ() ́]

is not easy.

/ Ÿ ġⰡ ʴ.


@ 080. gum/gʌm/[^]

[] , ո


what happens

if you swallow

a chewing gum?

/ (ô ) Ű  ɱ?


@ 081. gun/gʌn/[^]

[] , , ,


082. guy/gai/[]

[] () , , ģ



come over


/ ̸ !


083. gym/ʤim/[]

[] ü



go to the gym/ʤim/[]

to ex.er.cise/ék.sər.sàiz/[ ́.(). ̀]


/ Ϸ ü .


*gym.na.si.um/ʤim.néi.zi.əm/ [] ü, dz ü

*gym.nas.tic/ʤim.ńs.tik/ [] ü[ü]; (ü) ܷ[] ϴ.

*gym.nas.tic.al/ʤim.ńs.tik.əl/ [/] Ʒ, ܷ,

*gym.nas.tic.al.ly/ʤim.ńs.tik.əl.i:/ [] ü


========== the end







[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!