͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (084)(M)

LV47 alexҹ

2020-09-29 11:50:08 | ȸ : 837

< ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (084)(m)



(ܾ, ȣ, ѱ )




1. ȣ, ѱ 並 ּ .

2. smartphone ܾ ĺ !

3. Ҹ() ѱ 並 ٽ 鼭 ū Ҹ .

4. ܾ ū Ҹ .


5. ܾ ̷ !

ǥ(.) ִ ,

ִ (ѱ 並 ũ Ͽ) .

ѱ 並 ٿ ٿ ״ θ .


=== ȸ ĺ 20 ܾ ø. ===


mr. paks < ޿ Ʈ 4õ > (084)(m) 101~120

m ===


@ 101. mor.ning/mɔ́:r.ni/[^() ́.]

[] ħ, , (þ) (dawn)


see you

tomorrow morning[^() ́.]!

/ ħ !


@ 102. mos.qui.to/mə.skí:t.ou/[.Ű ́.]

[] []


i was bitten

by a mos.qui.to[.Ű ́.]

so im itchy.

/ ⿡ ƴ.


* : [Ű](x) [.Ű ́.](x)

ѻ ȣ ܾ ״ ű

 ٸ ʴ 찡 ִ.


ѻ : mos.qui.to/məs.kí:.tou/[ӽ.Ű ́.] ٸ.

̷ ͵ ۸ ȴ.


103. most/moust/[콺Ʈ]

[]many Ǵ much ֻ

( ) ū[], ִ[ְ]. [opp.] least.




(the) most/moust/[콺Ʈ] prizes.

/ ״ .


, κ.


most/moust/[콺Ʈ] people

/ κ



( the ) ִ뷮[], ִѵ[ݾ].


this is

the most/moust/[콺Ʈ]

i can do.

/ ̰ ִ ѵ.




most/moust/[콺Ʈ] arabic speakers



/ ƶ ϴ κ Ʈ Ѵ.


; .


he spends

most/moust/[콺Ʈ] of his time


/ ״ κ ð .


(the ) (̱Ӿ) ְ [].


the movie was

the most/moust/[콺Ʈ].

/ ȭ ְ.


[]much ֻ

, .



troubles me

(the) most/moust/[콺Ʈ].

/ ̰ ϴ.


the Բ 2 ̻ λ տ ٿ ֻ , ִ


the most/moust/[콺Ʈ]

idable enemy

/ η .


the ʰ , ſ,


a most/moust/[콺Ʈ]

beautiful woman

/ ſ Ƹٿ .


almost (̱) .



appeals to most/moust/[콺Ʈ]


/ Գ .


Ī Ϻη ̴ .



gracious king [queen]

/ ںο [ ].


@ 104. moth.er/mʌ́.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] Ӵ


105. mo.tion/móu.ʃən/[ ́.]

[] , ̵, Ȱ, ( ) ,

[] ˸



motioned/móu.ʃənd/[ ́.] me

to the seat.

/ ڸ ˷ȴ.


106. mo.tive/móut.iv/[W ́.()]

[] , , , ( ǰ)

[] ̴, [ൿ] Ⱑ Ǵ, Ⱑ Ǵ


the spiritual strength is

just the motive/móut.iv/[W ́.] power

of victory.

/ ŷ ٷ ¸ ̴


107. mo.tor/móut.ər/[W ́.()]

[] , ߵ, , , ڵ


108. mo.tor.cy.cle/móut.ər.sài.kl/[W ́.().̀ ̀.ũ]

[/] , ( Ÿ)


109. mot.to/mɑ́t.ou/[ ́.]

[] (pl. (e)s) , ǥ, ¿, ݾ, ݾ(maxim).


@ 110. moun.tain/máun.tən/[ ́.]

[] (pl.) , (ߣ), ټ, ٷ


@ 111. mouse/maus/)[]

[] (pl. mice[mais]) , , Ϳ


@ 112. mouth/mauɵ/[()]

[] (pl. s[mauz],s [mauɵs]) ( pl.) ļ,


@ 113. move/mu:v/[Y()]

[] ̴, ̵Ű, ̴


i moved/mu:vd/[Y] in

this apartment

last year.

/ Ʈ ۳⿡ ̻ Դ.


@@ mov.ing (mú:v.i) move л, ,


@ 114. mov.ie/mú:.vi:/[ ́.]

[] () ȭ, ( the ) ȭ, (the s) ȭ, ȭ


@ 115. mr. /mís.tər/[̽ ́.()]

[] (pl. messrs. [mésərz]) , , , , ( տ ̴ Ī).


@ 116. much/mʌtʃ/[^]

[] (more [mɔr]; most [moust]) ߻ Ұ տ ٿ ٷ(), . *[] lit.tle(lít.l)


do you take

much/mʌtʃ/[^] sugar

in your coffee?

/ Ŀǿ ʴϱ?


[/]ܼ , ٷ( ),be μ; ̾ , ߿ []


i do not have

much/mʌtʃ/[^] money

on me.

/ ʴ.


@ 117. mud/mʌd/[^()]

[] , ý , (̱Ӿ) Źϰ


*mud.dy/mʌ́d.i:/ [] , â

[] ̷ ϴ[Ǵ], 帮 ϴ


118 mul.ti.ple/mʌ́l.tə.pl/[^ ́..]

[] , , ټ, پ, ,

[], (),


119. mul.ti.ply/mʌ́l.tə.plài/[^ ́..̀ ̀]

[] ø, 谡ϴǻϴ(by).


multiply/mʌ́l.tə.plài/[^ ́..̀ ̀]


by four

/ 5 4ϴ(5x4).


120. mur.der/mə́:r.dər/[() ́.()]

[] , л, () ſ [, ]
[] ϴ, лϴϴ, ϴ,


somebody tried

to murder/mə́:r.dər/[() ́.()] joe

last night.

/ joe ̷ õϿ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!