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Mr. Paks ü(003)

LV44 alexҹ

2019-08-08 10:47:13 | ȸ : 839

mr. paks ü(003)



011. age/eidʒ/[]

[] , ô( )]

*he is my age. / ״ ̴.


*he is my/mai/[] age/eidʒ/[].


[] (p., pp. aged [eidʒd]; ag(e)ing) Ĵ, ϴ, ȭϴ

•grief ages us. / İ .


•grief/gri:f/[()礽] ages/eidʒs/[㽺] us/ʌs/[^ƽ].


012. a.go/ə.góu[. ́]

[/] (ݺ) ┅ *[] be.fore(bi.fɔ́:r)

*i met him two days ago. / Ʋ ׸ .


*i met/met/[] him/him/[] two days ago/ə.góu[. ́].


@ : met == meet/mi:t/[̟] , źл


013. ah/ɑ:/[ƾ]

[]. ƾ!(롤򡤿Ρź Ÿ).

*ah, but┅ / ׷ ̾┅ .


*ah/ɑ:/[ƾ], but/bʌt/[^] --


[] ƾơ ϴ ߼(ۡ).


014. air/ɛər/[()]

[] , ϴ, ,


*a bird is flying in the air. / ߿ ִ.


*a bird/bə:rd/[()] is flying/flái.i/[ ́.] 

     in the air/ɛər/[()].


@ : flying be is ȴ.


015. air.plane/ɛ́ər.plèin/[() ́. ̀]


*i came here by airplane. / Դ.


*i came/keim/ here/hiər/[()]

    by/bai/[] airplane/ɛ́ər.plèin/[() ́. ̀].


* : ܾ ܾ(air plane) ϳ ܾ Ǿ.

ο ̷ ൵ (air) .


016. air.port/ɛ́ər.pɔ̀:rt/[() ́.^()Ʈ ̀]

[] ,

*i go to the airport today. / ׿ .


*i go/gou/[] to/tu:/[] the/i/[]

air.port/ɛ́ər.pɔ̀:rt/[() ́.^()Ʈ ̀] today/tə.déi/[. ́]


* : the ə( ), i( ) д´.


017. al.bum/́l.bəm/[^ ́.]

[] ٹ(øǥø ); []ø; Ǻ ö

*i saw my old album. / ٹ Ҵ.


*i saw/sɔ:/[^] my old/ould/[] album/́l.bəm/[^ ́.].


@ : saw == see/si:/[]


018. all/ɔ:l/[^]

[] , , ü, () ┅ (only)

•come on in ~ of you! / !


•come/kʌm/[Ŀ^] on/ɔ:n/[^] in

all/ɔ:l/[^] of/ʌv/[^ۤ] you!


019. a.long/ə.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́]

[] ┅ , ┅ . ┅ȿ, ┅ϴ ߿.

*walk along this street. / () ɾ.


*walk/wɔ:k/[^] along/ə.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́]

this/is/[] street/stri:t/[Ʈ()]


[] , () . , Բ []

•move along, please! / ( ) ּ.


•move/mu:v/[Y] along/ə.lɔ́:/[.()^ ́], 



020. al.pha.bet/́l.fə.bèt/[^ ́..() ̀]

[] ĺ, ڸ()

*there are 26 letters in the english alphabet. / ĺ 26 ڰ ִ.


*there/ɛər/[()] are/ɑ:r/[ƾ()]

26 letters/lét.ə:rs/[()M ́.()] in the/i:/[]

english/í.gliʃ/[ ́.̾] alphabet/́l.fə.bèt/[^ ́..() ̀]


[ LV44 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
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