͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (010)(A)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-12-27 12:46:11 | ȸ : 953


< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (010)(a)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (010)(a) 181~200


a ===


181. at.tempt/ə.témpt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] õϴ, ϴ. *[] try(trai) (θ ) , ϴ



attempted/ə.témp.tid/[. ́.]

to solve the problem.

/ 츰 Ǯ Ͽ.


[] õ, (to do; at a thing), () , (on).̼


an attempt/ə.témpt/[.Ʈ ́] at murder

/ ̼.


182. at.tend/ə.ténd/[.ĵ ́]

[] ϴ, ߵ, () ϴ, ûϴ(to), ̴(to)



have to attend/ə.ténd/[.ĵ ́]

a meeting.

/  ӿ ؾ .


*at.tend.ance/ə.tén.dəns/ [] (Ȳ), (at), () , ȣ

*at.tend.ant /ə.tén.dənt/[. ́.Ʈ] [] , ϴ, ,

[] ߵ , , , ݹ.

*at.ten.dee/ə.tèn.dí:/ [] ,


183. at.ten.tion/ə.tén.ʃən/[. ́.]

[] , , Ƿ, , óġ


attention/ə.tén.ʃən/[. ́.],


/ в ˷ 帮ڽϴ.


184. at.ti.tude/́t.ə.tjù:d/[^ ́..ƼL() ̀]

[] () µ, ()


what is

your attitude/́t.ə.tjù:d/[^ ́..ƼL ̀]

to the problem?

/ Ѱ?


185. at.tract/ə.tŕkt/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] , *[] dis.tract(dis.tŕkt)


a magnet

attracts/ə.tŕkts/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]


/ ڼ 踦 .


*at.trac.tive/ə.tŕk.tiv/ [] ; ŷ, ֱִ.

*at.trac.tion/ə.tŕk.ʃən/ [] () , Ȥ(for),

*at.tract.ed/ə.tŕk.tid/[.Ʈ()^. ́()] źл


186. au.di.ence/ɔ́:.di.əns/[^ ́..]

[]û(), , ȣ, (ȣǰ )


the audience/ɔ́:.di.əns/[^ ́..] was


/ û ߴ.


* : /ɔ/ []ϴ Ʒ ߸鼭 [] Ѵ.

[] [], ѵ ƴϸ鼭 Ѱ Ǿ Ѵ.


@ 187. au.gust/ɔ́:.gəst/[^ ́.ŽƮ]

[] 8(: aug.)


august/ɔ́:.gəst/[^ ́.ŽƮ] is

sum.mer/sʌ́m.ər/[^ ́.()].

/ 8 ̴.


* : google 빮 ǥĢ (capitalization/punctuation rules) .


@ 188. aunt/nt/[^Ʈ]

[] ָӴ(̸, , , ) .


she is

my aunt/nt/[^Ʈ].

/ ڴ ̸(, , )̴.


189. aus.tral.ia/ɔ.stréil.jə/[^.Ʈ() ́.̾]

[] Ʈϸ, ȣ(ĸ the commonwealth of )


i in.tend/in.ténd/[.ĵ ́]

to vis.it/víz.it/[ ́.] australia/ɔ.stréil.jə/[^.Ʈ() ́.̾]

this year/jiə:r/[̾()].

/ ȣָ 湮 ȹ̴.


* : ear /iə:r/[̾()]

year /jiə:r/[̾()]==>[̿()] д .

y տ /j/[] [] .

ڷ ǥ Ѱ谡 ִ. ѱ 並 鼭 Ҹ

Ҹ() ȴ. ѱ Ҹ 鸮 ʰ ش.


190. aus.tri.a/ɔ́:s.tri.ə/[^́.Ʈ().]

[] Ʈ


i will

visit austria/ɔ́:s.tri.ə/[^́.Ʈ().]

this year.

/ ȣָ 湮 ȹ̴.


191. au.to/ɔ́:t.ou/[^i ́.]

[] (pl. s) () ڵ


* : /ɔ/[^] :

[]ϴ ٽ Ʒ Ʈ鼭 []Ѵ.


[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̶ Ѵ.

ο Ͽ Ʒ ; Ѵ.

[] [] ̴ Ѵ.


* : [au, aw, a, o ] ´.

*au.to/ɔ́:t.ou/[^i ́.] law/ɔ/[()^] call/kɔ:l/[^]

or.gan/ɔ́:r.gən/[^́() ́.] thought/ɵɔ:t/[^i()]


*au.to.mate/ɔ́:t.ə.mèit/ [] [ڵ]ȭϴ, ڵ ġ ߴ, ڵȭǴ

*au.to.mat.ic/ɔ̀:t.ə.ḿt.ik/ [] (ġ ) ڵ

*au.to.mat.ic.al.ly/ɔ̀:t.ə.ḿt.ik.əl.i:/ [] ڵ

*au.to.ma.tion/ɔ̀:t.ə.méi.ʃən/ [] ̼, () ڵȭ


00 au.to.bi.og.ra.phy /ɔ̀:t.ə.bai.ág.rə.fi:/[^i ̀... ́.().]

[] ڼ; 󰇆 () ; ڼ .


*au.to.bi.og.ra.pher /ɔ̀:t.ə.bai.ág.rə.fər/ [] ڼ ۰.


@ 192. au.tumn/ɔ́:t.əm/[^i ́.]

[] , ߰(̱ 91011) ̱(fall).




fall.en/fɔ́:l.ən/[^ ́.] leaves

ev.er.y/év.ri:/[ ́.()] autumn/ɔ́:t.əm/[^i ́.].

/ ų .


* : Ʒ ģ Ϳ а غ.

ѱ ؼ ǥϴ°?


i collect/kə.lékt/[Ŀ.()́]

fall.en/fɔ́:l.ən/[^ ́.] leaves

ev.er.y/év.ri:/[ ́.()] autumn/ɔ́:t.əm/[^i ́.].


* : leaves ==> leaf .

spring() summer() autumn/fall() winter(ܿ)


193. a.vail.a.ble/ə.véil.ə.bl/[. ́..]

[] ̿ ִ, ִ ȿ


is it


available/ə.véil.ə.bl/[. ́..]?

/ װ ȿ()մϱ?


194. av.e.nue/́v.ə.njù:/[^ ́..Ͽ ̀]

[] ū,̱(ȭ) ū Ÿ

/ ave.


195. av.er.age/́v.ər.idʒ/[^ ́..()]

[] (ġ); ,ؼ(), ؼ δ: general


he has


above the average/́v.ər.idʒ/[^ ́..()].

/ ״ ִ.


[] , .



under average/́v.ər.idʒ/[^ ́..()] prices.

/ װ Ͼ.


[] [պ]().



averages/́v.ər.idʒs/[^ ́..()]

eight hours work a day.

/ ״ Ϸ 8ð ۾ Ѵ.


196. a.void/ə.vɔ́id/[.^() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ


i could

not avoid/ə.vɔ́id/[.^ ́]


/ ϴ .


197. a.wake/ə.wéik/[.֟() ́]

[] (p., pp. a.woke[ə.wóuk]) () , ߰ ϴ



awoke/ə.wóuk/[.V ́]

with a start.

/ ¦ .


[] ִ, () ˾ä, () ڰϰ




awake/ə.wéik/[.֟ ́].

/ ״ ä ־.


198. a.wait/ə.wéit/[.֟() ́]

[] () ٸ, ϴ(wait for), ϴ(expect). (ϰ) ٸ, ϴ.



await/ə.wéit/[.֟ ́]

your reply.

/ ڳ ȸ ٸ.


@ 199. a.way/ə.wéi/[. ́]

[]ġ̵, ָ, , յ,



away/ə.wéi/[. ́]!

/ !


200. aw.ful/ɔ́:.fəl/[^ ́.]

[] η, ù; () ϴ, ()


i was

an awful/ɔ́:.fəl/[^ ́.] fool.

/ ٺ.


[] () , .



awful/ɔ́:.fəl/[^ ́.] glad.

/ ڴ.


*aw.ful.ly/ɔ́:.fəl.i:/ [] , ηư, () , ô,


00 ay/ai/[]

[] !ǥ . !

ay(e), ~, sir! .

============================ the end









[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!