͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

̽ å 5õ (027)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-01-04 12:54:51 | ȸ : 1139

̽ å 5õ (027)

== c (101) ~ (120) ==


(03) c ==


@ 101. cir.cle/sə́:r.kl/[() ́.ũ]

[] , , ,

make a ~/sə́:r.kl/! / ׷()!


*cir.cuit/sə́:r.kit/ [] ȸ, ȸ, ȸ,

*cir.cu.late/sə́:r.kjə.lèit/ [] , ȯϴ,  ϴ,


# cir.cum.stance/sə́:r.kǝm.st̀ns/[() ́..^Ƚ ̀]

n. ( pl.) Ȳ, ȯ; . (pl.) () ó, Ȱ .

󰆴 (incident), (fact)

his arrival was a fortunate ~. / װ ־ ̾.

the whole ~s / , .

depend upon ~s Ͽ ޸.

in bad needy, reduced, straitened ~s 츲 ˻Ͽ.

in comfortable easy, good ~s 츲 ˳Ͽ.

not a ~ to ̱Ӿ ʹ 񱳰 ʴ.

pomp and ~ dz

the procession advanced with pomp ɑnd ~. dzϰ ư.

under in any ~s ; Ǵ.

under in no ~s ־ ʴ.

under in such the, these ~s ׷̷ ().

with much great ~ ϰ.

without ~ ݽ ʰ, .


102. cite/sait/[]

[] οϴ(quote), ϴ(mention); ϴ; ( ) ϰ ϴ.

syn⟩ ⇨quote. () ȯϴ



[] ð(), , ϰ, ð, , Ǵ,

the ship came into sight/sait/. / 谡 þ߿ Դ.



[] ġ, ( ) , , (ǹ ) ,

the city has plans to redevelop the site/sait/.

/ ÿ Ҹ 簳 ȹ ִ.


* : c ڿ i /s/ Ǵ ȴ.

sight gh ̹ Ͽ.


103. cit.i.zen/sít.ə.zən/[ ́..]

[] ù̱Ϲ, ΰ(civilian)( Ͽ)


@ 104. cit.y/sít.i:/[ ́.]

[] , ȸ,

what ~/sít.i:/ do you live in? / () ֳ?


this is the city where i was born.

/ ¾ ̴.

λ(where) ̲ (the city) ٸִ

(where i was born) (where) (the city)

i was born in the city.


* : ̻ ܾ y

/i:/[], /ai/[] ȴ.


/i/[] Լ ణ и鼭 ª []ϰ

/i:/[] [-] 鼭 ٽ[-]Ѵ.

ȳ, ƴѰ ̷ ޶.


105. civ.il/sív.əl/[ ́.]

[] ù, μ, , ٸ

be more ~/sív.əl/ to me. / ǹٸ .

a ~/sív.əl/[ ́.] war / .


# claim/kleim/[ũ]

vt. (翬 Ǹμ) 䱸ϴ,

~ damages / 䱸ϴ. syn⟩ ⇨demand.

(ǹ) ̶ ϴ, ã, (Ź) ã(Ƴ)

does anyone ~ this umbrella? / ڴ ʴϱ?

(Ǹ) 䱸ϴ, ϴ.

vi. ( ) ûϴɑgɑinst; on; Ǹ ϴ; ǰ ϴon; for; ϴ

n. (翬 Ǹμ) , û(demand); û, Ŭ

we have put in the ~ to the maker.

/ 츮 ڿ Ŭ ´.

(䱸ϴ) Ǹ(right), ڰ(title)

we have no ~ on you. / 츮 ʿ 䱸 Ǹ

û; (Ư ) û


107. clap/klp/[ũ^]

[] (-pp-) ġ, ε帮, εġ (ջ) ġ, ڼäϴ

i ~.ped/klpt/[ũ^Ʈ] him on the shoulder.

/ ƴ.


@ 108. class/kls/[ũ^ƽ]

[] ( ) , , б, (pl.) (ȸ)

we have no ~/kls/ today. / .


*class.mate/kĺs.mèit/ [] ޻, ޿; â.

*class.room/kĺs.rù:m/ []


109. clas.sic/kĺs.ik/[ũ^ ́.]

[] (ǰ ) Ϸ, ,

we will have a ~/kĺs.ik/ event next week.

/ 츮 ֿ ( ) ̴.


# clas.si.fi.ca.tion/kl̀s.ǝ.fi.kéi.ʃən/[ũ^ƽ ̀...ij ́.]

n. з(), (), ; ޺, ޼, ű; з; ̱ () restricted, confidential, secret, top secret ; (Ĺ) з.

þclassify v.


in learning the principles of classification, therefore, well be learning about the structure that lies at the core of our language. (2022 ) (41)

з 鼭 츮 ٽɿ ִ Դϴ.


110. class.mate/kĺs.mèit/[ũ^ƽ ́.ş ̀]

[] ޻, ޿; â.

she was my ~/kĺs.mèit/ in highschool.

/ ׳ ϱ ޿쿴.


* : մܾ

ܾ ܾ ϳ [մܾ].

̶ ˾ƾ Ѵ.

: class.mate/kĺs.mèit/[ũ^ƽ ́.ş ̀]

room.mate/rú:m.mèit/[() ́.ş ̀]


@ 111. clean/kli:n/[ũ]

[] û, ,

cl~/kli:n/ up a.round/ə.ráund/[.() ́] your desk.

/ å ֺ ض.


*clean.er/klí:.nər/ [] () Ź , Ź , ûҺ

*clean.ing/klí:.ni/ [] û; Ź, Ŭ. (Ӿ) (), () .


*̱ : clean.er/klí:.nər/[ũ ́. ()]

<cleaner> google how many syllables

how many syllables in cleaner? 2 syllables ( )

divide cleaner into syllables: clean-er ( )

stressed syllable in cleaner: clean-er ()

how to pronounce cleaner: klee-ner ( )


112. clear/kliər/[ũ̾()]

[] , , ʴ, Ȯ

the road is ~.ed/kliərd/[ũ̾()].

/ δ ְ Ǿ.


*clear.ly/klíər.li:/ [] ȶ, и, ǽ , Ȯ


113. clerk/klə:rk/[ũ()ũ]

[] [], , ȸ


114. clev.er/klév.ər/[ũ ́.()]

[] , ȶ, ġ

he is a student ~/klév.ər/ at mathematics.

/ ״ ϴ л̾.


* : clever / ְ ְ Ӹ ġ ; .

׷ wise Ÿ 迡 ,

پ Ŀ Ǵ û .

bright / ذ Ӹ .

clever ط¿ .

adroit / ϴ ,

ؾ ִ, ƴ: an adroit politician / ƴ ġ.


*a.droit /ǝ.drɔ́it/ [] ϴ


# cli.mate/klái.mit/

n. . dz; ȯ, , (ȸ ) dz, ( ô) dz, ()

an intellectual ~ / dz

(Ļ ) , (region)

a dry humid, mild ~ / , ȭ


and a lot will go into repair of climate damage or adaptation to future climate damage for example, investing in new protective walls along the coast to keep the rising ocean back. (2017 ) (39)

׸ ظ ϰų ̷ ؿ ϴ ʿ Դϴ. ؼ ؾ ο ȣ ϴ Դϴ.


@ 115. climb/klaim/[ũ]

[] , ϴ

he ~.ed/klaimd/[ũӵ] up a tree.

/ ״ ö󰬴.


i would like to climb that mountain.

/ 꿡 ʹ.

־(i) + (would like) + (to climb that mountain)

(, )


* : m b Ǵ ִ.

* : numb womb tomb bomb comb limb lamb jamb dumb

crumb climb abomb plumb rhomb


@ 116. clock/klɑk/[ũ]

[] ð(Źð . ޴ ʴ )

my desk ~/klɑk/[ũ] rings at 6 oclock[.ũ ́]!

/ å ð 6 ÿ ︰.


*clock watch :

޴ ʴ (clock) ޴ϴ (watch) Ѵ.

̷ Ǿ?

͵ see look watch ؼ ϵ ð赵 .


*ð wall clock, *ոð wrist watch, *ָӴ(ȸ)ð pocket watch


@ 117(1). close/klouz/[ũ]

[] , , ; () . , . , ; () .

a nuclear/njú:.kliər/ war began

since the ~/klouz/ of the world war 2.

/ 2 κ ߴ.

[] () , ( ) ݴ

the committee have decided to ~/klouz/ the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ȸ ŸǷ have


the committee has decided to ~/klouz/ the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ȸ ü ܼ Ǿ has


*clo.sure/klóu.ʒər/ [] , , ; ; , ޾


* : su, si /ʒ/ = j /dʒ/ ==> [, ()]


@ 117(2). close/klous/[ũ콺]

[] (Ÿð) (near), (), (),

he is my ~/klous/ friend. / ״ ģ ģ.

[] Ͽ, °, , , ª, , ˼ϰ

it is ~/klous/ on ten oclock. / 10 ô.


*close.ly/klóus.li:/ [] Ͽ, ٽ, , ϰ


118. clos.et/klɑ́z.it/[ũ ́.]

[]̱ħ, , , , ; (); .

our clothes are in the ~/klɑ́z.it/. / 츮 ʵ 忡 ִ.

[] (), [], , ƴ.

cl~/klɑ́z.it/ the.o.ry/í:.ǝ.ri:/ / Ź.

[] (д ) () δ; (̳ ġ Ϸ) (ƹ) д ϴ(together; with); Ϳ () δ.

they were ~.ed/klɑ́z.it.id/[ũ ́..] with him.

/ ׵ ׿ д .


* : s /s/ /z/ ħ ٿ ʴ Ģ Ѵ.

, s ڿ /i/[] ħ .

*mis.sing/mís.i/[ ́.] ex.ces.sive/ek.sés.iv/[. ́.]


119. cloth/klɔ:ɵ/[ũ^]

[] (pl. s[-z,-ɵs]) õ, , ,


* : th /ɵ/() //() Ϸ .

th ϴ

ణ ̴ ô ϸ鼭 Լ ¿ ,

ġƿ ణ ¿ Ѵ.


@ 120. clothes/klouz/[ũY]

[] , Ǻ

fine ~/klouz/ make the man. / (Ӵ) .


*cloth.ing/klóu.i/ []Ǻ, Ƿ, Ǻ



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!