͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Mr. Paks ü(015)

LV44 alexҹ

2019-09-11 6:52:07 | ȸ : 799

Mr. Paks ü(015)

C ===


001. cab/kb/[ij^()]

[] ý(taxicab)


*Get/get/[a] a/ə/[] cab/kb/[ij^]! / ýø ƶ!


@ : Bab dab fab gab jab lab Mab nab tab

ܾ /-b/[-^()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

@ : cabby-bie /ḱb.i:/ [] () = CABDRIVER. ý


002. cab.bage/ḱb.idʒ/[ij^ ́.]

[] , ij


003. cab.i.net/ḱb.ə.nit/[ij^ ́..()]

[] , , (Ͽǰ ִ)


004. ca.ble/kéi.bl/[ij ́.]

[] (ö硤 ) ̺, ,

[]F.( Ļ絵 ִ) Ŀ,


@ : able fable sable table

ܾ /-éi.bl/[- ́.] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


005. caf.e.te.ri.a/k̀f.ə.tí.ri.ə/[ij^ۤ ̀..Ƽ ́.().]

[]̱ī׸( Ĵ)


006. cage/keidʒ/[ij]

[] , 츮


@ : gage page rage sage stage wage

ܾ /-eidʒ/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

R տ () ִ´.


007. cake/keik/[ij()]

[] ũ,


*I ate/eit/[֟] a piece/pi:s/[̽] of cake/keik[ij]. / ũ Ծ.


@ : cake fake jake lake make quake rake sake shake take wake

ܾ /-eik/[-()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

L տ (), R տ () ִ´.


008. cal.cu.late/ḱl.kjə.lèit/[ij^ ́.Ű.()() ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ߰ϴ


•The population of the city is

calculated/ḱl.kjə.lèit.id/[ij^ ́.Ű.()] at 150,000.

/ α 15 ȴ.


@ cal.cu.la.tion/k̀l.kjə.léi.ʃən/ [] (ϱ), ( ); ; .

@ cal.cu.lat.or/ḱl.kjə.lèit.ər/ [] (),


009. cal.en.dar/ḱl.ən.dər/[ij^ ́..()]

[] ޷, (), Ķ

*This is a new/nju:/[Ͽ] cal.en.dar/ḱl.ən.dər/[ij^ ́..()].

/ ̰ ޷̾.


010. call/kɔ:l/[^]

[] θ, (ƹ) ȭ ɴ


*Call/kɔ:l/[^] me to.mor.row/tə.mɑ́:r.ou/[. ́.()ο]! / ȭ!


@ call.ing/kɔ́:l.i/ [] θ, ħ, ȣ, ϱ Ҹ


@ : to.mor.row/tə.mɔ́:r.ou/[.^ ́.()ο] Ok!

to.mor.row/tə.mɑ́:r.ou/[. ́.()ο] Ok! ̱ .

̷ ܾ ȣ ص .

ѱο ڰ ϱⰡ . .


011. calm/kɑ:m/[ī]

[]〖〗, , ,

[] , ȭ, ٶ[ĵ] , ħ, () ö


*It is important to keep calm/kɑ:m/[ī] in an emergency. / ÿ ħ ʴ ߿ϴ.


[] (г롤) Ű, ޷,


*Calm/kɑ:m/[ī] down! / !.


@ : L ȴ. : palm/pɑ:m/, walk/wɔ:k/, half/hɑ:f/

Calm down!/ ! Come down!/ ! ǰ .


012. cam.er.a/ḱm.ər.ə/[ij^ ́..()]

[] (pl. -eras) ī޶, ; ڷ ī޶


*My dad gave me a new cam.er.a/ḱm.ər.ə/[ij^ ́..()]. / ƹ ϳ ̴ּ.


013. camp/kmp/[ij^]

[] () ߿, ֵ, () , (ꡤؾ ) ķ


*Let us go/gou/[] to camp/kmp/[ij^]! / 츮 ķ !


[] õ ġ, ߿[ķ]ϴ (ƹ 濡) ̴


*People/pí:.pl/[ ́.] camp in the woods/wudz/[L]

in the sum.mer/sʌ́m.ər/[^ ́.()].

/ ̸ ߿ Ѵ.


@ camp.ed/kmpt/ [] camp , źл


014. cam.paign/km.péin/[ij^. ́]

[] ķ, ȸ


015. can/kn/[ij^]

[] [] ┅ ִ, ┅ϴ ˰ ִ


*Can/kn/[ij^] I help/help/[] you/ju:/[̿]? / 帱?


[]̱ö, () (() tin). ݼ ü ׸


*I drank/drk/[()^ũ] a can/kn/[ij^]

of cof.fee/kɔ́:f.i:/[^j ́.]. / Ŀ ̴.


016. Can.a.da/ḱn.ə.də/[ij^ ́..]

[] ij( Ottawa).


017. can.cel/ḱn.səl/[ij^ ́.]

[] , , () ,〖ǻ〗

[] ϴ, ┅ , ϴ


*I want to cancel/ḱn.səl/[ij^ ́.] my appointment. / ϰ ʹ.


@ : L õ忡 ݵ ƾ Ѵ.


018. can.cer/ḱn.sər/[ij^ ́.()]

[]〖〗, , () (ȸ) ()


@ : ܾ r 缱( r ) ϰ ִ. : can.cer/ḱn.sər/, cart/kɑ:rt/

̱ r ϰԶ Ѵ.

R Ծ 𿡵 ʰ Ͽ ణ ش.


019. can.di.date/ḱn.də.dèit/[ij^ ́..() ̀]

[] ĺ, , ()ĺ,


020. can.dle/ḱn.dl/[ij^ ́.]

[] ,


*Light/lait/[()] a candle/ḱn.dl/[ij^ ́.]! / к Ѷ!


@ : [ĵ ́.](x) [ĵ ́.](x)


[ LV44 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!