͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

Joke Ȱ!(Step 003)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-03-17 11:47:37 | ȸ : 206

 joke Ȱ!(step 003)

q :

does the sun always rise in the east ?



¾ ʿ ߴ°?


al.ways /ɔ́:l.weiz/[^ ́.]

ad. , , ׻

she works hard. ׳ Ѵ.

he is busy. ״ ٻڴ.

# always be 簡 ִ be ,

Ϲ 簡 ִ տ ´.


rise /raiz/[()]

vi. (rose [rouz]; risen [rízən])

Ͼ, Ͼ. (ȸ) ȸϴ, ȸϴ ( ) ,

() ; () .


@ arise þ, get up , rise ߰.


߼() : 03. Ǐ /i/[] :

/i/[] ѱ [] Ȯ [] ƴϴ.

Լ ణ и鼭 ª []Ѵ.

[], [] ̴̰ ϳ Ѵ.


* : [i +] Ǵ [+i+] ̷ .

*if/if/[] in/in/[] it/it/[]

sit/sit/[] milk/milk/[ũ] him/him/[]


[ ]

== those apples are particularly great this year.

/ Ư Ǹϴ. ==


those: (apples) ϴ ()


< ܷ> : ַ ǥ б ޶ ܾ

̷ neu.ro.sis /nju.əróu.sis/[.()ο ́. ý]

   n.Ű, ̷

Ʈ note /nout/[W] n. , , ޸

ٿ knock.down /ná:k.dàun/[.́ ٿ]

   a. Ÿϴ[ ], n.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!